Sunday, October 19, 2014

Minutes, motions, and GREEN MOVEMENT

One word for you this week: IMPRESSIVE!!!

The Halloween party is coming together nicely!  You all stepped up and came to the table with ideas, inspiration and a willingness to make it happen!!  BRAVO!
And can I add that your motions were magnificent!!?

So......make sure you are working on your assignments.  Motions were made to see your prototypes, budgets, and ideas THIS Thursday.  Times a ticking and we only have two weeks until the big event.  The KIDS are going to LOVE it!

Flyer/Advertising : Hannah
Costume contest: Hannah/John
Choir: Ally
Photo booth: Sage
Carnival games:  Paige, Hayley
Mystery boxes:  Hayley
Kids activity tables : David and Jonathan
Scholar recruiting: Ally

Along with your party assignments, bring in your minutes from the meeting.  We want to see them.  Minutes are a great tool to have when tracking motions, assignments and other vital information discussed.

Also, don't forget the GREEN MOVEMENT!  You know your side, now come ready to fight it out.  Not really fight, but thoroughly defend!  As you prep pay particular attention to your clarity, audible pauses (ummm, so), volume, speed, inflections and pauses.

One more thing....
Have you been noticing all the campaign signs up EVERYWHERE?  Who are these people that are running?  Have you thought about WHY they are running?  Check out your mom and dad's Voters' Pamphlet and see if you can figure out their WHY?  Or are they all about the WHAT and HOW?  Extra credit if you bring in your findings to share!!! 

CONGRATULATIONS TO HALEY AND ALLY, the winners of our template design contest!!

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