Friday, January 12, 2018

Week 14: Dale's biggest fan!

What a great class we had yesterday!

1)Ethan Day set the tone with his incredibly passionate book presentation.  I think Dale Carnegie should hire him as his public relations contact.  I bet each and everyone of you headed to your library to find the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People.  As we heard from Ethan, it is life-changing.  Thank you for the thorough and fantastic presentation.  I've personally thought about many of the stories and steps you mentioned.  
My hope is for everyone to have a transforming moment as you read your leadership books.  I can't wait to hear from everyone.  As you prepare for your presentations, read through the page in the binder that lists the questions you must answer.  Keep your presentations concise. (5-10 minutes)  Choose one or two things that really resonated with you as you read and share that!   Next week we will hear from Gabriel and Hannah.

2)In preparation for Parent Night, we learned about three of our country's greatest leaders' personal pursuits of improvement.  George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson were constantly working to improve their character and their advice has lived on.  For Parent Night, YOU will be writing your own leadership advice to share with the Parent Night crowd.  This should be a short phrase or sentence.  Base it on something you have learned or experienced over the course of your time during this first semester of Leadership class.
I've attached the documents that list samples from the Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson documents we used.
If you can't think of your own leadership advice, re-write and modernize one of the advisements from Washington, Franklin, or Jefferson.
We will share these in class on Thursday BEFORE Parent Night.

3) Also in preparation for Parent Night, it was revealed who would lead which activity!
Here are the results:
Valentine's Day Exchange - Tillie Blanchard
Scholar Spring Activity - Ethan R. And Ethan H.
Field Day - Ethan Day and Spencer Bullock
Shakespeare Bake Sale - Paige Preece
Scholar Retreat - Taylor Miller, Hannah Doolin, Noah Giovingo, and Gabriel Poyer
CONGRATS!!  We are looking forward to your plans!

-For Parent Night you will prepare a short blurb about your event.  This is your chance to sell your event and incite excitement.  This needs to be short, sweet, fun, and exciting.  WORK TOGETHER!  You only have a week for this.

4)Please come to Parent Night dressed very nicely.  NO JEANS!!!
Those of you who missed class will get a quick briefing on what we are planning.  So come prepared with your leadership advice and activity blurb!!! And don't forget how you will line-up to walk toward the stage.

If you need help, please email or text me (209-531-7133.)

5) I need to see volunteer hours for Hannah and Taylor.  You need at least 10 recorded on the tracking page in the binder. You can email or send me a picture of your page.
Noah needs to present his Leader in the News THIS Thursday.  It was a requirement to receive your ½ golden ticket.

Noah, Hannah, and Taylor, we missed you yesterday!! PLEASE email or text me if you have questions!!

6) Tillie, please come prepared to discuss your plan for the Valentine Exchange! (Look for my email to you.)

7) Don't forget you need to keep the momentum going for our Valentine candy grams!  SELL, SELL, SELL!


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