Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week 10 - Green Movement, Red Tie Simulation, and Candy Kickoff

We are slowly getting through the Green Movement debate.    It is such a great opportunity to receive personal feedback and to learn from the triumphs and mistakes of others.  We will finish it THIS week.  So those who have not presented, come prepared!

Great job on the simulation.  You all contributed in some way.  It was helpful to demonstrate how useful parliamentary procedure can be in getting stuff done!  The formality of it helps to push the meeting onward and hopefully upward.
Did you apply it to your lives?  Did you declare yourself president of your families?  Are you running all family meetings from now on?

THIS week is our big See's Fundraiser Kickoff at lunch.  We need all hands on deck during lunchtime!   Paige and John should be in contact with you this week (if they haven't already) regarding the awesome skit they are preparing.  The performance art class is unable to supply us with actors, so Paige, John, and Josh need YOU!!
Let's do our best to be enthusiastic, exciting, and engaging!  Let's make all the families want to hit the streets with their candy fliers, ready to sell their little hearts out!!
Also, Sage and Haley, be ready to work out the commercial.  We can dedicate a bit of class time to it.

And finally, you signed up for Christmas party committees.  Don't forget your assignment.  Start spreading the word about the party now.  Make it something that we are all dying to attend : ).

To dos:
1) Be ready to finish the Green Movement debate
2) See's Fundraiser kickoff at lunch
3) fundraiser commercial
    -present and discuss during class
4) Christmas party committees

Friday, November 7, 2014

Week 9 - Committees and candy

Any committee is only
 as good as the most knowledgeable,
determined and vigorous person on it.
There must be somebody who provides the flame.
- Lady Bird Johnson

It is very difficult to find a positive quote on committees!  But I know our Leadership Class committees are going to rise above the bad rep that most committees have and shine like a beacon for all other committees to emulate.

A committee is a meeting of the minds that produces the best results for the entity they represent.
A committee considers, investigates and acts.

With that being said, be working WITH your special committees this week.

- Flyer committee - David, Johnathan, Hannah
-Skit committee - Paige, Josh, John
-Commercial committee - Sage, Haley

We can't wait to see the results!!!

Also, next week is the big Red Tie Club meeting simulation.  Please come prepared so this meeting can run efficiently and smoothly.

1) complete your bylaws

2) be ready to present your part of the meeting
-David - President
-Treasurer- Paige
-V-pres - Hannah
-Secretary- John
-Unfinished biz- Johnathan
-New biz-(in form of motion) - Haley
-Standing committee- Sage
-Special committee - Josh

And finally, Teacher Jen will be back (hopefully) and we will proceed with the GREEN MOVEMENT debate.   So don't forget to come full of passion for your side.

Thank YOU!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 8 - Initiatives and Party Debrief

We started class reviewing the gun initiatives found in the WA Voter Pamphlet.  A lot of you were very well versed in the current laws and the initiatives.   It was neat to see your feelings and discussion for both sides. Looking at the pros and cons of the initiatives was a great practice for future debates.  Speaking of debates, make sure you have your Green Movement debate ready if you have yet to present. 
The Halloween carnival was a great success!  Amazing effort and follow through on your part.  The debrief reminded us that we always need more TIME and COMMUNICATION.  Thank goodness we have another shot at this : )!

PLEASE be thinking about our school fundraiser.  We will be embarking on this VERY SOON as a school, so our planning has to happen THIS WEEK.  Think of some great incentives, advertising techniques and other sales ideas that will enhance this fundraiser.  YOU will get to decide how a portion of the money earned is spent for the school!  You will be leaving a legacy : )!!

Finally, think ahead to our Christmas party!  What are you envisioning?  What resources are available to us?  What do we need to accomplish NOW to make it happen?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Green Debate and Party Details

Another week and another great debating session.  You are all making huge strides.  It was awesome to be able to comment and critique each debater immediately after they presented.  Thank you Teacher Jenn for that fabulous activity.

Also, another fine planning session with Teacher Becky.  You all brought great finalized ideas and plans to the table.  Hannah had a fine looking flyer that held just the right amount of info.  Jonathan's scary bunny mask is certain to be a hit with the LOL crowd.  David's spider webs will wow the core groups.  And Paige and Haley's games are second to none!!!  The costume contest will have people howling (in a good way.)  And the photo booth is going to send this party into the history books : )!!!

Don't forget to tie up all the loose ends of your assignments.  Make sure you PREP as much as possible!  This will make for a smoother party and less hiccups.

Assignments are as follows:

Spokesman - Becky
Photo booth, frames, etc - Sage
Coloring pages - Becky
Spider web art table - David
Mask art table - Jonathan/Josh
Fishing game - Paige
Bowling - Paige
Bean bag toss - Haley
Spoon race - Haley
Mystery boxes - Haley
Face painting - art class
Booth signs - Becky
Treat table - Jennifer
Scholar recruiter - Sage

A few reminders:
-Leave your 2nd hour class early to set up your booths.
-Our budge is only $25.  So spend WISELY!
-If you have helpers don't forget to REMIND them of what they are doing when.
-We are cleaning up : )!

I hope I'm not missing anything.
Thank you for all your great efforts with this party.  You truly are on your way to being great leaders!!

The electricity has already gone on and off 2x since I started writing this, so I am going to end it here.  Good luck and we will see you Thursday!!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Minutes, motions, and GREEN MOVEMENT

One word for you this week: IMPRESSIVE!!!

The Halloween party is coming together nicely!  You all stepped up and came to the table with ideas, inspiration and a willingness to make it happen!!  BRAVO!
And can I add that your motions were magnificent!!?

So......make sure you are working on your assignments.  Motions were made to see your prototypes, budgets, and ideas THIS Thursday.  Times a ticking and we only have two weeks until the big event.  The KIDS are going to LOVE it!

Flyer/Advertising : Hannah
Costume contest: Hannah/John
Choir: Ally
Photo booth: Sage
Carnival games:  Paige, Hayley
Mystery boxes:  Hayley
Kids activity tables : David and Jonathan
Scholar recruiting: Ally

Along with your party assignments, bring in your minutes from the meeting.  We want to see them.  Minutes are a great tool to have when tracking motions, assignments and other vital information discussed.

Also, don't forget the GREEN MOVEMENT!  You know your side, now come ready to fight it out.  Not really fight, but thoroughly defend!  As you prep pay particular attention to your clarity, audible pauses (ummm, so), volume, speed, inflections and pauses.

One more thing....
Have you been noticing all the campaign signs up EVERYWHERE?  Who are these people that are running?  Have you thought about WHY they are running?  Check out your mom and dad's Voters' Pamphlet and see if you can figure out their WHY?  Or are they all about the WHAT and HOW?  Extra credit if you bring in your findings to share!!! 

CONGRATULATIONS TO HALEY AND ALLY, the winners of our template design contest!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Green Movement and Green Goblins

Another great debate last week.  You are improving each week and  Thursday you will have another go at it!!  Have you been researching the "Green Movement?"  Start by answering who, what, where, when, why and how.  Ask people their opinions.  You have so many options to build your case for or against it!  Get moving!!!  Don't forget to work on your clarity, audible pauses (ummm, so), volume, speed, inflections and pauses.

Your Halloween brainstorming session was truly inspired.  You all offered ideas, solutions, and fervor to the planning meeting.   Don't forget to move forward on your assignment.  This week we will figure out all the details with our Event Coordinator, Becky Owen.

Assignments:  (I hope I didn't leave one out)
-Paige - carnival games (bowling, bean bag toss, fish pond, eyeball on spoon race)
-Jonathan - craft table
-Haley - haunted house
-Hannah - costume contest, announcements and food
-Ally - choir singing
-Saige - photo booth

Also, don't forget to develop a planning TEMPLATE for our future co-op event planning meetings. You can take ideas from the three you were given, or develop your own from scratch.  We will vote on the best one and the winner will win a prize!!! 

And hang on to your Red Tie Club bylaws!!  You'll need those soon.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ghosts, ghouls and extemporaneous debating

Great debate on Thursday!  Many improvements since the first debate of class.  This week will be an extemporaneous style debate.  Spur of the moment!  So get ready to think  and plan quickly.  Do this by reviewing your feedback from last week['s debate and work on improving, improving, improving!

Spiders, costumes, and ghosts should be swirling around in your head as you take on your first official assignment for FILA---the Halloween party.  Bring all your great ideas to class THIS THURSDAY!

Also, your list of personal leadership ethics and morals should also be swirling in that head somewhere.  Put your list to paper, please!  Be prepared to share one or two of them with everyone.

And finally DON'T forget your fabulous Red Tie Club.  It needs bylaws created by YOU!

It is better to debate a question without settling
it than to settle a question without debating it.
- Joseph Joubert

Monday, September 29, 2014

Week 3

What a great class we had!  
 You should feel fully prepared to develop and carry out a debate of any topic to anyone or anywhere!
Hopefully, you have been brainstorming and/or researching the debate topic for this week.
  "Would the world be more peaceful if each religion had its own continent?"  Such a thought provoking subject.  We can't wait to hear what streams forth from your stately mouths.

Have you thought about what "code of ethics or virtues" you want to develop for yourself?  Remember great leaders inspire through their actions and character.  NOW is the time to work on and develop the character YOU strive to have and that will complement your WHY.  And the character others will want to follow.  These lists will be discussed next week during class.  (October 9)  With extra time, we expect great things : ).  Inspire US!!!

Also, for all you members of the acclaimed Red Tie Club, don't forget to read the constitution and fill out your section of the bylaws.  Such an inspiring organization needs a strong and valiant constitution!  Wouldn't you agree?

RECAP - Great discussion and class last Thursday
          -Ready yourselves for the upcoming debate happening THIS Thursday (October 2)
          -Prepare a thought provoking short list of "virtues" you want to develop in your character to further inspire others to follow you (DUE October 9)
          -Read the constitution and fill out your section of the bylaws DUE October 2 (this Thursday)

"Never leave that till to-morrow which you can do to-day." - Benjamin Franklin

See you Thursday!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week 2

Have you been trying to pinpoint your parent's energy?  Are they Type 1 or Type 3?
Hopefully, you have already determined your main energy type and are using your new info to "get along" with others.

What a great bundle of info Teacher Christy shared with us!  We want to put this info to work as we further develop our leadership skills.
A great leader understands their team and how to best utilize their strengths and help with their weaknesses!  Keep this in mind as we begin to
plan, develop and carry out our future projects.

Don't forget to do your homework!  Genevieve has promised an AWESOME reward to those who complete all assignments.  We will be discussing
your answers and thoughts this Thursday. 

Please, try to watch the movie Miracle.  It is GOOD!!!  I promise!

Also,  plan to DEBATE the first hour!!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Great first class.

HOMEWORK:  Fill out your GOLDEN CIRCLE!  Develop your personal WHY!   Why should YOU be on a "student council" that LEADS co-op?  Be prepared to give an informal speech about your WHY, HOWS and WHATS during the next class.

Also, if you get the chance please watch the movie, MiracleMiracle (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It will give you some insight into a future discussion.
Miracle (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Miracle is a 2004 American sports docudrama about the United States men's hockey team, led by head coach Herb Brooks, that won the gold medal in the 1980 Winter...
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and OBSERVE, OBSERVE, OBSERVE leaders around you.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.

If you want to watch the TED talk we "viewed".....