Friday, April 27, 2018

Week 12: Are you golden?

We had an awesome start to our presentations on Thursday.  I enjoyed your leader choices.  They were very diverse!!  Job well done, Tillie, Ethan H., Gabriel, Benjamin, Taylor and Paige.
We will finish with your presentations on Thursday.  Make sure you answer all the required questions. Refer to the page in your binder (9).

Also, Thursday marks the day when your DEBATES ARE DUE!!  Be ready to debate, you never know when YOU will be chosen!  (Actually, Taylor and Spencer and whomever debates them MUST debate Thursday.)  But YOU could be right after them!

Three more weeks of class means three more weeks to get in all your missing assignments.  And if you haven't finished your 20 hours of volunteer work, start volunteering!  This weekend is Parks Appreciation Day.  Go help clean a park and record the hours.

If you have questions about unfulfilled assignments or volunteer hours please email me.


1) Leader Deconstruction Presentations
2) Leader debates
3) Unfulfilled assignments

Monday, April 23, 2018

Week 11: Hold your questions and comments until the end

Thank you to Mrs. Schmieder for teaching us the value of listening and NOT interrupting!  Please apply it to all facets of your life from here on out.

You have multiple assignments to work on during our last few weeks of class.

1) Leader Deconstruction Presentations - (page 9 of your binder)
-Make sure you can answer ALL the questions if you want full credit
-Do NOT use a leader you have previously used for a presentation
-DUE THIS THURSDAY!!!! (April 26, 2018)

2) Leader Debate - DUE May 3, 10 2018
Leader                        Affirmative                      Negative
Ronald Reagan Taylor Miller Gabriel Poyer
Margaret Thatcher Ethan H. Benjamin Poyer
Fidel Castro Gabriel Poyer Tillie Blanchard
Vladimir Putin Hannah Doolin Noah G.
Che Guevara Ethan Day Ethan R.
Angela Merkel  Paige Preece Spencer

3) Activity Planning 
-Shakespeare - sign-ups should continue their rounds
-talk to Mrs. P and Mrs. S about supplies and decor

-Field Day - food sign-ups should go out NEXT WEEK at the latest
-an announcement should be made SOON, either by email or in the parent meeting or both!
-Talk to Mrs. P and Mrs. S about logistics ASAP

-Scholar Retreat - 
-solidify a theme, speaker, due date for registration
- I will send out an email as soon as you have a theme!!

4) If you want to get your FULL golden ticket, turn in all your assignments.  This will be your one and only reminder!! Our adventure is going to be pretty amazing!!

SPENCER, you have our Leadership Quick Quote!

Ethan Hellyer, you have the gavel.

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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Week 10: Can’t we just all get along?

Good work in class on Thursday! I was very impressed with your conflict resolution/mediation skills. Taylor and Ethan R. DID NOT make it easy.


1) Send in a Ted Talk that will help us develop our leadership skills
2) Watch the Ted Talks from your fellow scholars
3) Mediate a conflict - prepare to report results
4) Leader Deconstruction presentation - DUE April 26th

Ethan Riggle has our leadership quote.
Ethan Day has gavel duties.

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Friday, April 6, 2018

Week 9: Scholars Good, Scholars that read books BETTER

Thanks for all your participation in our book discussion. It makes for such a better discussion when everyone knows what is being discussed and can add their two cents.

Thank you to those who turned in their approach papers and read Animal Farm.  You are one step closer to our Leadership Class RETREAT/ADVENTURE!!!

For homework during Spring Break, you are supposed to send the class a Ted Talk you feel teaches an important lesson on leadership.  Ethan Day sent one about procrastination and the dark playground.  Please follow suit.  I'm looking forward to all these life changing Ted Talks in my inbox.

Keep working on your activities.  You are all doing an AMAZING job planning and prepping these activities.  Hopefully, you are learning many invaluable lessons.  (For example:  You can't please everyone.  Communication is essential.)
Mrs. Schmieder and I will support YOUR plans and YOUR ideas!  We want to see you succeed and learn from the experience. 

Also, think about a leader you would like to take an in-depth look into.  Please don't choose a leader you have already reported on in another class.  This doesn't do you any favors.  Expand your horizon and study a leader you don't know much about!  We will talk about this last presentation this Thursday.

See you next week, if not tonight at the Scholar Activity.

Mrs. Poyer

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