Sunday, December 11, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Great job on the Christmas party decorations on Thursday!  The more prep work you can get done before an event, the better.  Keep that in mind as you work on all your action items this week.  Communicate with your committees.  We don't want our activity tower to come crumbling down due to someone forgetting to accomplish their action item.

The Variety Show Committee should be hard at work working on the run-down, reminding performers, acquiring necessary music, preparing intros, planning BINGO, printing BINGO cards, etc...

The Communications Committee should be hard at work REMINDING people to WEAR PAJAMAS!!  Also, you need to remind people to bring their toppings!! Please send out emails, Trey!  This is ESSENTIAL!

Everyone should be preparing their favorite pair of pajamas to wear! I can't imagine what Teacher Schmeider is going to do to you if you DON'T wear your pajamas.  (It might involve cake or pies;))!

If you will be serving, it would be extra awesome if you can bring an apron to wear, to protect your favorite pajamas that you WILL be wearing.

On Thursday, be ready to report to your stations immediately after 2nd hour.  We will need ALL hands on deck ASAP!  Merry, Katie, and I (and hopefully Teacher Schmeider) will hopefully have mountains and mountains of pancakes all ready to eat by 11:30 a.m.

If you would like to come to FILA early, we would love extra hands finishing off the decor.

During our 4th hour class we will debrief the party.  I will allow all committee heads to lead the debrief.  This will allow you to check off that requirement.  Remember if you submit your written debrief to me, you will also get another requirement checked off!  My excitement is growing over all these check marks.

Following our debrief we will have an exciting round of the White Elephant Exchange game.  I will bring all the gifts.  You are all interested in framed photos of me, right?

Over the break, I suggest you finish reading Watership Down and working on your approach paper.  You will find all the details in your Leadership Class binder.   (Dean, I have your binder in my bag.)
Also, I suggest you start volunteering anywhere you can!  You need 20 hours by May.

Thanks, everyone!  You are truly a dream team!

PS - Did I mention that you BETTER show up in PAJAMAS?!?!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Peace, Committees and Scholar Corner

"Impressive, most impressive." - Darth Vadar

This quote perfectly illustrates how I feel about your behavior and class demeanor.  Thank you for making such a positive change.  I feel like I am in a completely different classroom.

With that being said, on Thursday, Katie Blanchard delivered her book presentation on the book, The Anatomy of Peace.  I personally loved the stories and excerpts she shared from the book.  This book can easily apply to any facet of our life because contention is unfortunately EVERYWHERE.  A leader that can keep peace is valuable indeed!  Thank you for the topic choice, Katie!!  Well done.

Bravo to all of you that completed your book presentation.  You are one step closer to attending our fabulous LEADER RETREAT (aka.  super fun adventure/party!).

After Katie's fine presentation we discussed the importance of committees.  We then went to work in our committees, deciding our action items and goals.  For the Christmas party we have the following committees:  communications, variety show/BINGO, decor, pancake, and the candy cane hunt.
You all came up with great goals and action items, especially the pancake committee ; ).  I hope the action items are in your thoughts and that you are working on them this week.  

Before class was over, we brought to the table the issue of the SCHOLAR TABLES in the Fellowship Hall.  We resolved to set up a Scholar Corner during lunch.  Trey, will you please bring this issue to the board meeting for approval?  Thank you!

And finally, we talked about the possibility of having a white elephant gift exchange after we debrief the Christmas party.  This idea was met with trepidation from some, so I resolve that I will provide ALL the white elephant gifts for the exchange.  So don't expect an old gum wrapper, but also don't expect an i-pod : )!  Just come ready to have fun and maybe shed a few tears.

This week during class we will start decorating the Fellowship Hall for the party.  BRING YOUR SNOWFLAKES AND PAPER CHAINS!!!
Also, if you want to make plain white paper chains with printer paper from home (or old worksheets, etc) that would be simply GRAND!!

Thanks, everyone!!  Teacher Kellie and I love working with you SO very much!!!

Teacher Jennifer

PS - Communications committee, stay on top of your email, Facebook reminders.  Also, make this week's lunch announcement AMAZING and EXCITING!!  I'm picturing Trey in his pajamas showing everyone HOW they should look for the party next week!  

Also, Trey, make sure all the sign - up spots for the pancake toppings are filled with volunteers!  Look at the co-op member list to see whom has not signed up, and zero in on them this week during lunch; )!!  THANK YOU!!!!

PSS-  How is everyone doing on Watership Down?  Dare I call it the BEST BOOK EVER?  Read it with thoughts of leadership in mind.  

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Miles and miles of paper chains

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving week.  Hopefully, you haven't stapled your fingers together while making your paper chains; ).

I must say that Thursday was a complete turnaround!  You were all so attentive and quiet.  You all took turns, volunteered, and were very pleasant.  THANK YOU!!!  I'm so glad Teacher Kellie made you those delicious cupcakes and let you eat them.  You deserved them.

We have finally nailed down our Christmas party plans and I think they are super terrific.
Here are the assignments that were made on Thursday:


Pajamas and Pancakes

Communications Committee - Trey and Katie B.
-Trey - make a sign-up sheet for toppings
-Katie B.- make 3 posters to hang in the FILA building
-Jennifer - send initial invite to FILA
-Katie B. and Trey - ANNOUNCEMENTS during lunch, email, facebook, etc

Variety Show/BINGO Committee - Emma and Benjamin
-Emma - recruit performers/line-up, etc
-Benjamin - figure out the details of the BINGO game
-Jennifer - acquire prizes

Candy Cane Hunt Committee -Kaleigh and Noah
-figure out logistics
-rainy day plan
-Jennifer - acquire candy canes

Pancake Committee - Merry, Katie D. , Adam, Dean, Kaleigh, Trey
-cooking - Merry, Katie D.
-food tables back-up - Adam and Dean
-whip cream application - Trey and Kaleigh
-Jennifer - acquire pancake mix, paper products, etc

Decor Committee - Merry, Teacher Kellie, Teacher Jennifer, Kaleigh, Trey, Noah, Adam, Dean, Emma, Katie D, Benjamin and Katie B
-EVERYONE - make snowflakes - bring them December 1
-EVERYONE - make paper chains - bring them December 1
-Jennifer - acquire wrapping paper for tables
-Jennifer/Benjamin- table decor

Hot Chocolate Bar - Student Government

Take note of the committees!  Yes, we will be discussing the good, the bad, and the best of committees next week.  So be ready to work with your committee and finalize your to-do lists!

Next week, we hope that Katie B. will be able to give her book presentation.  She has kept us waiting long enough; )!

Also, don't forget to secure a copy of Watership Down.  It is a quick read and a good leadership book.  And yes, it is about rabbits.  This book is due early next year.  That is right around the corner.

Please be working on your volunteer hours.  Teacher Kellie and I want to take all of you on a grand class adventure.  But in order to get your ticket, you need to complete all the class requirements.

Which reminds me, be thinking of what leadership characteristic you would like to teach us about.  The sign-up sheet is far from being full!

Thanks everyone!  Please complete your paper chains and snowflakes.  I can't wait to see them!

Teacher Jennifer

Monday, November 14, 2016

Do HARD things but DON'T let them eat cake :)

Hi Everyone,
I hope you know how loved you truly are.  Teacher Kellie and I LOVE you and working with you.  If we didn't love you so much, we would just let the class continue as normal and stop preparing lessons and class plans.  Chaos would ensue and we would just sit back and chat;).
But we LOVE you and want to see you succeed, so the Cake War of November 2016 had to happen.
We will start fresh and know that we can all show respect to each other!  

Besides Teacher Kellie launching cakes, Noah gave a thoughtful presentation on Thursday on the book, Do Hard Things.  I loved how inspired he was to accomplish goals after learning of the tremendous accomplishments of the book's author.  Great job, Noah!

This week, Katie Blanchard will present, and possible Merry, Katie D, and/ or Dean.  We will be all ears!

Trey will bring in an inspiring leadership quote, I just know it!

And finally, we need to FINALIZE a plan for our Christmas party!  I like your thoughts thus far!
Be ready to sign up for an assignment or many assignments.  
I think this is going to be the BEST Christmas party YET!!

Bring your ideas!  Wow, that's easy homework;)!

Also, be thinking of what leadership trait/ characteristic that you want to present on!  Try presenting on one that you need to develop.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It's the most wonderful time of the year.....But Thursday was NOT!

Last Thursday, we had quite a class.  I'll leave it at that for now.

We started with an inspirational leadership quote from Kaleigh.  She was followed by Adam, Trey, and Benjamin who took us on a leadership path that included a trip into the psyche, a guide to war, and the ins and outs of making friends.  Great job, young men!

We then moved on to the Halloween debrief.  You did an excellent job pulling the Halloween party together, although, debriefing wasn't so excellent.  It was just a mush of negativity and no direction.  It set a low bar for the next debrief. I know we can do better.

For homework, you were assigned to brainstorm ideas for the Christmas party.  Come prepared to present them and think about what area of the party you want to work on prepping.  You can not repeat what you did in the Halloween bash.  So if you worked on decor, you can't do that for Christmas.  We want you to experience as many aspects of planning and management that you can, before you take on your own activity!

This Thursday, Katie Blanchard and Noah will present on their leadership books.
Katie Dial has the leadership quote.

I can't wait to hear your ideas regarding Christmas.  Think BIG!!

Also, I want to see a complete turnaround behavior wise this week. Last week was a complete disappointment!  You are leaders and scholars, I expect you to act appropriately.  Please do your best to control yourselves.

See you Thursday.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Halloween hit!

Bravo, everyone!

You all did a superb job with the Halloween Bash!
I've heard so many great things about it. The carnival games were so fun. Kids literally lined up and waited to play them. The treat table was full of delicious items that were hurriedly gobbled up. The decor left everyone spooked and mouths agape at the awesomeness. The music got most people on their feet. The costume contest was smooth and made for a lot of happy winners (and sad non -winners.). The announcements and reminders were just what was needed to get all the people to the party! Great JOB!!!

This week bring in your positives and negatives from the party! We will debrief.

We will also be treated to some excellent leadership book presentations from Adam, Trey and Benjamin.

Kaleigh has the leadership quote.

THANKS AGAIN! See you Thursday!

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Why oh why? And Last Week Until the Bash!!

We started out class with a brilliant review of the book Start with Why by Simon Sinek.  Emma excelled with her delivery and especially the fact that she applied the principles to her own life.  Good job!
We are going to take a one week break from our presentations due to the decorating scramble that will occur next Thursday during class.
And speaking of decorating, get working on your Halloween Bash assignments.  If you're waiting until the last minute, welcome to the last minute:)!!!

Below are a list of the assignments that MUST be ready by Thursday at 3:00 pm.

Music/ dance games -Benjamin

Costume contest details/ trophies- Trey and Katie Blanchard

Carnival games/ game helper schedule/ secured volunteers- Noah, Adam, Dean

Refreshment table - REMINDERS!!! raffle ready to go, decor ready, be sure to show food volunteers where to put their donations (maybe in the corner in the kitchen) -Emma

Fellowship hall -decor and set-up- don't forget to bring the skeletons and other decor you were making, have a vision ready to share QUICKLY- Katie Dial and Kaleigh

We are meeting for lunch in the Fireside Room to accomplish as much as we can! 
We will spend 4th hour setting up.  Remember that an hour is NOT MUCH TIME!  

Go team!!!!!  This is going to be a great party!

PS - don't forget to make a tombstone for the stage:)!!!


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Friday, October 14, 2016

Habits, Halloween, and Hard work

Kaleigh started out class with an entertaining presentation on the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Covey.  Her video presentation received rave reviews.  And I know you are each going to go home, choose a habit, and specifically work on it this week.  Then you will share your success stories in class.  Thanks, Kaleigh, for the inspiration.

I am elated in regards to the event planning you have done!  Great job, thus far. Now we need to put our plans into action.
Next week, be prepared to present and report on your plans for each area of the Halloween bash.   I love all your ideas and I can't wait to see them come to fruition.  So get to work!   The more you do now, the less you will have to do last minute!

Thanks for all your work on our budget proposal.  When you are in charge of your own activity, you will have to submit the proposal on your own (I will be there for assistance.)  So always keep your budget in mind.  The Student Government class is working hard in the CCS Store at lunch to afford all these fun events.

I hope you all know how much we appreciate all your hard work planning and providing these great events for FILA.  Many times as leaders you are left doing all the work and not fully getting to participate in the fun part.  This comes with the job as the leader!  But it pays off in other ways. Think about the advantages of leadership this week.  
Teacher Kellie and I are well aware of the sacrifice and work you put into this class and your roles as leaders.  We are working hard on figuring out the PERFECT reward for completing all the requirements for this class.  No one has ever done it before!  We want it to be a fabulous adventure where YOU can enjoy yourselves as a reward for all the work you put into the other events.
We will take suggestions: ).

Next Thursday:
Leadership quote - Benjamin Poyer
Book Presentation - Emma Miller
                            Katie Dial
HOMEWORK - report on your work on one of the 7 Habits

CLASS TIME - present and report on your portion of the Halloween party

PS - Don't forget your gravestones and milk jugs!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Three weeks to Halloween Bash

Class started with a great leadership quote from Merry.  Hopefully, our weekly quotes are inspiring you to hone your leadership skills and sparking your desire to step up and lead!

After my book presentation on the book, The Leader in Me, we worked on nailing down ideas for the Halloween party!
With not much time and A LOT to do, we need to start finalizing our plans next Thursday!  Be ready to show and tell us what you will do to accomplish your portion of the party by the end of class next week.
This means all the carnival games must be chosen and assigned, decor for each section of the hall must be planned out, treat sign-up sheet must be sent around at lunch, invites must be planned and ready to be distributed, etc, etc!!  If you are working with someone, contact them this week!!  Make some hard plans!!  

You all signed up to work on a certain part of the party.  Below are the assignments and items that need to be addressed within each party planning section.

Carnival room: DEAN, ADAM AND NOAH🎃
1) How many games should be offered?
2) What are these games?
3) Who is going to run these games?
4) Who is going to make these games?
5) Will there be prizes?  What will they be? Who will buy them?
6) Will the room have decor?  If yes, what will this decor be and who will do it?

Communication and Advertising-MERRY📬
1) How will we invite everyone?  Invitations?  FACEBOOK?  EMAIL?
2) How will we invite FILAP?
3) posters?  Announcements during lunch?  
4) I did send out a save the date;)

Decor -Kaleigh and Katie Dial (Katherine)🎈
1) How will the room be set-up? Tables, chairs, drink station, refreshment table, dance floor?
2)What decor will be used in each section?
3) How will you acquire the decor?  Who will make the decor?
4) how much time will set-up take?
5) think of the lighting needs!

Refreshment Table -Emma🍪
1) make a sign-up sheet and take it around to the adults during lunch next week!
2) how many tables will you need?
3) plates, napkins?
4) decor?  Table cloths?
5) reminder calls for people bringing food

Dance - Benjamin and Genevieve💃🏼
1) music choices
2) Will there be dance games?  Contests?
3) dance prizes?
4) get with Genevieve and talk it over!
5) speakers for music?
6) lights for dance floor?

Costume contest- Katie Blanchard and Trey👯
1) Who will judge the contest?
2) when will the judging happen?
3). What are the categories?
4) What are the prizes?
5) Who will get the prizes?
6) Who will announce?  When will it be announced?

Please come with all of these answers and more!!!
On Thursday Katie D and Kaleigh will present on their leadership books.  Katie D also has the leadership quote.
We will then break into our planning groups for a few minutes and then report our final ideas before leaving class along with writing a budget proposal.

Homework:  Work on your section of the party!  This means call, email, or text the person(s) you are working with.  Make a list of what you will need!  We need to submit a budget proposal ASAP!

Also, make a tombstone:)!  We need this to decorate the stage!

Ps-if you need someone's contact info, email me and I will get you the info!

Thank you!!!!

Jennifer Poyer

Friday, September 30, 2016

Cool Kids eat Cookies

Hey Cool Kids!  Great job in class this week.  Your acting was divine.  I hope we all now know what NOT to do when planning and carrying out an activity.  Keep the Cool Kid characters in mind as we plan our big events.  No one wants to leave the lady with the treats in her driveway sitting on a cooler!  I'm talking about you, STEVE!

We were able to start throwing ideas out for our big Halloween bash.  It will look a lot like last year's party.  But why not?  It worked and was a success, so let's revisit it.
So we are set on having DJ Genne (she graciously said she would work our event ; )), a carnival room, refreshments, and a mixing "potions" (drink) station (run by the Student Government class.)

Your homework for this week is:
1) Start reading those leadership books!!!  I'll start us off on the presentations next Thursday with the book, The Leader in Me.  It is going to take you back to your childhood.
2)Decide what portion of the Halloween party you would like to work on.  The choices include - dance/games, carnival room, refreshments, decorations, or communication and advertisements.
3) Come up with 5 awesome event ideas to share.  For example, if you want to be involved with the decor, search for some inexpensive easy decorations that we can make, etc.

I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOUR IDEAS!  We have 12 people working on this party!  It is going to be AMAZING!!

Also, we decided to kick-off our Scholar Meet-ups at the skating place in University Place.  I'll send out the info.  Come and support these awesome activities!

Thanks, everyone!

See you on Thursday!

Teacher Jennifer

PS - Merry, you have our Quick Share Quote this week.

PSS - Someone walked out the door with Dean's pencil.  Please return it to him.

PSSS - The papers I gave you to add to your binders included very important information that can wreak havoc if put into the wrong hands!  Please be careful with those!  We will discuss this more on Thursday!

Here is how the schedule for book presentations currently stands: (Note that there are two more spaces available.)  Also, it is perfectly fine that people are doing the same book.  You each will get something different from your reading.  
October 6 – Jennifer Poyer – The Leader in Me
October 13 – Katie Dial – Start with Why
                                Kaleigh Newlun – Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
October 20 – Noah Giovingo – Do Hard Things
                                Emma Miller – Start with Why
October 27 – Adam Claridge – Man's Search for Meaning
November 3 – Trey Claridge – The Element
                                Benjamin Poyer – How to Win Friends and Influence People
November 10 – Katie Blanchard – How to Win Friends and Influence People/Noah Giovingo - Do Hard Things
Here is the schedule for the Leadership Quote Quick Share:

October 6 – Merry
                13 – Katie Dial
                20 – Benjamin
                27 – Kaleigh
November 3 –
                10 – Katie Dial
                17 – Trey Claridge
                24 – Thanksgiving
December 1 –
                8 – Katie Blanchard
                15 – Benjamin Poyer
January 5 – Katie Blanchard
                12 – Adam
                19 – Dean
                26 – Emma
February 2 –
                9 – Trey
                23 – Noah
March 2 – Merry
April 6 – Spring Break
1)This Thursday, Kaleigh will present a leadership quote! (please refer to your binder for directions on what and how to present this) Way to go, Kaleigh! 
2)Also, bring in your Golden Circles. (The sheet can be found in your binder.)
3)  If you haven't signed up for leadership quotes or a book presentation, be ready to do so on Thursday.
4) Bring your acting abilities to class!!!  Accents, dramatic actions, and overacting are VERY welcome this week.
If you need more info or have questions email me or text me at 209-531-7133.
Thanks, everyone!!!
Jennifer Poyer

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Golden Circle, Retreat Debrief, and BRING your acting chops

We had an info-packed first class last week. I hope you were listening and are up to speed on what we will be accomplishing this year.  We have A LOT to do and a LITTLE amount of time to accomplish it.  Last year our biggest hurdle was time!  This year we are going to stay on task.  That is going to require a lot of effort from each of you AND so much effort from ME : )!
I was super impressed when I looked at the sign-up sheets and saw all your names. Also, I have heard from a few of you about your choice of books on the presentations.  I love this effort.  This is a great leadership trait.  I hope you have all dove into your books, or at least have them on hold at the library.
We also had a fantastic Scholar Retreat debrief.  It was so great to get all the feedback.  Keep those debriefs in your folder, you will need them when we start planning Scholar Retreat 2017.  It is easy to forget all the details of events over time, so write them down so your ideas and changes can be applied during next year's planning.
And finally, we talked about your "WHY!"  Why did you join this class?  (Please don't write that your mom made you do it!) Why should people be inspired to follow you?  Why do you think you can lead FILA's activities?  WHAT will you do to make this WHY happen, and HOW will you bring the WHAT about?  For homework, you are supposed to write down your why, what and how. (Fill out your Golden Circle.) You can definitely have more than one!  In fact, you definitely should have a lot of whats and hows!  If you are having trouble understanding "The Golden Circle" assignment, go online and watch the Ted Talk by Simon Sinek.  I'm so sorry that we were unable to fully watch it in class.  Next time, I will be better prepared!

Here is how the schedule for book presentations currently stands: (Note that there are two more spaces available.)  Also, it is perfectly fine that people are doing the same book.  You each will get something different from your reading.  I seriously cannot wait to hear the wisdom you glean! 
October 6 – Jennifer Poyer – The Leader in Me
October 13 – Katie Dial – Start with Why
                                Kaleigh Newlun – Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
October 20 – Noah Giovingo – Do Hard Things
                                Emma Miller – Start with Why
October 27 – Adam Claridge – Man's Search for Meaning
November 3 – Trey Claridge – The Element
                                Benjamin Poyer – How to Win Friends and Influence People
November 10 – Katie Blanchard – How to Win Friends and Influence People
Here is the schedule for the Leadership Quote Quick Share:
September 29 – Kaleigh
October 6 – Merry
                13 – Katie Dial
                20 – Benjamin
                27 – Kaleigh
November 3 –
                10 – Katie Dial
                17 – Trey Claridge
                24 – Thanksgiving
December 1 –
                8 – Katie Blanchard
                15 – Benjamin Poyer
January 5 – Katie Blanchard
                12 –
                19 – Dean
                26 –
February 2 –
                9 – Trey
                23 – Noah
March 2 – Merry
April 6 – Spring Break
1)This Thursday, Kaleigh will present a leadership quote! (please refer to your binder for directions on what and how to present this) Way to go, Kaleigh! 
2)Also, bring in your Golden Circles. (The sheet can be found in your binder.)
3)  If you haven't signed up for leadership quotes or a book presentation, be ready to do so on Thursday.
4) Bring your acting abilities to class!!!  Accents, dramatic actions, and overacting are VERY welcome this week.
If you need more info or have questions email me or text me at 209-531-7133.
Thanks, everyone!!!
Jennifer Poyer

Friday, April 29, 2016

Who supports free speech? AND Scholar Retreat Schedule

Logan and Morgan "peeled" themselves away from the Florida beaches!  We are so glad to have them back, and they are ready to tackle their upcoming debate over free speech.  Be ready with valid well supported arguments.  

Nearly everyone presented on their leadership trait.  I was super impressed on the topics you chose.  Your topics truly fit your personalities.   It was superb!  The feedback was lacking, but I must say the delivery has improved twofold!  Great Job!
And dare I say that we have Scholar Retreat practically planned?!  That is mighty impressive.

Next week, Teacher Genne will be taking the reins and working on parliamentary procedure once again.

But the following week, May 12, we will have a working meeting during lunch in the Herried Room.  We will provide lunch.  This is a REQUIRED meeting - don't be late ; ).  
We need to tie up any loose ends as we go into the summer.  We need to get organized for the bake sale (Morgan, what do you need?), as well as field day.  And then plan a couple of summer meetings for more scholar retreat planning, if necessary.  Let's make sure we use every single minute of class time wisely!!

Lastly,  I need you to send me your absolute favorite leadership quote from this last year!  And if you don't have one yet, FIND ONE!!  Send those ASAP!

Jennifer Poyer

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Monday, April 25, 2016

Scheduling Galore

We had a great scheduling session on Thursday. Below are the details and your assignments.

FIELD DAY - Adam Blanchard

10 a.m. - Clean church

10:30 a.m. - small group leaves to set up the park for party

11 a.m. - head to the park

11:30 a.m. - Eating commences

12:30 -2:30 games

1) volleyball - Adam
2) Soccer - ????
3) Quidditch rotation - Lisa Miller
4) Hunger Games - Jared, Merry
5) Ultimate Frisbee - Trey

2:30 - 3 p.m. - Clean- up

Tables - Shannon, Jennifer, Genevieve

Canopy - Shannon

Adam: volley balls, soccer ball, cones, swords, frisbee
Jared : swords
Jennifer: volleyball nets, chalk, send group email
Trey: Facebook message
Katie: Food list

SCHOLAR RETREAT - Trey Claridge and Jared Peterson

We will continue working on this schedule this week! Bring in your schedule sheets and calendars, everyone!

ALSO, Morgan, come ready to hand out assignments!! We need to move quickly on your Shakespeare bake sale!

AND DO NOT FORGET YOUR CHARACTER STUDY PRESENTATIONS ARE ALL DUE!! Can you believe that no one has presented?!?! How did that happen? This Thursday, we will hear from ALL of YOU!!!!

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Presidential Debate and What we have is a failure to communicate!

CEO Morgan Miller was up against Governor Turfleburger in their first presidential debate last Thursday.
It was an eye-opener for the voters as they learned the true stances of these very capable candidates.
Miller pledged to put an end to Obamacare, issue a 22% flat tax, put an end to pornography on the Internet, and create new jobs.
Turfleburger wants less government in the lives of citizens.  His plan is to lower government spending, increase taxes, and put the responsibility of welfare back in the hands of the states.  He also proposed a plan allowing immigrants into the United States, but would not allow them to partake in the welfare system for five years.
The candidates put forth a clean battle and both truly demonstrated their presidential platform.
In their next debate, they are set to tackle the issue of free speech.  Preparation begins now, and the debate is scheduled for May 5.

In the leadership portion of class, we started with a debrief of the previous weekend's scholar activity.  Logan did a fantastic job of taking control, gathering attendees, leading the games, etc.  The only complaint was the lack of participants.  We decided we need to work on our communication.  Start talking, texting, posting, emailing, calling, announcing, shouting, etc!  We need to get the word out.

Next, we talked about calendaring!  As leaders, you NEED to keep track of the events you are leading and attending!  The calendar is the best way to do that.  This week fill it up with all your personal activities, upcoming events, etc.  And LOOK at it EVERY SINGLE DAY!  Bring it to class every week.  

We then went over the upcoming activities and what has been accomplished.  Some of you have really been working hard to develop your game plan.  Before you know it, your events will be here!!  This is real life, not a simulation.  Look at your event planning page.  Ask for help!  YOU are in charge!! 

Field Day - 
- Adam contacted Shannon Hayes and Lisa Miller
-Adam - make a list of supplies you have secured with people - make sure they know they are bringing them
-Adam - make a schedule of events for Field Day
-Adam - assign activities to age groups
-Adam - assign jobs to class!!
- Katie - make food sign-up sheet
-Katie and Jennifer - distribute sign-up sheet during lunch next week

Shakespeare Bake Sale-
-Morgan - make and distribute sign-up sheet for food donations
-ask for helpers to man booth
-decoration plan
-food plan (donations and other ideas - water bottles, popcorn)
-price plan
-price list
-money, etc

Scholar Retreat
- Trey came up with a great quote
-Trey - ask your mom about t-shirts
-Adam - T-shirt research
-work on getting dads to attend the event
-Trey and Jared - work on schedule of events
-Katie and Jennifer - food budget and plan
-make assignments for help!!!
-Morgan and Genevieve - ideas for speakers

HOMEWORK - fill out your calendars!!  You are all super busy, put it to paper.
-Work on your activity plan and prep.  Be ready to report progress, make assignments, etc.
-Adam and Merry you have your Character Study to present.  PLEASE BE READY.  If you have forgotten here is the info:

(3-5 minute presentation)
"You express the truth of your character with the choice of your actions."-Steve Maraboli
1) Choose a characteristic you believe every good leader should embody.
2) Find an example of a leader using this characteristic.  Share this example with the class.
3) Research and report to the class on how we can develop and practice this characteristic.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


I hope you are enjoying your week off!

Here is  quick reminder for homework assignments:

-prepare, prepare, prepare for your debate
-come up with a position on the various issues
-research the various issues
-prepare responses to questions regarding the various issues


Character Study class presentation:
    -Morgan, Logan, Merry - BE READY !

    - send email or talk to Shannon Hayes and Lisa Miller regarding     Field Day
    -make and distribute a food sign-up sheet for Field Day

-Jared and Trey - Scholar Retreat
    -come up with a quote for T-shirt
    -work on schedule of events
    -Trey - talk to your mom about her t-shirt connection
    -work on getting dads to attend the event - we need two per night.

-Katie and Jennifer
    -scholar retreat menu
    -food pricing
-Morgan - 
    -make and distribute sign-up sheet for food donations
    -decoration plan
    -ask for helpers to man booth
    -food plan (donations and other ideas (water bottles, popcorn, etc))

We will also be debriefing the Scholar Activity.
Come prepared with new info to report!!!  You can do this!


Monday, March 28, 2016

Words with a PUNCH

Our class number was cut in half last week. We sure missed Adam, Logan and Morgan. And they missed out on making the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich ever!
We leaped right into our final presentations on the trait of a leader. I went first and chose written communication. As a leader it is so important to speak to your audience, keep them in mind as you compile your speech, letter, email, text, or dare I say, tweet.
Also, word choice, or diction is essential. Use words that tell the reader exactly what you are thinking, not fluffy words that don't have a real meaning. Don't use extra words that add NOTHING to your sentences. Make sure every word in your sentence fulfills a job! Get rid of the rest.
Do not be afraid of edits. Welcome edits. Your writings are NEVER perfect, they are always a work in progress. And most importantly, in order to become a good writer, you must practice. A journal is the perfect way to do this.

Your homework was to make a poster, compile an invitation, etc about the Scholar Retreat! Sell it! Explain why the audience should be a part of the event. I don't want to see any words like great, awesome, fun, etc! Explain why the event will be great, awesome, fun,etc! GOOD LUCK!!! I will give a reward to the best.

Next Thursday, Morgan will present on her chosen leadership trait. Remember, you must decide what trait you think every good leader should have. Give an example of a leader that embodies this trait. And then teach us how we can develop this trait in ourselves. Feel free to assign homework!

Also, we need to get down to business with our activities. The semester is quickly coming to a close.
Trey and Jared need to come up with committees and their responsibilities by THIS THURSDAY. Plus, Trey, CALL Betty Dial!! : ). And talk to Sean Newlun our resident camping expert about how involved he can be with the Scholar Retreat.

Morgan, have you talked with Julie Prestegard?
Logan, are you set for your game day?
Adam, where are you with your field day planning?

Good luck and be ready to report on Thursday.

Sent from my iPad

Friday, March 11, 2016

What's your stance? / Thank you notes and Game Day

On Thursday during debate we looked into the various presidential issues encircling the current election.  As a candidate it is important to take a stance and KNOW what that stance is. 
Have you ever heard of a candidate being called a flip-flopper?  In most cases this means they keep changing their stance.  Don't be a flip-flopper!!
Your homework is to research the following issues and determine your stance on each of them:
Abortion, Crime and Justice, Health Care, and Immigration.

Think policy, strategy and the issues that surround each of these bigger issues.

During the last hour of class, Merry gave a great presentation on Baron Von Steuben.  The best part is when she went off the paper and we could see her interest and passion for the subject.  Has anyone researched more about him?  Thanks be to Morgan, who made the great observation that Merry's presentation incited a desire in her to know more about this Von Steuben character.

We also made great headway with the Scholar Activity.  Logan is doing a fantastic job leading, planning and assigning.
He truly knows the value and the importance of delegating.

The assignments thus far are:
Jennifer - 4 Costco pizzas and water bottles, hat prize and good sport award
Leadership class members - desserts
Merry and Adam - plan and carryout small group games
Trey - spoon tournament
Trey and Adam - develop the criteria for the hat contest winner

Logan, did you check to see if we have plates and napkins available?  If not, talk to Shannon Hayes.

Next Thursday, you have all been tasked with making NUMEROUS thank you notes for use during the auction fundraiser.
Your assignments are:
Set up tables - Katie, Merry, Jared
Gather crayons, pencils, markers, glue, stickers - Adam, Trey
Bring note-cards/glue notes to cards - Logan and Morgan

Lure (yes, I said lure) students of all ages to the table to make cards - Katie, Merry, Jared, Adam, Trey, Logan and Morgan

Another idea is to grab a white board and write phrases that kids can copy onto their own cards. 
Ex:  "Thank you for helping our schools!"
    "Thank you for your help!"
"Thanks for making our school great!!!" 
--Use lots of exclamation points : )!

For homework, work on your activities and on completing all your assignments.  Also, it is never too early to prepare for your Character Study presentation. The schedule is as follows:
March 24 - Jennifer Poyer
March 31 - Morgan Miller
April 14 - Logan Miller, Merry Dial
April 21 - Jared Peterson, Adam Blanchard
April 28 - Trey Claridge, Katie Dial

The best way to overcome your apprehensions about giving presentations and public speaking is to do it more and more.  So these presentations we assign you are like a gift to you!  You are so very welcome.   I have seen improvements in everyone.  I love how our class dynamic has matured.  But for this last round, I would love to hear more feedback from all of you.  This is your class, it is what YOU  make it.  Thanks, everyone!

Next week, Teacher Genevieve will teach more parliamentary procedure.  I will see you in two weeks.  
Good luck on Thursday with your thank you note task.  I can't wait to hear about all the success it will bring!

American PIE

Well, there is nothing more American than pie, so we took a pie break this week during class.
We made adorable mini pies in canning lids!  The girls did a great job rolling out their dough and pinching the sides.
While the crusts were cooking, we shook cream into whipped cream using pure muscle and endurance!
We then mixed flavored yogurt with our whipped cream and spooned it into our crusts.  
I wish I would've captured some pictures of the gorgeous pies!  Maybe you can make them for Pi day!! It's this Monday.

A few girls decided to take their 13 colony quiz during the lunch hour.  Great job!  Skylynn got all 13 colonies correct.  She earned 13 gumballs for this feat!!

Keep working on your stitching projects.  I can't wait to see them.

Also, I will be gone next week, but Teacher Mary and Teacher Nalani will be all hands on deck.  Be ready to dissect the character of Felicity.

And speaking of decks, the following week we will be heading to Gig Harbor to learn all things boats.  It will be great.  This will fall on pajama day, but maybe you can bring those to change into after our field trip.  We will be heading to downtown Gig Harbor, where you might want to wear regular clothes.
You will also need to bring a lunch for our dockside picnic.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

It's a Draw/All hands in for TEAMWORK!

Logan and Morgan faced off over women's voting responsibilities and each proved a worthy opponent of the other.  Logan made it clear that if women really care about women's rights, they should vote for women.  Morgan fought back declaring that true feminism was about women having equal choices, including the choice of who to support with their vote.  WELL DONE!!  I can't wait until your next face-off.
Start researching your chosen presidential issues right now.
Morgan: abortion, education, gay marriage, health care
Logan: crime and justice, genetically modified food, immigration , marijuana

During our second hour of class, Katie gave her leadership presentation on Joan of Arc.  When asked what leadership trait Joan of Arc truly represented, Katie said it was her ability to listen to God.  What a powerful example she showed us.  She did exactly what she believed God told her to do, nothing doubting.
Would any of our country's leaders do the same?  Would WE do the same?

Next week, Merry will present on someone incredible, I can just feel we are all going to be mesmerized and have tons of feedback and questions.

Activity dates are fast approaching and we have loads of work ahead of us.  We need to spend every minute of class engaged in learning, planning, and bringing to fruition our visions.
You each revisited your activities and you each have been tasked with various assignments that NEED to be COMPLETED ASAP!!   WE want your activities to be a SUCCESS.  We want to help you where ever you see a need.  Please start formulating your plan and asking for help.  Organization and time is key in carrying out a well-planned and amazing activity.  I think you each have fantastic ideas and visions.  Genevieve and I want to aid you in any way we can!  We are on your TEAM!!!  GO TEAM!!!

Logan - 1) Get the scholar activity on the FILA calendar via Kellie Schmieder (your mom should have her email.) 2) Compose an invite email announcing your scholar activity 3) Forward this email to me, Jennifer Poyer, so I can send it out via our email group, or ask your mom to do so. 4) Talk to Shannon Hayes about available paper goods to use for activity.

Game Committee - Merry, Katie, Morgan - come up with two game proposals for Logan next week.

Hat Committee - Adam, Trey - Figure out the criteria for the "BEST HAT" vote.

Morgan - talk to Julie Prestegard regarding the Shakespeare bake sale.  Haley Walk and Hannah Owen are also good resources.  They ran it last year.

Adam - Discuss a possible quidditch match with Lisa Miller.  Talk to Shannon Miller about using her pop-up tent for field day.

Trey, Jared - Keep working on building your scholar retreat committees.  Work on job requirements/responsibilities you would like to see them accomplish.  Set a date to meet with Betty Dial during lunch regarding what is involved in planning the activity.

Be ready to report back next meeting!!!  Make us proud by being proactive!!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

IF Logan gets a hug, THEN he will feel loved

What a great day to learn about debate!

Genevieve took us down the road of debate and showed us exactly what we can do to WIN!!  The key is focusing on fundamental truths!  That's it!  Easy peasey!   Not really, you need to use logic to take you from your proposition to your explanation and representation.  Connect this all to a fundamental truth and you've built a winning argument.

HOMEWORK:  Find and recognize if-then statements that occur in your life.  They are everywhere!  Take notice and write them down to share with us.

Also,  look at the arguments you have started to build for your upcoming debate.  Analyze whether they are supported by induction, deduction or if- then statements.  Write them out in the following format:
Proposition - Argument
Explanation - (because)
Representation - (example)

The debate format will go as follows:
Logan - Affirmative - 5 minutes
Morgan - Negative - 5 minutes
Morgan - Rebuttal - 5 minutes
Logan - Rebuttal - 5 minutes

Remember use your inductive reasons sparingly!!

During our 2nd hour of class, Logan assigned everyone to a committee for his big scholar activity on April 9th.  He even assigned duties to each committee.  Great leading, Logan.
The committees are as follows:
Hat: Trey, Adam
Game: Logan, Morgan, Katie
Food: Jared, Logan

Next, Jared gave us a look into the life of Thomas Jefferson.  He identified his main influencer as George Wythe.  Plus, gave us a lot of amazing accomplishments of this great leader, including his spreading the popularity of macaroni and cheese in America.  This probably comes in second place only to writing the Declaration of Independence. : )

We also got to know our love languages.  As leaders it is SO important to show your appreciation and love to those working with you and for you.  This makes them WANT to work with and for you!  The 2nd level of leadership is building relationships and loving those you serve and serve with.  Thus, today we learned the five ways we can show love and get love.  You each took a little quiz that determined how you prefer to get love. We then discussed what each meant and gave great examples of how we could show love through each language. (Gifts, Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality Time)
Your HOMEWORK is to identify someone's love language and then show them love using that language!  I want a report back.  And this is SO EASY!!! NO EXCUSES!!

And finally, we planned what is going to be an AMAZING spirit month.  I will send out the email announcement tonight.  So start dusting off your "cool hats" for next Thursday!

Katie - your leader presentation is NEXT WEEK!!

Merry, we missed you!

See you next week!