Saturday, December 12, 2015

Ready, set, GO!

We can now check off Christmas party on our activity list! Woohoo!!!!
It went splendidly. The food drive was a success. Did you see the boxes filled to the brim? The talent show proved to be a stepping stone to Broadway for so many of the entrants! And the announcing was second to none. (Even without the helium!). And the white elephant gift exchange left at least one child in tears (that's the sign of a successful white elephant;))! And the snowflakes!!!!! Superb atmosphere! I almost thought I was in a winter wonderland (one filled with chaos and spills.). Overall, WELL DONE!
Thank you so much. Everyone was always asking for duties and pitching in wherever they could. Great, great sign of a leader. I hope you felt this activity ran so much smoother than Halloween. I truly did! You all really stepped up! Thank you!

So now YOU have your activity assignments! For the next three weeks I want you to brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm!
The power and control is in your hands. YOU get to shape this activity. Just keep in mind the "why" of the activity, whom it is geared for, what is available, etc, etc.
But also during your brainstorming, don't limit yourself, THINK BIG! Think HUGE!
I can't wait to hear your thoughts.

Here are the activity assignments:

Valentine's Exchange- Morgan and Katie

Scholar Activity- Logan

Shakespeare fundraiser - Morgan and Katie

Field Day- Adam

Scholar Retreat- Trey, Eric, Jared

-Also, speech writers, be ready with your complete speeches, and "fancy" them up!

-And don't forget to bring in a leadership quote or experience!

-And start working on your leadership presentations. Eric, you're up the second week we get back from break.

Have a fantastic break! We'll see you next year.

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Conclusions and Deconstruction of a Leader

Good morning, Leaders!

I don't think we thank you enough for doing such a great job!  I really appreciate your willingness to step up and lead activities, share ideas, announce the activities during lunch, give book reports, lead the news discussions, provide feedback, etc, etc....  You have been an incredible group to work with.  I have especially noticed a change in how our class communicates and relates to each other.  I LOVE  it!  GREAT JOB!!  We are all growing as leaders. THANK YOU!

Last Thursday, during third hour, Logan and Morgan handed in a rough draft of their speeches.  We were able to talk through issues and hopefully build stronger arguments.  We then worked on outlining the steps of writing a conclusion.

Teacher Genne gave us some great info.  Here is what I jotted down:

V. Re-state/re-tell thesis statement (optional)
    -summarize points
    -KNOW, FEEL, DO - challenge the audience, exhort them, ask a thought provoking question, repeat your most significant point and why
    -Final Clincher -
        -dramatic ending
        -return to beginning
        -answer first question you  asked in the intro
        -  quote
        - command


So for homework: write the conclusion to your speech!

In fourth hour, Jared gave a great interpretation of the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.  He used great examples in his presentation and pulled out three great and useful lessons for us all.  Remember, don't use criticism!  (I'm going to work on that!)

Jared's presentation draws to close our book report portion of our class.  I hope you each took some valuable lessons and information from your own book presentations and each other's.
Next, we are going to deconstruct a leader.  I gave each of you a set of questions to use in this process.  Pick one of your favorite leaders, or one of your least favorites.  Make sure you address all the questions on the handout.   I guarantee it will be fascinating to discover what really makes your leader tick.  Then be ready to give a 10-15 minute presentation on your findings to the class.  I really can't wait!!

Here is what the presentation schedule looks like:
Jan 14 - Eric (sorry, Eric!  This is what happens when you miss class. : ))
Jan 21 - Logan Miller - John Quincy Adams
Jan 28 - Katie Dial
February 4 - Adam Blanchard
February 11 - Morgan Miller
February 18 - Trey Miller
February 25 - Jared Peterson
And finally, the Christmas party is THIS WEEK!!!  I really hope that you have enjoyed having the POWER and CONTROL in our FILA activities.  It is one of the upsides to being a leader.   I hope these REAL -LIFE "simulations" have prepared you to head up your own activity next semester. 
So FINISH up your to-do lists for your committees!  Send out those reminder emails!  And be ready to spread some enthusiasm on Thursday!
In class, we will be debriefing this amazing event, CHOOSING your  activity to lead next semester, and brainstorming! Hopefully, we also get a chance to send you off to Christmas break with some bad puns!

Eric, we missed you!!!!

Monday, November 30, 2015

THE BODY and Party Committee TO-DOS

We finally conquered THE BODY of your speech writing!  So by now you should have a hook, transition to the thesis, a thesis, and a body made up of three topics with proper support.  Remember to fill your speech with ethos, logos, and pathos.  Make your audience believe, feel, and hear evidence.  NEVER use my or I in your speech!!

On Thursday, be ready to write your conclusion.  Everything up to that point should be completed.

During fourth hour, we enjoyed some news from CNN.  Our news discussions have really improved.   We were able to talk about more than the penguins. Woohoo for us!

Also, you got with your committees and made a list of your responsibilities and goals.  I hope you are working on those right now.  Be ready to report and finalize last minute details.  The party is NEXT WEEK!  Yes, NEXT WEEK!!

This Thursday, we get to hear from Jared.  He is going to present his book presentation.  I know we are all excited.  We are then going to hear about your next presentation.  It's going to be a good one.  We are also going to check in with how your class requirements are going. 
Everyone seems to be checking off boxes.

See you Thursday!  Work on your committee to-do lists!!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Podium and Merry "Whisk"mas

During third hour, Eric, Logan, and Morgan took on THE PODIUM.  They each delivered impromptu speeches and tried to control their body movements.  Eric convinced us to make the best of those "once in a lifetime days."  Morgan enthusiastically sold us an amazing blanket that doubles as an absorbent mop.  Sham-snuggie?  I am definitely going to buy the neon orange one.  And Logan persuaded us to never, ever venture near a pizza oven.  We definitely should just rely on the guys at Dominos.  They know what they are doing.
Great job!  Improvements were seen by all!!
1) Finish intro outline and draft of persuasive essay
2)Write transition to thesis of persuasive essay
3)Make power point or video (this is from the class requirements page)

During hour four, Adam delivered a presentation on his "mom approved" book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens.  He shared some great excerpts and insights from the book.  He said we all should read it.  And I think he didn't like to admit his mom was right about the book : )!!   Thanks, Adam!
Next week, Jared is up with his book presentation.  I predict it will be fantastic.

Lastly, we chose what we wanted to focus on for the Christmas party. Logan wants to have his hand in most things.
This is how we stand on the groups:
Talent Show: Trey, Eric, Logan
White Elephant Gift Exchange: Morgan, Adam, Jared
Baking Contest: Logan, Morgan, Adam
Service Project: Genevieve, Logan
Décor/Advertising/Refreshment Table: Katie, Jennifer
Santa's Workshop: Student Government

This Thursday during lunch ANNOUNCE, ANNOUNCE, ANNOUNCE!!!  Generate excitement for this event.  Get people to SIGN - UP!!!  I want to see HARD EVIDENCE of your work!!!  Come ready to update the class on what you did to prep for the party!  This means talent should be secured, bakers should be ready to bake, décor planned, everyone in FILA should know what kind of gift to FIND for the exchange, and everyone should know to bring food and plastic bags to donate for our service project!!
Also, feel free to EMAIL mentors, students, etc.  Let's build ENTHUSIASM!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Intros, Iguanas and White Elephants

We welcomed Morgan back to class this week and she told a TRUE story about a near iguana attack! We gave her feedback, which I know she will put to good use.
Then we hit the ground running in regards to the upcoming speeches all about some aspect of "the future."
Logan chose to focus on possibilities. Eric is tackling changes. And Morgan is going to explore careers.
Teacher Genne laid out the best way to introduce your speech. Everyone was able to brainstorm questions, research quotes, and brainstorm anecdotes.
For HOMEWORK- make a decision about which you will use to introduce your topic and then jump right in! Start outlining your speech!!

During 4th hour, Morgan presented on the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
She gave great self examples of principles from the book. Everyone appreciated her use of having classmates read quotes. And she highly recommends this book to EVERYONE! Great job, Morgan!

We then reveled in all the positive feedback we received from our fabulous Halloween bash!
But we also talked about what went wrong and what could've been better. It was the perfect time to turn in a written activity brief. I could really tell you put your whole heart and soul into these;). Thanks to those who turned them in.
Remember getting and giving feedback is the perfect way for us to grow and hone our leadership skills. We will take all this feedback and quickly apply it to our next event--Christmas!
Lastly, we brainstormed for our Christmas party. I think we came up with a really great game plan. Next week, we will break into focus groups to set it into action. Be thinking about what portion you want to see come to fruition.

-White Elephant Gift Exchange
-Talent Show
-Dessert Christmas Bake-off
-service project
-Craft room- (hopefully, student government can take this over)

-Choose a fictional leader for your leadership quote this week (ex-Dumbledore, Gandolf, etc). This is supposed to be fun:)
-Figure out what part of the Christmas party you would like to be involved with. (Or you will just be assigned a part.)

Also, next week Jared and Adam will present on a leadership book!! I know they can't wait.

Have a wonderful week!

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, November 2, 2015

Be heard, The Element, and Bash triumph

I hope you have all recovered from your marvelous activity making on Friday.  I am so proud of the work you did.  You all stepped up to make it happen!!!  I got a bit teary -eyed as I watched you all work so hard on the different aspects that brought it all together.  So much positive feedback has been given about your event.  GREAT WORK!!  Be ready with some positive and negative feedback for our debrief on Thursday!  We will apply it to our Christmas party in December!  We need to have a quick brainstorming session for Christmas ASAP!

During 3rd hour, after some hilarious jokes, Eric and Logan worked on projecting their voices to fill whatever their surroundings may be.  They stepped outside and combatted the elements and traffic noise to deliver their oral stories. Both did incredibly well and gave valuable feedback to each other.  HOMEWORK - prepare another oral story and apply feedback

Fourth hour focused on feedback - the good and bad of it.  We were treated to a book presentation from Logan regarding the book, The Element by Ken Robinson.  He quickly fessed up to NOT finishing the book, but was still able to deliver some interesting insight of the book and the idea of "the element."
We had a great opportunity to aid Logan by giving him our positive and negative feedback. (Remember always give 3x more positive than negative feedback!)

Morgan and Adam are up next with their book presentations.  I can't wait to listen to them and to YOU as you chime in with amazing feedback!!!

-be ready to DEBRIEF the Halloween activity by writing down some positive and negative feedback!  Part of your class requirements is to write an activity debrief and lead an activity debrief.  BE READY TO CROSS THIS OFF YOUR LIST : )
-be ready to BRAINSTORM for our Christmas activity!  It would be great for you to jot down your ideas before class.  It would be so awesome if you asked around and asked what your fellow FILA friends are looking for in a Christmas activity and apply it to your personal brainstorming session.
-Leadership quote or experience

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hook them, Huns and Halloween

  Just a brief recap of last week....
3rd hour - Another round of impromptu speeches.  Improvements all around!!
Please note the feedback and apply it to your next speech.

Homework: 1) Pick a topic about the future and create an outline for an introduction (FIND A HOOK) 2) Orally tell a story to someone 3) Choose and work on a Golden Microphone goal

4th hour -
Jared, GREAT job leading our news discussion!  It is getting so much smoother. 

Trey gave us a fantastic book report on Attila the Hun and his leadership practices.  It was such an interesting book and Trey's interpretation was thoughtful and well received and understood.  Thank you!

This week we will hear from Logan.  I believe he is reporting on Autodidactic, Self-Taught by James W. Parkinson.  This should make for an incredible report.

This Friday is the Halloween Bash!  You should be on top of all your assignments and ready to meet at 1 p.m. on Friday for  setup!  We will go over last minute details on Thursday.  Bring in your concerns or questions.  We will address them all and do a visual run through.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Getting down to the DETAILS

During third hour last week, Eric delivered a rousing speech about why goals are good. It affected me so much, I went right home and set some goals! Great job, Eric.

But Eric didn't stop there, during 4th hour he gave a presentation on the book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey.
He gave the book a very positive review, and said we SHOULD read it. He said his favorite habit was Begin with the end in mind! That is a good one.
This week, Trey presents on the Attila the Hun leadership book. I'm very interested in what he gleans from it's pages and shares with us.

Most of class was spent getting down to the details of our Halloween bash. And as you can see there are SO MANY DETAILS that the leaders of the event have to worry about.
I hope you worked on some of your assigned details. Be ready to report what you worked on this week! (Even if it was merely searching Pinterest for ways to make carnival games.)

This week we will work on visualizing our event and the transformation of the space! We only have two more classes until the bash! Yes, only 10 more days! Get busy with your assignments! This week we will sort it all out until it's ready to run smoothly:)!

See you Thursday!
Don't forget your leadership quotes, examples, or experiences.

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, October 9, 2015

Amazing Morgan and Jams with Genne

3rd hour: 
Smile! Have you found your perfect "audience smile?"
Your smile will be the first impression on your audience, so make it a good one.  Keep practicing!
Also, Teacher Genne, went through the first (AND MOST IMPORTANT)  step in writing a persuasive speech - BRAINSTORMING!!  We brainstormed the topic, the future.  For HOMEWORK, choose two to three of the strongest subtopics from our brainstorming session and develop them further.

Morgan did a magnificent job introducing Brenda Haws on Friday.  Even Brenda was blown away by the content and probably the dazzling audience smile!

 4th hour: 
Welcome to class, Katie!!  We are happy to have you on board.

The Halloween bash is quickly coming together.  You each have quite the task ahead of you!  Spend time this week working on your individual assignments.  And if you come up with any other songs for Teacher Genne's playlist, bring them to class.  Below are the current assignments:
Drink Station:
            Jared - brainstorm drink ideas, prepare a note card for Trey's activity announcement during lunch

Carnival Room:
            Logan - brainstorm carnival ideas, make a supply list, discuss  with Trey your ideas  and develop a plan        
             Trey - brainstorm carnival ideas, discuss with Logan, be prepared to announce the activity during lunch on Thursday                          

Dance/Game Room:
            Eric - find games to play, music
            Katie - find games to play, music
            Adam - develop a plan for the costume contest

Scholar recruiter:
            Morgan - recruit scholars to help with the event

And remember, if you fill out the activity planning sheet you will be rewarded!

And finally, Eric will be presenting on the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.  We can't wait!



Friday, October 2, 2015

Transform Yourselves and Bash Brainstorm

We had a jam-packed two hours during class.

Third hour, Teacher Genne covered three different types of speeches: extemporaneous, informational, and the persuasive.  The persuasive speech calls for logic, ethos, and pathos.  Remember you want people to listen and believe you!

She also covered the rules on how to speak.  There are just THREE simple rules!
1) Learn the rules
2) Study the masters
3) Break the rules

Simple, right?

1) Read a children's book to one of your favorite little ones.  Use inflection and characterization.  Watch your use of volume and the speed of your speech.  Don't forget to throw in a pregnant pause for when things get really exciting.

2) Watch at least 2 transformational speeches and transform yourself!

By watching and studying the masters, you'll notice that they do things in their own unique ways.  By doing so you can figure out how you can have your own unique way.  This is called "breaking the rules!"  Watch these transformational orators (masters at their craft) and write down some of the unique ways that they do things.  What sticks out to you?  What impact did they make?  What did you notice about their use of words, logic, and emotion to move the audience to a new place in their understanding and actions?  All of these speeches can be found online.
  1. Winston Churchill – This Was Their Finest Hour
    1. Winston Churchill – We Shall Never Surrender
    2. Anything by Winston Churchill
  2. Martin Luther King Jr. – I Have a Dream
  3. "Berlin Wall" Speech - President Reagan's Address at the Brandenburg Gate - 6/12/87 (Reagan Foundation)
    1. Ronald Reagan – Address to the Nation on the Challenger
  4. Lou Gehrig, "Farewell to Baseball Address"
  5. John F. Kennedy – Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…
  6. Jesus Christ – The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes (
  7. Ken Robinson – Do Schools Kill Creativity?
  8. Amy Cuddy – Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
Fourth hour, we jumped right into our Halloween bash planning, that is after our very thorough news "discussion."  We need to work on our discussion time.  Everyone needs to start adding to the conversation.  We will get better as the year progresses.  Don't be afraid to share your opinion, even if you are not leading the day's discussion.

While enjoying our ice-cream tacos, we decided October 30th at 12:30 until 3:30 p.m. we would throw our fantastic bash.
You had some great ideas (Thriller dance!!) and this next week we need to move into the Selection Process part of our planning process.

HOMEWORK - Complete your activity planning sheet!  Let's see what you come up with!  Think big, think small, just think!!!  Write it down and next week we will combine all your thoughts into one AMAZING party!!
Also, come prepared to sign up for a certain portion of the party (food, décor, games, etc.)

Remember, we are working on this event all together, but next year, YOU will head an event!  So watch and learn as we go through the event steps!  When it comes to YOUR event, it will be up to YOU!

Also, don't forget to write in your leadership notebook - a quote, experience, observance, etc.  You have been doing an awesome job!  Eric, do NOT leave yours in your car this next week : )!

And FINALLY - next week we start our book presentations!  Morgan is up first!!  I hope she remembered!  Everyone rushed out before I could hand out the schedule and give reminders.

Here is the schedule:
October 8 - Morgan (Book - ?)
October 15 - Eric - Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens
October 22 - Trey - Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun
October 29 - Logan (Book - ?)
November 5 - Adam  (Book - ?)
November 12 - Jared - How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Here are the books you can choose from if you don't come up with one on your own:

-The Element – Ken Robinson, Ph.D.

-Autodidactic, Self-Taught by James W. Parkinson
-Do Hard Things by Alex and Bre' Harris
-The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
--How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
-Man's Search for Meaning – Victor Frankyl
-The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People or Teens – Covey

Happy reading and leading this week!  BRAINSTORM AND FILL OUT YOUR PLANNING SHEETS!

PS - Don't forget to meet someone new at co-op this week!  Leaders need to reach out!!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Eyes are the Windows of the Soul/ Seven Habits hidden in children's books

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jennifer Hawkins Poyer <>
To: Jennifer Poyer <>
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 4:00 PM
Subject: The Eyes are the Windows of the Soul/ Seven Habits

All eyes were on Teacher Betty on Thursday, as she took the place of Teacher Genne.  She taught us so much about the importance of eye contact.  With mirrors in hand you were able to really look into your own eyes and even converse with your gorgeous selves.  This week continue to practice looking people in the eye, even if it is just the eyes of your stuffed animals.  Like everything else, practicing will make it so much easier.

You also delivered some excellent introductions of each other.  I now know who is responsible for the death of Bambi's poor mother.
And finally, you chose a subject for your next speech.  We ran out of time, so you will present them next Thursday.  Be ready!!  Practice them in the mirror, and remember to make eye contact!

In 4th hour, we had our first taste of CNN Student news.  Eric led our news discussion.  Good job!  Remember you have to lead our news discussions as part of our class requirements.  We also took turns sharing our leadership quotes.  They were inspiring!
Lastly, Teacher Jennifer presented a book report on The Leader in Me, by Stephen Covey.  Hopefully, you went home and worked on understanding the themes of children's books.  : )
You were all great!  As you read your chosen leadership books and prepare your own presentations, focus on an idea from the book you thought was especially true or helpful.  Or something that really resonated with you!  We really are looking forward to these.

Next week, we have really got to get busy planning our Halloween activity.  Your homework is to come up with five ideas for the Halloween bash.  Think big!!  We can make it happen.

See you Thursday!

- 3rd hour be ready to deliver your speech
-4th hour -
    -share a leadership quote/experience
    -5 awesome ideas for Halloween bash

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Why oh Why? and Halloween Bash

What an astounding group of leaders we have this year!  Genevieve and I are looking forward to working with you.  We are going to accomplish great things together.

Third hour students jumped right in as they gave their first speech of the year.  Eric convinced us that goals were good, Morgan made us close our eyes and visualize, and Logan kept us laughing which will eventually kill us?!  Great job!  This next week we need to videotape you:).

Fourth hour had us brainstorming, discussing and pinning down our own WHYS.  If you didn't get a chance to watch the Ted Talk, it can be found here:

We also talked about class requirements, class schedule, and our event planning. 

This next week, be ready to choose a book for your presentation and a date to present.
Here is the book list:
The Element – Ken Robinson, Ph.D.
Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised – 11thedition*
*Must have for Parliamentary Procedure
Autodidactic, Self-Taught by James W. Parkinson
Do Hard Things by Alex and Bre' Harris
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Man's Search for Meaning – Victor Frankyl
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People or Teens – Covey

Remember, you can choose your own book.  But it has to be non-fiction and based on leadership.  No Harry Potter books!! 

Also, don't forget to find a leadership quote or write down a leadership experience in your notebook.  We will share these on Thursday.

One last thing, be ready for some REAL  planning for our Halloween bash!  The only plan set in stone is that Genevieve will be "spinning the records" for the dance.

See you all Thursday!!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Who do you play for?

  I'm so glad we finally got to watch Miracle.  I LOVE this movie.  It is such an inspiring movie packed with leadership lessons throughout!  I hope you caught some of them.
This week bring in the paper with all your recorded thoughts about the movie.  Remember I wanted you to take notes on:
1) What was Herb Brooks' goal?
2) What were his obstacles?
3) What are his leadership strategies?
4) How did he use his asst. coach, fellow leaders?
5) What sacrifices did he make to achieve this goal?
6) What leadership qualities did you notice?
7) Successes?
8) Failures?

Wow, that is actually a long list.

This week will be our last class.  We need to debrief on the bake sale which was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!  Hannah and Haley blew it out of the park!  (and Paige offered great support.)
We also need to finalize the big field day!  I can't wait to see how John and Paige successfully pull off this activity.

And we can't forget the self debates!!!  
Also, bring in your goal for Edison Project.  I hope you made it BIG!

I have loved this class with you.  I hope you have learned as much as I have and are inspired to do great things and step up to lead and make great things happen. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Set your sights on a goal! Aim high!!

There was a lot of activity details and plans to go over in class on Thursday.  I'm glad we got it done (or at least partly done.)  Don't forget the lists you made on your yellow sheets of paper!  You have responsibilities!!
Don't forget these dates:

May 9th - Shakespeare play
May 21st - Field Day

You all need to be there to support each other and fulfill your roles.  You are leaders now : )!!!  Go forth and conquer.

Also, Teacher Genevieve acquainted you with the Edison Project class.  And yes, you get to partake in a mini-version of it!  I loved the excitement and ideas you put forth when she presented this.
This week you had homework - to fill out your goal planning sheet.  Do NOT be afraid to THINK BIG!!  You never know where it will lead you!

Also, you need to read (or at least it was strongly suggested that you do read) the book, The Element, by Ken Robinson.  Check your library, if you haven't already done so.  If you read it, I believe Teacher Genevieve said it would count as two assignments needed for the fancy party ticket!

Lastly, you need to plan to attend some kind of leadership meeting.  A city council meeting is perfect in this instance.  You will see firsthand how a meeting works (much like your Red Tie Club meeting.)  You will see that being a leader isn't always glamorous. 
We are planning to attend a Tacoma City Council meeting this month.  They meet on Tuesdays.  We will probably aim for the 19th. 
If you want to attend your local city's meeting.  Get on their website and find the time and location and just show up!  So simple!!!  And I believe they love an audience : ).

Hannah and Paige, on Thursday we will finish up your self debates.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

It's all in the details

We had a magnificent planning session today! Your activities are right on track.
This week cross out all your to-do items for your activities.
Next up, is the Shakespeare bake sale with Haley and Hannah. We need everyone to show their support for them! They might even let you eat an unsold cupcake;).

Next week, debates will be done! Come prepared (again)!

Also, we will address the Capitol field trip. The May 22nd date may not be so final.

Have a great week, keep working toward your activity goals. They are going to be so successful.

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Verdict - AWESOME

Thursday was completely, irrefutably astounding.  I hope everyone  of us was able to take a vast amount of advice, information, and inspiration from the court simulation.  Sage, Paige, David and Marley faced ferocious questioning and handled it beautifully.  I think they grew about five feet of courage.  It was great to see the changes they made to their briefs and arguments.  I can't wait to hear your reviews of their performances and your reactions to the entire event.  It was stimulating beyond belief.  I hope it left you with educational aspirations!  Thank you, for providing us with the opportunity, Genevieve!  What a great experience.
This Thursday, Hannah and Paige will battle themselves in our final self debates.  I can't wait to hear how Hannah will defend the right-hand world.  Paige promised us something fantastic.  I think she will deliver.
We also decided that we will piggy back the Key of Liberty class's capitol tour on May 22, 2015.  This will help complete your requirements for the fancy party.  So mark it on your calendar.  If you cannot make it, please plan to attend a Tacoma City Council meeting.  We will discuss it further in class.
Also, your activities are approaching soon (minus David and Josh.)  Are you ready?  Come to the table ready to report and make assignments.

Monday, April 13, 2015

I myself

Last Thursday, we did a great job of pushing through our self debates.
Haley tried to convince Haley that chocolate was unhealthy, or was it healthy?  Whatever it was, Haley seemed to be convinced that it was healthy as she finished off her chocolate Easter bunny during class.
John tried to convince us that following the Lego directions is the best way to build.  But then John swayed us to the side that trashed the directions and set out on a creative journey with the blocks.  Which side he falls on, we weren't quite sure.
Josh gave another information packed debate about arming police officers or disarming police officers.  Which one won out in the end?  We know where Great Britain lies.
David sought to convince the audience to arm teachers or NOT arm teachers. He left us all up in arms yearning for the usual passion he delivers.
We also had Mike drop by and try his hand at self-debate.  I'm still not sure which side he falls on with the whole homework debate, but it was great to have him in class : )! Maybe the fact that he joined us as co-op and gladly took up a debate assignment demonstrates his desire for homework.; )

Hannah and Paige have yet to deliver their self debates but we have been assured that they will come ready to face themselves.

This Thursday, we will be watching as Paige, Sage, Marley, and David once again present their court briefs.  Good luck!!  You are going to be amazing!!  Don't forget to power pose before hand :)! 
We need to be on our best audience behavior and take note of what YOU think they did right and what you think they could've changed.  We need to compile good feedback!  Also, this is a great chance for you to improve your own debate skills as you glean from their experience. 
Any remaining class time will be spent working on your activities.  We also need to BACK UP Hannah and Haley.  They are up to bat next with the Shakespeare fund raising bake sale.  Ask them for an assignment! 

Keep up-to-date with your activity planning!  What do you need to accomplish this week?  I know that Hannah and Haley need to make assignment reminders for the baking volunteers they so successfully procured last week!  Great job, gals!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Court Ruling - WOW, WOW, WOW

How amazing were Sage, Paige, and David?  So poised, prepared, and fantastic.
Great job!  With just a few tweaks, you are all going to rock your Supreme Court simulation later this month.  It was a great learning experience for our whole class to partake in this practice simulation.  Thoughtful feedback was shared and we hope you take it into consideration as you make your final preparations.

We also had the chance to congratulate Sage on a job well done for her scholar game show activity.  She did a fabulous job orchestrating the entire event.  She just wished she had relied on helpers more.  Keep this in mind when you are planning your own events (which will be here sooner than you think.)  

Also, we heard a jam-packed presentation from Hannah on John Adams.  He is such a great example of a leader that doesn't make choices based on popular opinion but based on what he believes is right.  Thank you, Hannah.

This week be ready to debate yourself.  We are going to use the entire class to finish these debates!!  Before you come into class, go into an empty room and strike a power pose : )!!!  Good luck!!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Self Debate IS a style

Today you wrote a statement for your self debate and then explored ideas for your pro and con arguments.
Next week, be prepared to debate. NO EXCUSES!

Also, a lot of homework assignments from various class members have not been turned in, please finish these assignments. Those who have turned in everything, THANK YOU!

Thanks, John, for teaching us a bit about Martin Luther King Jr.

Saturday, PLEASE be at the scholar activity at 8 a.m. for set-up and last minute help.

Support Sage!!!!!!

Hannah, be ready for your leader presentation next Thursday. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Honest Abe and Posing like Wonder Woman

Actions speak louder than words.  Today we discussed how important our body language is and what it says about us.(More than we would like to think!)
After a rousing game of 21 (a game that epitomizes the use of non-verbal communication and body "signs"), we watched a great TED Talk by Amy Cuddy.  If you missed class, here is the link:

Cuddy talked about how a 2 minute power pose can build confidence (and testosterone) when facing a social situation.  She had some great advice about "faking it until you become it." 
The homework for this week is putting these power poses into practice.  JUST DO IT!!!


Leadership Class
Communications/Non-Verbal   HOMEWORK
Explain the idea and purpose of a power pose to someone.
Signature of person who listened to the explanation
Perform a power pose for 2 minutes everyday.
Thursday –
Friday –
Saturday –
Sunday –
Monday –
Tuesday –
Wednesday –
Response to power pose – Did it work?  What is one instance where it was effective?  Did you feel different/empowered after performing it?  Did you apply it before an important event?

Josh gave a well researched, thought provoking, and all around astounding presentation of Abraham Lincoln.  He was such a simple, kind-hearted, humble, honest man.  Definitely proving you do not have to be a loud, bold character to be a leader.  Thank you, Josh!

John presented his con side of the debate surrounding the mental health bill.  He delivered a no-nonsense argument focusing on MONEY!!  We do NOT need to spend more of it.


And Sage, presented her plans for her FABULOUS, FUN, INCREDIBLE Scholar Activity!!  We can't wait.  A few of you were given assignments to accomplish this week.  Please get to work to make that happen.

Paige - contact Lisa Blanchard about Sword/Hero game, possible team leader
Haley - name tags, team leader
Josh - team leader (help lead and provide enthusiasm to your team)
John - team leader (help lead and provide enthusiasm to your team)

MORE assignments will come next week!  We need to SUPPORT Sage is this undertaking.  It is A LOT of work and she has been working ALONE!!  So let's be the best group of leaders by supporting each other and leading by example!!  WE CAN DO THIS!!  Thanks, Sage for taking this on : )!!  It is going to be fantastic.

PS - Now is the time to get your lip sync song chosen and start practicing! ;)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Let them eat cake, debate, Chamberlain and Walesa

Two words - CAT ISLAND!!

What an interesting way to start class.  If you didn't get enough, here is more:
A few of the pictures are frightening!

But back to the serious stuff.  Teacher Jen was back and so was debate!  Paige and David delivered mediocre arguments that lacked their usual pizazz and passion.  Hannah stumbled through stating her case, but came back much stronger in her rebuttal.  It probably would've helped if she would've had someone to debate against.  (John, we NEED you!)  To say the least, it was a rough day in debate! But of course, the wise Teacher Jen said this was a good lesson.  We never know when our debates will be put on hold or when we will be called on to debate, so the key is to ALWAYS BE READY!!  This takes practice and preparation!  Aren't we lucky to have this awesome class to do just that?!

Next up, we heard two absolutely terrific presentations from Haley and David.  I loved that Haley chose to present on Joshua Chamberlain from Civil War fame.  He is a perfect example of a natural leader.  She gave great background information and examples of his leadership.  She recommended the book, Blood and Fire, if you want to know more of this American hero, although it was not the most rousing read.

David chose to present on Lech Walesa, the leader who led Poland out of Russia's grasp.  This was a great choice for him because his family has ties to Poland.  This incited passion and excitement about the topic from David.  I sensed his interest and knowledge right away.  It always helps when you have a passion about your topic.  It makes it easier for you to research because the interest is there, and easier for the audience to see your desire to share your understanding and enthusiasm for the topic.  So CHOOSE topics close to your heart!

Great job, Haley and David!

Next week, we will hear presentations from Hannah and Josh!  We can't wait!!

Also, Sage's scholar activity is in two weeks!  We need to check in with her to find out our assignments. Come ready to take notes and take action.

In terms of homework, here is where we stand:

-Mistake Journal - completed by everyone but JOHN

-Topics for Self Debate - completed by PAIGE, HALEY

-Personal Vision Board - completed by HALEY

-Presentations - completed by PAIGE, HALEY, DAVID

-Book Reviews - completed by HALEY, DAVID

Come on everyone, let's get this done!!!

Happy Birthday to Hannah, and thanks for the awesome cupcakes!

Good luck to David in his dance competition!

This week in class we are discussing and dissecting the art of COMMUNICATION!!