I can't tell you enough how proud I am of all the work you did for the Christmas party! You are all extraordinary! Every time I turned around, one of you were asking me if there was something you could help with. That is a great leadership trait!!
Here are a few highlights from the party (in my mind):
-Our hosts looked dapper in their coordinating outfits. (This means they communicated!!) Nice job with the announcing, Ethan R. and Spencer!
-Carol dares got a lot of compliments and had a lot of participation. I especially loved the scholar carol dare! And I liked that Hannah helped to alleviate our time crunch by changing up the carol dare schedule! Great job, Hannah and Paige.
-I loved seeing all the fun outfits! And why do you think there were two little boys dressed up like Santa?? (not to mention Mrs. Schmieder !!) They dressed up because we communicated the best dressed categories! Excellent job! Tillie, I loved that you dressed the part and carried out that contest flawlessly.
-Soup service line! One of my favorite pictures was of the soup servers dishing up soup. The food was very well received. Most people had seconds or thirds. Also, there was plenty of food for all. Good job with that sign-up sheet, execution AND the ladle washing, Ethan H. and Gabriel!! You two make an excellent team.
-Snowmen made of boxes! ADORABLE! Ethan D., you are so obedient! You were so kind to just let me do the snow theme and never complain about my bossy nature. Thanks for helping out in the soup line!
-Take-home snowmen. Tillie and Paige truly did an outstanding job with those cute faces. People were so excited to take something home from the party. That was a really fun bonus.
-Noah's announcement of the party was spot on! He was hesitant to do it, but he DID IT!! Hopefully, this is the first of many times that he takes the microphone.
-And Taylor was EVERYWHERE!! Decorating, making hot chocolate, serving food, singing about reindeer, and helping with the talent!! You are a jack of all trades, lady!!! And plus, you had the most adorable sweater. Thank you!
Thank you once again for your positive attitudes, desire to help and your joyful countenance! You are the leadership DREAM TEAM!!
A few things to take note of ......
Over the break READ your leadership books! Those presentations start the day we get back!
Ethan Day and Hannah Doolin are FIRST!!!
Noah, you have to present our Leader in the News when we get back.
You MUST have at least 10 by January 11th!!!
As soon as you can, I need you to send me your preference for which activity you would like to lead. And tell me why you want to lead it and maybe what your plan is to make that activity successful.
Mrs. Schmieder and I will discuss and make the assignments. And remember, even if you don't LEAD Scholar Retreat, you WILL be a leader at Scholar Retreat : )!
Here are the activities to choose from:
Valentine Exchange Activity: plan and carry out a fun card exchange. Also, you can spearhead our class Valentine deliveries.
Spring Scholar Activity - plan an activity for all of the scholars to attend (Tillie, this would be a great time to have the Jeopardy game!) The money we raise from our Valentine deliveries will fund this activity.
Thomas Jefferson Birthday Party - throw a fun party in honor of Thomas Jefferson.
Field Day - plan the last day of school activity
Shakespeare Bake Sale - plan and carry out the bake sale that completely funds the Shakespeare play for 2019!!! This activity is vital to Shakespeare!
Scholar Retreat 2018 - plan and carry out the three day event in August. This requires summer planning meetings, communicating with outside parties (speaker, t-shirt supplier, camp personnel), etc. This is a work intensive job, so if you are not willing to do the work, DO NOT request this activity!!! Also, if you cannot be there the entire camp time, please do not request this activity. The dates are August 9-11, 2018 at Camp Nisqually.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Have a wonderful break, enjoy your leadership books, and volunteer, volunteer, volunteer! : )