Friday, December 15, 2017

Leadership Class: Week 13: Dream Team

I can't tell you enough how proud I am of all the work you did for the Christmas party!  You are all extraordinary!  Every time I turned around, one of you were asking me if there was something you could help with.  That is a great leadership trait!!

Here are a few highlights from the party (in my mind):

-Our hosts looked dapper in their coordinating outfits. (This means they communicated!!)  Nice job with the announcing, Ethan R. and Spencer!
-Carol dares got a lot of compliments and had a lot of participation.  I especially loved the scholar carol dare!  And I liked that Hannah helped to alleviate our time crunch by changing up the carol dare schedule!  Great job, Hannah and Paige.
-I loved seeing all the fun outfits!  And why do you think there were two little boys dressed up like Santa?? (not to mention Mrs. Schmieder !!)  They dressed up because we communicated the best dressed categories!  Excellent job!  Tillie, I loved that you dressed the part and carried out that contest flawlessly.
-Soup service line!  One of my favorite pictures was of the soup servers dishing up soup.  The food was very well received.  Most people had seconds or thirds.  Also, there was plenty of food for all.   Good job with that sign-up sheet, execution AND the ladle washing, Ethan H. and Gabriel!!  You two make an excellent team.
-Snowmen made of boxes!  ADORABLE!  Ethan D., you are so obedient!  You were so kind to just let me do the snow theme and never complain about my bossy nature.  Thanks for helping out in the soup line!
-Take-home snowmen. Tillie and Paige truly did an outstanding job with those cute faces.  People were so excited to take something home from the party.  That was a really fun bonus.
-Noah's announcement of the party was spot on!  He was hesitant to do it, but he DID IT!!  Hopefully, this is the first of many times that he takes the microphone.
-And Taylor was EVERYWHERE!!  Decorating, making hot chocolate, serving food, singing about reindeer, and helping with the talent!!  You are a jack of all trades, lady!!!  And plus, you had the most adorable sweater.  Thank  you!

Thank  you once again for your positive attitudes, desire to help and your joyful countenance!  You are the leadership DREAM TEAM!!

A few things to take note of ......


Over the break READ your leadership books!  Those presentations start the day we get back!

Ethan Day and Hannah Doolin are FIRST!!!

Noah, you have to present our Leader in the News when we get back.

You MUST  have at least 10 by January 11th!!!


As soon as you can, I need you to send me your preference for which activity you would like to lead.  And tell me why you want to lead it and maybe what your plan is to make that activity successful.  
Mrs. Schmieder and I will discuss and make the assignments.  And remember, even if you don't LEAD Scholar Retreat, you WILL be a leader at Scholar Retreat : )!

Here are the activities to choose from:

Valentine Exchange Activity:  plan and carry out a fun card exchange.  Also, you can spearhead our class Valentine deliveries.

Spring Scholar Activity - plan an activity for all of the scholars to attend (Tillie, this would be a great time to have the Jeopardy game!)  The money we raise from our Valentine deliveries will fund this activity.

Thomas Jefferson Birthday Party - throw a fun party in honor of Thomas Jefferson.

Field Day - plan the last day of school activity

Shakespeare Bake Sale - plan and carry out the bake sale that completely funds the Shakespeare play for 2019!!!  This activity is vital to Shakespeare!

Scholar Retreat 2018 - plan and carry out the three day event in August.  This requires summer planning meetings, communicating with outside parties (speaker, t-shirt supplier, camp personnel), etc.  This is a work intensive job, so if you are not willing to do the work, DO NOT request this activity!!!  Also, if you cannot be there the entire camp time, please do not request this activity. The dates are August 9-11, 2018 at Camp Nisqually.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Have a wonderful break, enjoy your leadership books, and volunteer, volunteer, volunteer! : )

Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 12: Wonder Woman will save YOU

> We had an excellent presentation on public speaking by Mrs. Schmieder!! She clearly demonstrated why people pay her the BIG BUCKS to speak!
> I hope you took away a lot of golden nuggets of info. Here is a few items I will apply: power poses WORK, your ACTIONS speak volumes, take your audience into account, and NO GUM!
> Please apply all that you gleaned from Mrs. Schmieder to your upcoming book presentations!
> If you are able to help decorate, please arrive at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, December 13th. Otherwise, be to FILA by 9 a.m. on Thursday!
> If you have questions about your assignments, email me!
> PS -Spencer and Ethan R did a great job leading the variety show talent meeting. Thank you!
> PSS- Taylor, Ethan Hellyer, and Paige have the Leader in the News this week! Wow!!!
> Sent from my iPad

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Week 11: Tuxes, Jumping jacks, and Chili

Our FILA Christmas party is shaping up to be real nice! I can't wait to see how this event plays out. Will Spencer and Ethan R wear matching elf costumes or tuxedos? Will Hannah and Paige force the 4 year olds to plank for 5 minutes? Will Gabe and Ethan H run out of chili? I cannot wait!!!

This week you need to get SERIOUS!! I say that a lot! But I truly mean it this time. We have TWO weeks until this party!! Next week this is what I want to see from you:

-Communications: Noah: Facebook post to FILA Facebook page announcing party, Christmas party announcement at lunch (maybe in a Santa Hat), posters hung in visible areas

-Game: Hannah and Paige: Christmas Carol Dares decided on and cards made, piano player secured, Carols chosen

-Food: Gabriel and Ethan H: ALL spaces on your sign-ups FULL, table configuration decided upon with an accompanying map for the decor committee, power outlets for crockpots? (Where will you plugs these in?). Extension cords?, ladles? (Do you have enough in the kitchen?). Who is serving what? Serving dishes? All these details need to be attended to, boys!!

-Variety Show: Ethan R and Spencer: RUN-DOWN decided and turned into me!! I'm making programs for each table so I will need this info!!
—Contact all your talent (if you need email addresses or phone numbers, contact me!) and let them know all the details. Ask them if they need music hook-ups, etc. We need to meet together sometime BEFORE the show to explain to them how it will work!! Plan this meeting! It can take place upstairs after classes, but not in the Fellowship Hall because the Daughters of Norway meet there that day after our classes.
—Write some fun banter for each other and intros for the performers!!! I want to see hard copy of this on Thursday!!!

-Best Dressed contest: Tillie:
-Secure your judges and assign them their category to judge.
-Make some ballots for each judge to write the winners' names.

-Decor: Ethan D, Taylor M, Kellie S, Jennifer P
-Ethan- snowman family, candy canes (you forgot the pool noodles : ( )
-Taylor - finalize your stage decor, secure lights, communicate with me (Jennifer P) about snowflakes, etc : )
-Kellie S - compile a snow happy playlist, sculpt a snowflake out of a block of ice for a punch bowl


Today, you also each chose a day to present a book report on a leadership book (NON-FICTION.)

This is what the schedule looks like:

-January 11 - Ethan Day, Hannah Doolin
-January 18 - Gabriel Poyer, Tillie Blanchard
-February 1 - Paige Preece, Taylor Miller
-February 8 - Ethan Riggle, Spencer Bullock
-February 15 - Noah Giovingo, Ethan Hellyer

You DO NOT have to read the books from the list on page 7 of your binder. You can choose your own as long as it is a leadership NON-FICTION book. If you are unsure, simply ask!

NEXT WEEK we are going to have an AMAZING presentation from Mrs. Schmieder on PUBLIC SPEAKING! This is her expertise!!! She is going to get you ready for your book presentation!!! If you are scared to speak in public, don't be worried, most people are scared. It takes practice to get over that fear. Aren't you glad you get to practice in such a safe space? We adore every single one of you and see a future of great things for each of you! So do your best with this presentation. It is the first of THREE!

Next Thursday, Taylor and Ethan Hellyer will start class off with the Leader in the News. We will do quick committee reports and then Mrs. Schmieder will dazzle us!!!

Today went fairly smoothly! Let's have a repeat of that. Spencer is going to be the gavel keeper.

See you Thursday, but I hope to HEAR from you before that!! (That means I want your emails and I would love questions and committee updates!)
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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Week 10: It’s GO time!!!

> I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving! I hope you weren't too upset that you missed our weekly class.
> The last time we met we tried to nail down the Christmas party! It is quite the process when you have so many good ideas! I LOVE hearing your ideas. Tillie, we definitely need to play Family Feud while eating that jello watermelon! Maybe for our spring scholar activity.
> Each of you have a Christmas party assignment. Have you been thinking about your plans? Have you been communicating with your partners? This was your homework!!
> Next week you will report your work! Here are your assignments and some of the things you need to address. There are probably more!! Make sure you give us a thorough report of your plans, needs, and proposed budget.
> -What are the parents providing? (Soup, veggies, and rolls?)
> -Sign-up sheet needs to be made and circulated THIS WEEK!
> -You need to check the supply closet to see what utensils and paper ware we need.
> -Who will help you serve the soup?
> -How will the tables be set up?
> -Cinnamon rolls? How much are they? Who will cook them?
> Most Festive Clothing Contest: TILLIE BLANCHARD
> -How will this work?
> -Who will be awarded?
> -What will the rewards be?
> -Who will judge and when?
> -When will it be announced?
> -Who will announce it?
> -Who will be in the show?
> These are the acts that have been asked and have accepted:
> -Adam and Katie Blanchard - dancing
> -Levi Stamm - trombone
> -Taylor and Hannah - duet
> -Elsa and Vivian Poyer - ballet
> -Shakespeare skit
> Here are the other possibilities that need to be secured:
> -Noah Giovingo - rap????
> -Alonnah-Piano
> -Evangeline - solo
> -Tillie - solo
> -Choir class
> -You need to talk to Betty Dial and ask if the choir class wants to perform
> -You need to create a rundown for the show!
> -You need to prepare dialogue and intros for each act.
> -How exactly will this work?
> -Prizes - candy canes (purchased)
> -Do you need a piano player to play the carols? (Genevieve or Brittany?)
> -Theme- Winter wonderland
> -Budget proposal
> -assign decor help
> Communications: NOAH GIOVINGO
> -What is your plan to get the word out?
> - I will put out the initial e-mail to all of FILA.
> -This party definitely needs to be announced during lunch and the parent meeting.
> The proposed schedule is as follows:
> 12-12:20 p.m. - Lunch service while Christmas carols play in background
> 12:20 - 1:20 p.m. - Variety Show/Carol dare
> 1:20-1:40 p.m. - clean-up
> Thanks to Hannah! She has been spearheading the birthday announcements each week! If she asks you to announce them, then DO IT!! You all need to take a turn announcing the birthdays. Get used to using the mic and standing in front of a crowd.
> This Thursday, Ethan Hellyer will take over gavel duties and Leader in the News will be by Taylor!
> Be ready to report your hard work. And I beg each of you to stay on topic. We have so much to do and so little time. Please be in your seats at 2 p.m. sharp.
> Thank you!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week 9: My fellow parliamentarians....

> I hope you enjoyed our parliamentary procedure simulation because GUESS WHAT!!! We will be incorporating it EVERY SINGLE WEEK!!! (There might be some exceptions.)
> You all did a good job fulfilling your roles! Thank you for the excellent prep, and if you didn't prep, thank you for the quick on the spot thinking.
> My favorite part was the overall calm and respect in the room! We got a lot done and we were able to hear from nearly everyone. YAY! Big win. It sure beats our usual chaotic classroom. We made some excellent motions, took a lot of votes, and threw out a few too many "seconds." Thank you to Mrs. Schmieder for awarding our good efforts with Red Vines.
> This next week we really need to plan the Christmas party from top to bottom. You had some great, great ideas! Now we get to figure out what we can pull off in just a few weeks. YES, the Christmas party is only about 4 weeks away!! YIKES!!
> This week Paige will keep the gavel and we will all remain on the Christmas committee, led by Hannah. Our focus is the Christmas party.
> The agenda will have only two items: the Leader in the News and the Christmas committee planning and finalizing. WE CAN DO THIS!! Come with your best ideas. We know there will be a variety show. But how will we decorate, what will we serve, and will there be candy canes? Let's vote and make it the best party yet!
> -Think long and hard about what you want the party to look like. What are you willing to do? YOU must do something to contribute!!! Think of the time constraints we face. All hands will be on deck!!
> -See you Thursday for our meeting.
> Spencer, thank you for sharing your Leader in the News last week. Inspirational leaders are the best!!!
> Ethan Day, YOU have the Leader in the News THIS WEEK!!
> Sent from my iPad

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Week 8 : A toast to Halloween and the finest of swine

Class was jam packed with all sorts of goodness.
First off, our class debrief, led by Ethan D., was excellent.  I LOVED hearing all the kudos you gave each other.  You all make a wonderful team.  The Halloween party turned out so well due to quick thinking and fabulous team work!  Now it's time to take what you learned from that experience and apply it to our Christmas party!!  Woohoo!!  And one last thing about the party I failed to mention....I loved that Ethan Day covered the bowling pins with fabric to make them look like ghosts!  ADORABLE! 
Thank you for all your hard work.  

Next up, we played a NOT well-known game of headbands to usher in our parliamentary procedure prep.  I hope those new vocab words will become commonplace terms to you in the weeks to come.
And finally, we channeled the members of the Lucky Clovers 4-H club and learned how a meeting using parliamentary procedure should look.
NEXT WEEK, we will run our own meeting using parliamentary procedure.  Paige will be our president and she will have a gavel, so don't cross her!!!

1) Prepare for  your role in the parliamentary procedure simulation next week!  Ideally you will write a script for yourself based off the Lucky Clovers script.  You all play an important part in our simulation and Mrs. Schmieder will reward you with something delicious for being prepared and AMAZING.  Please don't be crazy!! (on purpose)
2) You ALL will present a proposal for the Christmas party.  You don't have to bring an idea for decor, refreshments, communications, AND activities.  You can just bring one brilliant idea.  Example:  For the party activity, all the students should massage the mentors' feet while singing Christmas carols.
3)  Track those volunteer hours.  If you put in 100% effort to the Halloween party, feel free to write 2 hours of volunteer work.
4) Spencer, you have our Leader in the News.

Here is the schedule for the remaining Leader in the News presentations:

November 9 - Spencer
November 16 - Ethan Day
November 23 - Thanksgiving (but Gabe wanted to sign up for this day, so he can do one at home.)
November 30 - Taylor
December 7 - Ethan Hellyer
December 14 - Paige 
January 11 - Noah

If you have questions regarding your part for the simulation, PLEASE email me!!  We want this to go as smoothly as possible.  It will definitely be okay to mess up because we are all learning.  But PLEASE do your prep work!

Thank you!!!  Message adjourned!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Week 7: K-Fro and Heavy J in da house with Willie Nelson

You guys pulled off a major win in the party department!
I've heard excellent feedback..
THANK YOU!  You were incredible.
The decor was OUTSTANDING.  The activity room was hopping long past its cut off time.  The costumes were snazzy. The dance floor was ablaze!!(Smoke and all.). The refreshments were refreshing.  And clean up was quick--My favorite kind!

Come to class with your lists of the good, the bad, and the last minute scrambles for our party debrief! This is your homework!  You want a class dollar, right?  I want to see a hard copy of your party successes and/or failures.  This means you should make a list on a piece of paper using a pen or pencil.:)
Also, we will be delving into Parliamentary Procedure!!!  It's going to be good;)!

--Spencer, you have our Leader in the News next week!

--Hannah will be announcing 🎤birthdays🎉 next week during lunch


--The Christmas party is right around the corner.  Start brainstorming now!  In two weeks you will be presenting your ideas!
Last year we ate pancakes for  lunch  while wearing pajamas, and played bingo while watching performers.
Shall we repeat that or totally switch things up.
I know a really good Willie Nelson impersonator.  I wonder if he can line dance🤔.

I'll see you on Thursday!:)

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Today we learned the extreme importance of COMMUNICATIONS!!! You can assume nothing when it comes to relaying information. Just because YOU know something, does NOT mean everyone else knows it!

Excellent jobs on your practice announcements today!!! I hope you can all feel comfortable enough to share your thoughts and ideas with us! Our class is a safe place to be yourself. : )

Next week during lunch we will be announcing the activities and birthdays! Who wants to go first and get a crisp Leadership five dollar bill?

We are ONE week away from our huge, glorious Halloween bash! Are you ready?
I certainly hope so. You all have done a great job planning and carrying out your plans! I am so impressed. You are going to do GREAT things! So bring your "A" game!

—During 4th hour next week report to the Fellowship Hall to DECORATE AND SET UP FOR THE PARTY! An hour is going to fly by! I want to see EVERYONE working hard and not standing around waiting to be told what to do! SEE A NEED AND FILL IT!!!

—Come PREPARED!! If you have supplies to bring, bring them! If you have posters or signs to make, make them! If you have to build trophies, build them (this little note is for me!). If you have to buy candy, BUY IT!!! If you need to ask Adam Claridge to help with your fish pond, ASK HIM (Ethan Riggle.). PLEASE, PLEASE do not shirk your action items!!! Get them done!! And don't forget to wear an awesome costume! (Heavy-J and K-Fro do not want to be the only ones representin' Leadership class!)

—Tillie, thank you for your Leader in the News! I love Katie Couric.. She is an amazing news reporter. She does not shirk away from the hard questions! She actually has made many an interviewee sweat under pressure. We need people like this to keep people accountable for their actions!

—Ethan Day, we missed you and hope you feel well enough to run your pumpkin bowling station next Thursday.

I'll be emailing you this week, so let's keep the conversation going! I love when you respond and COMMUNICATE!!!

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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Week 5: Send it to COMMITTEE

Ethan Riggle started class off just right with his Leader in the News.  He highlighted Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump's White House press secretary.  I love that he chose her as a good leader.  She has a very tough job and she always remains cool under pressure.  Everyone should try to watch her in action this week.   She has to make all Trump's tweets sound positive!  VERY DIFFICULT JOB!

You all have been hard at work with your committees.  I am so proud of all your plans!  Everything is going to be incredible.  Keep communicating with your committees this week.  Make sure you complete all your action items.  

This is what I have on my action item list:
—Make trophies
—Send treat reminder to parents
—get a pole for limbo
—find the bowling set
—buy plates, ice
—buy activity room prizes ($15)
—Buy candy for dance games

Please let me know if there is anything else you need me to do!

This Thursday, Tillie, you CAN announce the party during lunch.  Each of you can also announce it in your various classes!  
Tillie, will you also send out an email?  Post it on facebook?

Also, Taylor and/or Noah, please send me a list of costume contest categories.

Hannah, please make the number pumpkins and we can laminate them during lunch.

Next week will be our final class before the big party.  So be ready to bring any issues or problems to the table then!   We want to have a successful event. We will walk through the party and plan for any problems!!

Great job, everyone!!!  

Next week Tillie has our Leader in the News.

See you Thursday!!!

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Sunday, October 8, 2017

WEEK 4: Save ME for I have a beautiful smile!

Captain Blanchard had some difficult decisions to make on Thursday and many of her shipmates didn't make it any easier.

As leaders you will face difficult decisions.  You can't avoid them, you can't have someone else make them, and you must live with them.  You probably won't have to choose who is left to fight pirate terrorists on a cruise ship, but you will probably have to decide how much money should be spent on decorations or candy, or even something more serious.  (IF you can imagine something more serious than candy!!)

And on the other side of this, as a leader you must convince others WHY your opinion and ideas should count!  In our activity on Thursday, you were given the opportunity to convince Captain Blanchard why she should choose you.  Considering the circumstances, maybe you should've talked about your strong rowing muscles instead of your great smiles.  Consider the situation.  Applying this back to money and candy, convince us WHY you need $50 for the activity room!

Budgeting is something we need to take seriously as a class because we are accountable to FILA for all the money we spend. The money we spend comes directly from the proceeds of the student store.  We have the RESPONSIBILITY to provide great, fun, and meaningful activities for the benefit of the entire school.

During class we came up with a budget proposal to submit to the student store class.  It designated the following amounts to the respective party responsibilities:
$30 - Decor
$20 - Activity room
$3.00 - Communications
$5.00 - Refreshment table
$8.00-Music games/rewards
$14.00 - Costume contest trophies

We need to spend wisely and keep this budget in mind as we continue to plan and carry out our plans.

We are 3 weeks away from our HALLOWEEN PARTY!!

Keep working on a concrete plan for each of your party responsibilities.  If you want me to make the purchases for you, bring me a LIST of what you need on Thursday.  If you do your own shopping, SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS!

Tillie, please send out an email THIS WEEK regarding the Halloween party.  Your mom can send it to the entire group. : )
Here are the details it should include:
---Thursday, October 26, 2017 - 3-4:30 p.m.

---Dancing, costume contest, dance games, activity room for kids 10 and under, Halloween drinks sold by CCS, refreshments

Spencer, continue your sign up sheet circulating this Thursday!!  Good job!

Paige, Hannah and Taylor, continue your decor plan!  Please figure out the configuration of the Fellowship Hall for the dance.  Make a map : )!  This will make it easier for set-up.  Also, come with a list of supplies you need.  We might be able to contribute before you have to spend money from your budget.  Thank you, ladies!

Noah and Taylor, please come up with a list of categories for the costume contest.  I can make up to 12 trophies.  Also, how will the judging work?

Hannah, please contact Genevieve and come up with a plan for a playlist, games, etc.  Let me know if you need help with this.  

Ethan, Ethan, Ethan and Gabriel, please come up with at least 3 games for the activity room.  Make sure you have a supply list and ideas for prizes.  Also, Tillie, have you looked into purchasing face paint?  Are you going to need a helper for this?

I can't wait to hear and see all your plans for our Halloween Extravaganza!!

Great job thus far!!

I'll see you on Thursday!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

And the winner of the award for best actor in an original play goes to.....

Hannah ushered in our class on Thursday with her Leader in the News.  She educated us on Malala Yousafzai's mission for education for all (especially girls.)
She is an amazing example of courage, endurance, and knowledge.  She IS a good leader and so inspiring.  She has made a difference at such a young age.  Thank you, Hannah!!

Much applause is deserved by you leadership thespians. And Mrs. Schmieder was a little too good at playing two characters, wouldn't you agree?  She jumped from Leo to Jill like it was nothing.  Is there some community theater on her resume that we don't know about?  If I was a queen, I would declare Mrs. Schmieder become Dame Schmieder.

But the winner of the $5 bill goes to Ethan Riggle.  I felt he truly understood his character.  He captured Maria's essence.  He brought out her snottiness through his acting.  Excellent job!  Don't forget to get your payment on Thursday.

We took away so much from those cool kids.  They demonstrated what NOT to do, but also represented the spirit of a club filled with enthusiastic, motivated members with poor communication and execution skills.  Thank you, Cool Kids Club! We pledge never to forget our poor Cheryl and to always have a Plan B.

After shedding our cool kid characters, things got a little spooky as we listened to Halloween job proposals.  Paige turned in an exceptional plan for the Halloween party decor.  Her ideas and plan easily secured her the place of top decorator for the party.  She will be helped by Taylor and Hannah.  
After some minor skirmishes over quidditch, ticket prizes and M.C. duties, this is where the assignments landed.....

Fellowship Hall, dance floor, stage decor:  Paige, Hannah and Taylor

Costume Contest:  Noah, Taylor

Activity Room:  Ethan H., Ethan R., Ethan D, and Gabriel (Tillie will face paint)

Music/DJ assistant/Dance Games : Hannah (Genevieve is the DJ)

Communications: Tillie

Refreshment Table:  Spencer

1)For homework, you are to fill out the activity plan on page 16 of your binder for our Halloween Extravaganza.  It will be held October 26, 2017 after FILA classes are over.  It will be from 3 - 4:30 p.m.  You may not know everything listed on the page, fill in what you can!

2)Also, you need to start developing a solid plan for your portion of the party.  Here are some things you need to get nailed down:

Decor - plan for the the room (tables, chairs, decor, etc), BUDGET NEEDS, items needed (Paige has a great list started!)  Hannah and Taylor be ready to present this plan because Paige will be gone for volleyball during 4th hour.

Costume contest:  Who will judge?  How many judges?  Categories for costumes?  When will the judging take place?  When will the winners be announced?  We were planning to make the skeleton trophies that what you want for prizes?  

Activity Room:  What games will you be providing?  Time length?  Who will run the games?  Building materials for the game?  Budget?  Prizes for games?  Room decor?  etc.

Music/DJ assistant/Dance Games:  Talk with Genevieve about the playlist.  Dance games?  Prizes?  Budget?  Numbers on the dance floor? ETc.

Communications:  How are you going to get the info out?  Posters, email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telephone, Carrier Birds, announcements at lunch, TV commercials?  Budget for poster making?

Refreshment Table: SIGN UP SHEET needs to be made. (We don't want to buy forks or spoons so designate that they need to bring finger foods.)   Circulate the sign-up sheet during lunchtime and during parent meeting.   Do you want water container?  Budget for napkins, plates, cups, etc?   Table set-up---talk to Paige about decorations on the table. I (Mrs. Poyer) will gladly help you with this, Spencer : )!  

If you have questions, Mrs. Schmieder and I have answers (or will get them!)
We LOVE you all SO much!!  This class is a joy.  We want you to succeed and will do everything in our power to help you do so!

This week come prepared to make some HARD CHOICES!!  Because that's what leaders do : )!  And we are going to talk about MONEY!!

Also, turn in those Golden Circles if you have not yet done so.


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Friday, September 22, 2017

LEADERSHIP CLASS WEEK 2: Why oh why, Kim Jong Un?

First of all, I want to tell you how impressed I am with all of you that completed your homework!!  (90%)  Great job!  Keep it up!

We started class with Mr. Poyer's Leader in the News.  He told us a little bit about Kim Jong-un and how he runs North Korea.  He surmised that he is not a good leader and rules by fear, while practically starving most of the citizens.  
Good work!  Do you think North Koreans think he is a good leader? His family has been ruling North Korea since 1948.  How have they managed to stay in power for SO LONG?  

Simon Sinek then took over and introduced you to the idea of starting with why.  I LOVE this TED Talk and was especially inspired by his book, Start With Why.  It changed how I looked at the world.  I now want to find the WHY behind everyone and everything.  The WHY matters most.  It is how a leader truly connects with his/her followers.  I appreciated that Ms. Blanchard used Jesus Christ as an example of a person that truly had a phenomenal WHY.  He was able to reach people and change people.  They followed Him and continue to follow Him because HIS WHY becomes their WHY.  Overall, I think we had a great discussion and, hopefully, you each come up with an amazing WHY as you fill out your Golden Circle. (HOMEWORK)
***Ms. Preece and Mr. Hellyer, the TED Talk is posted below so you can watch it. (I hope track and volleyball were fabulous.)

After our discussion we talked a little bit about the scholar meet-up at the ice rink and our upcoming Halloween extravaganza.

Below are the jobs you will lead during the Halloween event.  Decide which one will be a good fit and sell it to us!  What will you do to make that job happen?  What are your plans and ideas?

--Music/DJ/Dance games - Teacher Genne will be our DJ. You will work closely with her.
--Decorations - Decorate the stage, dance floor, and Fellowship Hall.
--Refreshment table - Ask families to volunteer to bring refreshments.  Set-up and decorate the tables that will hold the goodies. (I love helping with this one.)
--Kid's activity room --This is a popular one!!  Come up with games, prizes and decor to keep the LOLers and Core kids busy for about 45 minutes.
--Costume contest - Choose judges, criteria and prizes for the best Halloween costumes.
--Communication--THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB!!  - Get the word out with posters, emails, announcements, texts and Facebook posts!  Without communication, we would have NO PARTY!!

So choose wisely! This is going to be an AWESOME event!!  If you will not be able to attend the Halloween party (October 26 after classes) please do a job you can accomplish beforehand. (Communications is a great possibility!)

1) Fill in your Golden Circle. (page 14 in your binder)  The WHY should answer why you want to be a leader. (your cause and purpose)  The HOW should answer how you plan to do this. (methods, plans  EX: becoming a better speaker by taking Unleashing Your Voice) And the WHAT should describe what the outcome of this will be. (I will be able to lead Scholar Retreat without anyone helping me.  In fact, I will insist that Mrs. Poyer and Mrs. Schmieder don't even come to Scholar Retreat.)  If you are confused, watch the TED Talk posted below.
2) Choose a job for the Halloween party.
3) Bring in your plan to carry out that job at the Halloween party.   If you choose communication, bring in your plan!! (EX:  "I plan to make 4 large posters, send out a huge excited group email, post fun messages to FACEBOOK, dress up as a clown during lunch and announce the party to everyone!!!, etc...")

****We will be choosing who does what based on the plans you propose.
4) Come up with ideas for our next scholar meet-up!!  I heard great ideas on Thursday, let's solidify one for October.  (roller skating, movie night, rock climbing, laser tagging, something in Gig Harbor,  broom ball)

And finally, be ready to summon all your Shakespearean talents next week as we dive into a play all about the "Cool Kids."   It's all about the cool kids!

I'll see you Thursday!

Thank you,
Mrs. Poyer

PS - Ms. Doolin, you have the Leader in the News.  (Thank you!)

Friday, September 15, 2017

LEADERSHIP WEEK 1- Show me the money!!

Welcome to the war room!

We had a great start to the semester yesterday.  I completely LOVE that you recited leadership quotes, listed great leadership traits for our acrostic poem, and were very enthusiastic about your binders!

I can tell we are going to have a superb year.

Here is a brief recap of what we did:
1) Mrs. Schmieder set the bar high with our first Leader in the News.  She highlighted one of the fabulous men who stepped up to help Hurricane Harvey victims by opening up his furniture stores for refuge and much more.

2) We wrote an acrostic poem using the word LEADER.  I was impressed with all the great words you chose.  You really have a handle of what a good leader should be.

3) We reviewed the class's requirements for earning our fabulous leadership class retreat.  This included recording any volunteer hours you have earned since last Thursday.  Make sure you RECORD all your volunteer/service hours in your binder on page 3.
We decided overall that it was going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy.:)

4) You each signed up to present a Leader in the News.  Remember this is what we start each class with and you must be ready to go as soon as the clock strikes 2 pm.  You each need to present 1 by the end of the semester.  Mr. Poyer will present next week.  

5)We took a little tour of our class binders.  Bring them EVERY SINGLE CLASS DAY!!

6) We talked about the importance of calendars and tracking where you must be and what you must do.  You need to know this!:)
In fact, your homework for this week is filling in the calendars at the back of your binders with ALL OF YOUR ACTIVITIES, classes, due dates, etc!!
FILL IT UP!!!!  In this class you will be planning activities, etc.  So we need to know availability.

7) Finally, we started our Scholar Retreat 2017 debrief.  It was great to hear what you liked and disliked about this year's retreat.  I can't wait to see you improve it for next year ;)!
    -Ms. Doolin and Mr. Day received points (in the form of our class currency) because they brought hard copies of their opinions of Scholar Retreat 2017 to class!

8) Lastly, you were made aware of our reward system for class.  It involves paper money with your faces on it!  So get your homework done, respond to emails, give a great presentation, etc, and you will fill those wallets with your friends' faces!  This money will be used to purchase sundry items from our leadership store.  Good luck!  I want to have to print lots and lots of "money" this semester.

Mrs. Schmieder and I look forward to seeing you next week!
Mrs. Poyer

-Fill in your calendar
-Fill up your Scholar Retreat 2017 debrief page
Sent from my iPhone

Monday, May 8, 2017

Golden Tickets

Congratulations to those of you who received your golden ticket!  I am so happy you were able to complete all your requirements.  I hope you learned something along the way on your leadership journey.

Last Thursday, we heard two great presentation from Noah and Dean.  Thank you!
We then talked about the best way to recognize our FILA leaders.   We decided on orchids accompanied by heartfelt presentations from each of you!
WORK ON THESE NOW!!!  It can be a poem, song, dance, or simple dedication.  If you need help,  SIMPLY ASK!!!!  Explain why they should be thanked, etc.

Here are your assigned leaders:
Trey - Shannon Hayes - President
Katie B. - Lisa Blanchard - Vice - President
Emma - Suzanne Shumaker - Treasurer
Benjamin - Diannalyn Claridge - Secretary
Merry/Dean - Isabelle Brennan - Parent Rep
Kaleigh - Nalani Lettner - Jr. School Director
Adam - Genevieve Allen - Scholar Mentor

Katie D and Noah - handing out the orchids

  YOU WILL PRACTICE THIS PRESENTATION ON THURSDAY!  If you are not ready Teacher Kellie will rip your golden ticket out of your hand!!!

We also discussed Field Day in depth!
Do you remember your assignments?  I know they included a lot of game planning.  Be ready!!!  And make sure you wear your t-shirts from Scholar Retreat last year.

Next Thursday, we will discuss Scholar Retreat 2017-2018!  It's gonna be GOOD!!

We will also reveal the activity for the leadership retreat!

See you Thursday!!!

Friday, April 28, 2017


We had such a great round of Leader Deconstruction presentations yesterday!  I think you have gown so much over this past year in so many ways.  A stand out in all of the presentations was your ability to identify the unique leader traits of each of your leaders.  Good job!
Next week we will finish off our presentations with Noah and Dean.

Did you each get a chance to glance at the spreadsheet listing your completed and uncompleted class requirements?  Kaleigh, Emma, and Benjamin are DONE!!!  And everyone else is SO CLOSE!!  Everything is due NEXT WEEK!  You can do it!!

Here are the outstanding items for each of you:

Trey - read Watership Down, approach paper for Watership Down, and volunteer hours 

Adam - read Watership Down, approach paper for Watership Down, and volunteer hours 

Katie B. - read Watership Down and approach paper for Watership Down

Noah - volunteer hours and Leader Deconstruction presentation

Dean -  approach paper for Watership Down, book presentation, and volunteer hours

Katie D. - parliamentary procedure simulation (I will email you about how to make this up)

Merry - parliamentary procedure simulation (I will email you about how to make this up) AND Watership Down discussion

* You need 20 volunteer hours total!  You can use all our activities where you helped!  Also, community and church work is VOLUNTEER WORK!!    (unless you are getting paid)

YOU can all do this!!!  Don't stop now!

Next week we will also discuss Field Day and Scholar Retreat!!  Bring your notebooks and calendars!

See you Thursday!!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Time is Short and Tasks are LONG

What a glorious day we had on Friday!  Dean did an outstanding job leading our Scholar Spring Activity.  The weather was AMAZING!  And everyone did their part.  It was the perfect combination.  Thank you, everyone!

On Thursday, we kicked off our Leadership Deconstruction presentations in a BIG way!  These are my favorite presentations because I learn so much not only about your chosen leader, but about each of YOU!  Your interests and personalities shine through as you take us through the life of your leader.  
Great job, thus far!  I can't wait to hear who we get to know on Thursday.
Here is the line-up:
1) Katie Dial
2) Kaleigh 
4) Dean
5) Noah
6) Benjamin
7) Dean's book presentation

As you can see, we have A LOT to do, so come to class quickly so we can get started.

We have so much coming up!  Don't forget to keep on top of your tasks!!

May 11 -  Hat Day
May 12,13 -Shakespeare Bake Sale
May 18 - Field Day (Trey and Noah, sign-ups need to go out THIS WEEK!!)
May 30 - Leadership Class Leader Retreat (get your CLASS requirements DONE)
August 24-26 - Scholar Retreat

Please report any of your completed requirements to me during lunch this week.  You want that golden ticket!
Teacher Kellie and I have already started planning the reward retreat!!  We are so excited.  I'll give you a hint---DARKNESS.

See you Thursday.

PS - I need each of you to pick your favorite leadership quote and send it or give it to me ASAP!  Thank you!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


The Thomas Jefferson Party was SO SPECTACULAR!  It was so much better than I expected : )!!  Everyone performed their duties so well.  THANK YOU so much.  I hope you can all see how you have each grown throughout this year.  I very much enjoy seeing the differences between October and April.  I'm so proud of each and every one of you!!  (And the ice-cream will be used in one of our future classes!!  I have big plans!)

Speaking of growth, in class we discussed the levels of leadership based on John Maxwell's book, Developing the Leader Within You.
We determined that we have done some very great things this year and have reached level three as a class.  WELL DONE!

But remember, every class, circle of friends, etc., presents you with a whole new ladder to climb.  You always start with level one.

The levels are: 
Level 1 - Position/Rights - you are "the boss"!  People follow you simply because they HAVE to because you have the title.

Level 2 - Permission/Relationships - you build relationships and learn to love the people you serve with and who serve you!  People follow you because they love you and you love them.

Level 3 - Production/Results - you get results!!  People follow you because not only do they like/love you, but together you get results.

Level 4 - People Development/Reproduction - you mentor/develop people!  You help the people you serve with by giving opportunities for growth and helping to develop their own skills.

Level 5 - Personhood/Respect - Your followers are loyal and sacrificial.  This level takes a lifetime to achieve!  You are the ULTIMATE leader guru.

And thank you to Emma who gave fantastic examples and had some astute insights during our discussion.  Scholar input is invaluable.  I LOVE when you share your ideas that are ON-TOPIC!!!

For homework, you were assigned a task that will help improve your leadership levels.  Be ready to report your success this Thursday.  If you are successful, you will earn pom-poms.

For the four of you that were not in class but want to complete the homework, (This is a requirement for the class reward.) below are the following tasks that were not chosen.  Please choose one and report:

1)  Read and study the FILA Constitution.  Develop a 10 question quiz to administer to your classmates this Thursday.  (2 pom-poms)

2) Be a model scholar in one of your classes.  Report results.  (2 pom-poms)

3) Help with recess and engage all the kids in an activity. (3 pom-poms)

4) Write a mentor a thank you note. (2 pom-poms)

----I hope you are all working on your class requirements.  They must all be completed by May 4th!!!!



We are having major difficulty with communications.  We need to remember that just because you know something, does not mean that everyone knows that same information!!

---We have THREE MAJOR EVENTS  (at least) right around the corner, and they have not been announced!!!!

---SCHOLAR SPRING ACTIVITY ---THIS FRIDAY!!!  Only I have sent out an email (with very little info).  AN EMAIL MUST GO OUT TODAY!!!!
---SHAKESPEARE BAKE SALE ---This needs to be announced and the sign up sheet for baked goods needs to go out THIS WEEK!!!  (Katie D, Teachers Jennifer and Kellie)
---FIELD DAY -- This needs to be announced and the sign up sheet for food should go out soon. (Trey and Noah)

HAT DAY ---  Trey, is this happening? : )


This week we start our LEADER DECONSTRUCTION presentations!!  Remember you either do it on your assigned day or DON'T DO IT AT ALL!!  You are leaders, so stop procrastinating!!!  (I'm saying this to myself as well.)
If you have questions about this assignment please look in your binder!!!  The assignment is laid out for you.  Please address every aspect of the assignment in your presentation.  This should take time and research.
And please do not present on a leader you have already presented to the class.

The schedule is as follows:
April 20 - Katie Blanchard
            Katie Dial
            Dean (will present on his leadership book from 1st semester)

April 27 - Kaleigh 

Go forth and get to work!!!

I'll see you Thursday!!