Monday, October 24, 2016

Why oh why? And Last Week Until the Bash!!

We started out class with a brilliant review of the book Start with Why by Simon Sinek.  Emma excelled with her delivery and especially the fact that she applied the principles to her own life.  Good job!
We are going to take a one week break from our presentations due to the decorating scramble that will occur next Thursday during class.
And speaking of decorating, get working on your Halloween Bash assignments.  If you're waiting until the last minute, welcome to the last minute:)!!!

Below are a list of the assignments that MUST be ready by Thursday at 3:00 pm.

Music/ dance games -Benjamin

Costume contest details/ trophies- Trey and Katie Blanchard

Carnival games/ game helper schedule/ secured volunteers- Noah, Adam, Dean

Refreshment table - REMINDERS!!! raffle ready to go, decor ready, be sure to show food volunteers where to put their donations (maybe in the corner in the kitchen) -Emma

Fellowship hall -decor and set-up- don't forget to bring the skeletons and other decor you were making, have a vision ready to share QUICKLY- Katie Dial and Kaleigh

We are meeting for lunch in the Fireside Room to accomplish as much as we can! 
We will spend 4th hour setting up.  Remember that an hour is NOT MUCH TIME!  

Go team!!!!!  This is going to be a great party!

PS - don't forget to make a tombstone for the stage:)!!!


Sent from my iPhone

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