Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Miles and miles of paper chains

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving week.  Hopefully, you haven't stapled your fingers together while making your paper chains; ).

I must say that Thursday was a complete turnaround!  You were all so attentive and quiet.  You all took turns, volunteered, and were very pleasant.  THANK YOU!!!  I'm so glad Teacher Kellie made you those delicious cupcakes and let you eat them.  You deserved them.

We have finally nailed down our Christmas party plans and I think they are super terrific.
Here are the assignments that were made on Thursday:


Pajamas and Pancakes

Communications Committee - Trey and Katie B.
-Trey - make a sign-up sheet for toppings
-Katie B.- make 3 posters to hang in the FILA building
-Jennifer - send initial invite to FILA
-Katie B. and Trey - ANNOUNCEMENTS during lunch, email, facebook, etc

Variety Show/BINGO Committee - Emma and Benjamin
-Emma - recruit performers/line-up, etc
-Benjamin - figure out the details of the BINGO game
-Jennifer - acquire prizes

Candy Cane Hunt Committee -Kaleigh and Noah
-figure out logistics
-rainy day plan
-Jennifer - acquire candy canes

Pancake Committee - Merry, Katie D. , Adam, Dean, Kaleigh, Trey
-cooking - Merry, Katie D.
-food tables back-up - Adam and Dean
-whip cream application - Trey and Kaleigh
-Jennifer - acquire pancake mix, paper products, etc

Decor Committee - Merry, Teacher Kellie, Teacher Jennifer, Kaleigh, Trey, Noah, Adam, Dean, Emma, Katie D, Benjamin and Katie B
-EVERYONE - make snowflakes - bring them December 1
-EVERYONE - make paper chains - bring them December 1
-Jennifer - acquire wrapping paper for tables
-Jennifer/Benjamin- table decor

Hot Chocolate Bar - Student Government

Take note of the committees!  Yes, we will be discussing the good, the bad, and the best of committees next week.  So be ready to work with your committee and finalize your to-do lists!

Next week, we hope that Katie B. will be able to give her book presentation.  She has kept us waiting long enough; )!

Also, don't forget to secure a copy of Watership Down.  It is a quick read and a good leadership book.  And yes, it is about rabbits.  This book is due early next year.  That is right around the corner.

Please be working on your volunteer hours.  Teacher Kellie and I want to take all of you on a grand class adventure.  But in order to get your ticket, you need to complete all the class requirements.

Which reminds me, be thinking of what leadership characteristic you would like to teach us about.  The sign-up sheet is far from being full!

Thanks everyone!  Please complete your paper chains and snowflakes.  I can't wait to see them!

Teacher Jennifer

Monday, November 14, 2016

Do HARD things but DON'T let them eat cake :)

Hi Everyone,
I hope you know how loved you truly are.  Teacher Kellie and I LOVE you and working with you.  If we didn't love you so much, we would just let the class continue as normal and stop preparing lessons and class plans.  Chaos would ensue and we would just sit back and chat;).
But we LOVE you and want to see you succeed, so the Cake War of November 2016 had to happen.
We will start fresh and know that we can all show respect to each other!  

Besides Teacher Kellie launching cakes, Noah gave a thoughtful presentation on Thursday on the book, Do Hard Things.  I loved how inspired he was to accomplish goals after learning of the tremendous accomplishments of the book's author.  Great job, Noah!

This week, Katie Blanchard will present, and possible Merry, Katie D, and/ or Dean.  We will be all ears!

Trey will bring in an inspiring leadership quote, I just know it!

And finally, we need to FINALIZE a plan for our Christmas party!  I like your thoughts thus far!
Be ready to sign up for an assignment or many assignments.  
I think this is going to be the BEST Christmas party YET!!

Bring your ideas!  Wow, that's easy homework;)!

Also, be thinking of what leadership trait/ characteristic that you want to present on!  Try presenting on one that you need to develop.

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It's the most wonderful time of the year.....But Thursday was NOT!

Last Thursday, we had quite a class.  I'll leave it at that for now.

We started with an inspirational leadership quote from Kaleigh.  She was followed by Adam, Trey, and Benjamin who took us on a leadership path that included a trip into the psyche, a guide to war, and the ins and outs of making friends.  Great job, young men!

We then moved on to the Halloween debrief.  You did an excellent job pulling the Halloween party together, although, debriefing wasn't so excellent.  It was just a mush of negativity and no direction.  It set a low bar for the next debrief. I know we can do better.

For homework, you were assigned to brainstorm ideas for the Christmas party.  Come prepared to present them and think about what area of the party you want to work on prepping.  You can not repeat what you did in the Halloween bash.  So if you worked on decor, you can't do that for Christmas.  We want you to experience as many aspects of planning and management that you can, before you take on your own activity!

This Thursday, Katie Blanchard and Noah will present on their leadership books.
Katie Dial has the leadership quote.

I can't wait to hear your ideas regarding Christmas.  Think BIG!!

Also, I want to see a complete turnaround behavior wise this week. Last week was a complete disappointment!  You are leaders and scholars, I expect you to act appropriately.  Please do your best to control yourselves.

See you Thursday.