Sunday, October 8, 2017

WEEK 4: Save ME for I have a beautiful smile!

Captain Blanchard had some difficult decisions to make on Thursday and many of her shipmates didn't make it any easier.

As leaders you will face difficult decisions.  You can't avoid them, you can't have someone else make them, and you must live with them.  You probably won't have to choose who is left to fight pirate terrorists on a cruise ship, but you will probably have to decide how much money should be spent on decorations or candy, or even something more serious.  (IF you can imagine something more serious than candy!!)

And on the other side of this, as a leader you must convince others WHY your opinion and ideas should count!  In our activity on Thursday, you were given the opportunity to convince Captain Blanchard why she should choose you.  Considering the circumstances, maybe you should've talked about your strong rowing muscles instead of your great smiles.  Consider the situation.  Applying this back to money and candy, convince us WHY you need $50 for the activity room!

Budgeting is something we need to take seriously as a class because we are accountable to FILA for all the money we spend. The money we spend comes directly from the proceeds of the student store.  We have the RESPONSIBILITY to provide great, fun, and meaningful activities for the benefit of the entire school.

During class we came up with a budget proposal to submit to the student store class.  It designated the following amounts to the respective party responsibilities:
$30 - Decor
$20 - Activity room
$3.00 - Communications
$5.00 - Refreshment table
$8.00-Music games/rewards
$14.00 - Costume contest trophies

We need to spend wisely and keep this budget in mind as we continue to plan and carry out our plans.

We are 3 weeks away from our HALLOWEEN PARTY!!

Keep working on a concrete plan for each of your party responsibilities.  If you want me to make the purchases for you, bring me a LIST of what you need on Thursday.  If you do your own shopping, SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS!

Tillie, please send out an email THIS WEEK regarding the Halloween party.  Your mom can send it to the entire group. : )
Here are the details it should include:
---Thursday, October 26, 2017 - 3-4:30 p.m.

---Dancing, costume contest, dance games, activity room for kids 10 and under, Halloween drinks sold by CCS, refreshments

Spencer, continue your sign up sheet circulating this Thursday!!  Good job!

Paige, Hannah and Taylor, continue your decor plan!  Please figure out the configuration of the Fellowship Hall for the dance.  Make a map : )!  This will make it easier for set-up.  Also, come with a list of supplies you need.  We might be able to contribute before you have to spend money from your budget.  Thank you, ladies!

Noah and Taylor, please come up with a list of categories for the costume contest.  I can make up to 12 trophies.  Also, how will the judging work?

Hannah, please contact Genevieve and come up with a plan for a playlist, games, etc.  Let me know if you need help with this.  

Ethan, Ethan, Ethan and Gabriel, please come up with at least 3 games for the activity room.  Make sure you have a supply list and ideas for prizes.  Also, Tillie, have you looked into purchasing face paint?  Are you going to need a helper for this?

I can't wait to hear and see all your plans for our Halloween Extravaganza!!

Great job thus far!!

I'll see you on Thursday!

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