Thursday, November 30, 2017

Week 11: Tuxes, Jumping jacks, and Chili

Our FILA Christmas party is shaping up to be real nice! I can't wait to see how this event plays out. Will Spencer and Ethan R wear matching elf costumes or tuxedos? Will Hannah and Paige force the 4 year olds to plank for 5 minutes? Will Gabe and Ethan H run out of chili? I cannot wait!!!

This week you need to get SERIOUS!! I say that a lot! But I truly mean it this time. We have TWO weeks until this party!! Next week this is what I want to see from you:

-Communications: Noah: Facebook post to FILA Facebook page announcing party, Christmas party announcement at lunch (maybe in a Santa Hat), posters hung in visible areas

-Game: Hannah and Paige: Christmas Carol Dares decided on and cards made, piano player secured, Carols chosen

-Food: Gabriel and Ethan H: ALL spaces on your sign-ups FULL, table configuration decided upon with an accompanying map for the decor committee, power outlets for crockpots? (Where will you plugs these in?). Extension cords?, ladles? (Do you have enough in the kitchen?). Who is serving what? Serving dishes? All these details need to be attended to, boys!!

-Variety Show: Ethan R and Spencer: RUN-DOWN decided and turned into me!! I'm making programs for each table so I will need this info!!
—Contact all your talent (if you need email addresses or phone numbers, contact me!) and let them know all the details. Ask them if they need music hook-ups, etc. We need to meet together sometime BEFORE the show to explain to them how it will work!! Plan this meeting! It can take place upstairs after classes, but not in the Fellowship Hall because the Daughters of Norway meet there that day after our classes.
—Write some fun banter for each other and intros for the performers!!! I want to see hard copy of this on Thursday!!!

-Best Dressed contest: Tillie:
-Secure your judges and assign them their category to judge.
-Make some ballots for each judge to write the winners' names.

-Decor: Ethan D, Taylor M, Kellie S, Jennifer P
-Ethan- snowman family, candy canes (you forgot the pool noodles : ( )
-Taylor - finalize your stage decor, secure lights, communicate with me (Jennifer P) about snowflakes, etc : )
-Kellie S - compile a snow happy playlist, sculpt a snowflake out of a block of ice for a punch bowl


Today, you also each chose a day to present a book report on a leadership book (NON-FICTION.)

This is what the schedule looks like:

-January 11 - Ethan Day, Hannah Doolin
-January 18 - Gabriel Poyer, Tillie Blanchard
-February 1 - Paige Preece, Taylor Miller
-February 8 - Ethan Riggle, Spencer Bullock
-February 15 - Noah Giovingo, Ethan Hellyer

You DO NOT have to read the books from the list on page 7 of your binder. You can choose your own as long as it is a leadership NON-FICTION book. If you are unsure, simply ask!

NEXT WEEK we are going to have an AMAZING presentation from Mrs. Schmieder on PUBLIC SPEAKING! This is her expertise!!! She is going to get you ready for your book presentation!!! If you are scared to speak in public, don't be worried, most people are scared. It takes practice to get over that fear. Aren't you glad you get to practice in such a safe space? We adore every single one of you and see a future of great things for each of you! So do your best with this presentation. It is the first of THREE!

Next Thursday, Taylor and Ethan Hellyer will start class off with the Leader in the News. We will do quick committee reports and then Mrs. Schmieder will dazzle us!!!

Today went fairly smoothly! Let's have a repeat of that. Spencer is going to be the gavel keeper.

See you Thursday, but I hope to HEAR from you before that!! (That means I want your emails and I would love questions and committee updates!)
Sent from my iPad

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