Friday, January 9, 2015

Week 1 - Let's get serious

Welcome back!
We had a great class coming out of vacation.
We set a new class agenda that will include watching and discussing CNN Student News (puns and all), debating, student leader presentations, event planning, and leader attribute activities and presentations. We are going to be BUSY, BUSY this semester but will GROW so much as leaders.

So here are some things to work on for next week:
-Make sure you have chosen a leader to present on and start your research! Remember you are responsible for reading a book on your chosen leader.

-Choose an event you would like to head up.  This will be marvelous experience for being THE BOSS.  Your choices are: 1) the winter scholar activity 2) Shakespeare play 3) Field Day 4) the scholar retreat.

-Start jotting notes, ideas, experiences, etc into your Leadership Notebook.  I know Hannah has already come up with an idea to share next week during class.  Great job!!

-Get ready to set your debate resolutions in motion.

Thank you!

See you Thursday!

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