Sunday, December 6, 2015

Conclusions and Deconstruction of a Leader

Good morning, Leaders!

I don't think we thank you enough for doing such a great job!  I really appreciate your willingness to step up and lead activities, share ideas, announce the activities during lunch, give book reports, lead the news discussions, provide feedback, etc, etc....  You have been an incredible group to work with.  I have especially noticed a change in how our class communicates and relates to each other.  I LOVE  it!  GREAT JOB!!  We are all growing as leaders. THANK YOU!

Last Thursday, during third hour, Logan and Morgan handed in a rough draft of their speeches.  We were able to talk through issues and hopefully build stronger arguments.  We then worked on outlining the steps of writing a conclusion.

Teacher Genne gave us some great info.  Here is what I jotted down:

V. Re-state/re-tell thesis statement (optional)
    -summarize points
    -KNOW, FEEL, DO - challenge the audience, exhort them, ask a thought provoking question, repeat your most significant point and why
    -Final Clincher -
        -dramatic ending
        -return to beginning
        -answer first question you  asked in the intro
        -  quote
        - command


So for homework: write the conclusion to your speech!

In fourth hour, Jared gave a great interpretation of the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.  He used great examples in his presentation and pulled out three great and useful lessons for us all.  Remember, don't use criticism!  (I'm going to work on that!)

Jared's presentation draws to close our book report portion of our class.  I hope you each took some valuable lessons and information from your own book presentations and each other's.
Next, we are going to deconstruct a leader.  I gave each of you a set of questions to use in this process.  Pick one of your favorite leaders, or one of your least favorites.  Make sure you address all the questions on the handout.   I guarantee it will be fascinating to discover what really makes your leader tick.  Then be ready to give a 10-15 minute presentation on your findings to the class.  I really can't wait!!

Here is what the presentation schedule looks like:
Jan 14 - Eric (sorry, Eric!  This is what happens when you miss class. : ))
Jan 21 - Logan Miller - John Quincy Adams
Jan 28 - Katie Dial
February 4 - Adam Blanchard
February 11 - Morgan Miller
February 18 - Trey Miller
February 25 - Jared Peterson
And finally, the Christmas party is THIS WEEK!!!  I really hope that you have enjoyed having the POWER and CONTROL in our FILA activities.  It is one of the upsides to being a leader.   I hope these REAL -LIFE "simulations" have prepared you to head up your own activity next semester. 
So FINISH up your to-do lists for your committees!  Send out those reminder emails!  And be ready to spread some enthusiasm on Thursday!
In class, we will be debriefing this amazing event, CHOOSING your  activity to lead next semester, and brainstorming! Hopefully, we also get a chance to send you off to Christmas break with some bad puns!

Eric, we missed you!!!!

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