We can now check off Christmas party on our activity list! Woohoo!!!!
It went splendidly. The food drive was a success. Did you see the boxes filled to the brim? The talent show proved to be a stepping stone to Broadway for so many of the entrants! And the announcing was second to none. (Even without the helium!). And the white elephant gift exchange left at least one child in tears (that's the sign of a successful white elephant;))! And the snowflakes!!!!! Superb atmosphere! I almost thought I was in a winter wonderland (one filled with chaos and spills.). Overall, WELL DONE!
Thank you so much. Everyone was always asking for duties and pitching in wherever they could. Great, great sign of a leader. I hope you felt this activity ran so much smoother than Halloween. I truly did! You all really stepped up! Thank you!
So now YOU have your activity assignments! For the next three weeks I want you to brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm!
The power and control is in your hands. YOU get to shape this activity. Just keep in mind the "why" of the activity, whom it is geared for, what is available, etc, etc.
But also during your brainstorming, don't limit yourself, THINK BIG! Think HUGE!
I can't wait to hear your thoughts.
Here are the activity assignments:
Valentine's Exchange- Morgan and Katie
Scholar Activity- Logan
Shakespeare fundraiser - Morgan and Katie
Field Day- Adam
Scholar Retreat- Trey, Eric, Jared
-Also, speech writers, be ready with your complete speeches, and "fancy" them up!
-And don't forget to bring in a leadership quote or experience!
-And start working on your leadership presentations. Eric, you're up the second week we get back from break.
Have a fantastic break! We'll see you next year.
Sent from my iPhone
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