Friday, October 27, 2017

Week 7: K-Fro and Heavy J in da house with Willie Nelson

You guys pulled off a major win in the party department!
I've heard excellent feedback..
THANK YOU!  You were incredible.
The decor was OUTSTANDING.  The activity room was hopping long past its cut off time.  The costumes were snazzy. The dance floor was ablaze!!(Smoke and all.). The refreshments were refreshing.  And clean up was quick--My favorite kind!

Come to class with your lists of the good, the bad, and the last minute scrambles for our party debrief! This is your homework!  You want a class dollar, right?  I want to see a hard copy of your party successes and/or failures.  This means you should make a list on a piece of paper using a pen or pencil.:)
Also, we will be delving into Parliamentary Procedure!!!  It's going to be good;)!

--Spencer, you have our Leader in the News next week!

--Hannah will be announcing 🎤birthdays🎉 next week during lunch


--The Christmas party is right around the corner.  Start brainstorming now!  In two weeks you will be presenting your ideas!
Last year we ate pancakes for  lunch  while wearing pajamas, and played bingo while watching performers.
Shall we repeat that or totally switch things up.
I know a really good Willie Nelson impersonator.  I wonder if he can line dance🤔.

I'll see you on Thursday!:)

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Today we learned the extreme importance of COMMUNICATIONS!!! You can assume nothing when it comes to relaying information. Just because YOU know something, does NOT mean everyone else knows it!

Excellent jobs on your practice announcements today!!! I hope you can all feel comfortable enough to share your thoughts and ideas with us! Our class is a safe place to be yourself. : )

Next week during lunch we will be announcing the activities and birthdays! Who wants to go first and get a crisp Leadership five dollar bill?

We are ONE week away from our huge, glorious Halloween bash! Are you ready?
I certainly hope so. You all have done a great job planning and carrying out your plans! I am so impressed. You are going to do GREAT things! So bring your "A" game!

—During 4th hour next week report to the Fellowship Hall to DECORATE AND SET UP FOR THE PARTY! An hour is going to fly by! I want to see EVERYONE working hard and not standing around waiting to be told what to do! SEE A NEED AND FILL IT!!!

—Come PREPARED!! If you have supplies to bring, bring them! If you have posters or signs to make, make them! If you have to build trophies, build them (this little note is for me!). If you have to buy candy, BUY IT!!! If you need to ask Adam Claridge to help with your fish pond, ASK HIM (Ethan Riggle.). PLEASE, PLEASE do not shirk your action items!!! Get them done!! And don't forget to wear an awesome costume! (Heavy-J and K-Fro do not want to be the only ones representin' Leadership class!)

—Tillie, thank you for your Leader in the News! I love Katie Couric.. She is an amazing news reporter. She does not shirk away from the hard questions! She actually has made many an interviewee sweat under pressure. We need people like this to keep people accountable for their actions!

—Ethan Day, we missed you and hope you feel well enough to run your pumpkin bowling station next Thursday.

I'll be emailing you this week, so let's keep the conversation going! I love when you respond and COMMUNICATE!!!

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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Week 5: Send it to COMMITTEE

Ethan Riggle started class off just right with his Leader in the News.  He highlighted Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump's White House press secretary.  I love that he chose her as a good leader.  She has a very tough job and she always remains cool under pressure.  Everyone should try to watch her in action this week.   She has to make all Trump's tweets sound positive!  VERY DIFFICULT JOB!

You all have been hard at work with your committees.  I am so proud of all your plans!  Everything is going to be incredible.  Keep communicating with your committees this week.  Make sure you complete all your action items.  

This is what I have on my action item list:
—Make trophies
—Send treat reminder to parents
—get a pole for limbo
—find the bowling set
—buy plates, ice
—buy activity room prizes ($15)
—Buy candy for dance games

Please let me know if there is anything else you need me to do!

This Thursday, Tillie, you CAN announce the party during lunch.  Each of you can also announce it in your various classes!  
Tillie, will you also send out an email?  Post it on facebook?

Also, Taylor and/or Noah, please send me a list of costume contest categories.

Hannah, please make the number pumpkins and we can laminate them during lunch.

Next week will be our final class before the big party.  So be ready to bring any issues or problems to the table then!   We want to have a successful event. We will walk through the party and plan for any problems!!

Great job, everyone!!!  

Next week Tillie has our Leader in the News.

See you Thursday!!!

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Sunday, October 8, 2017

WEEK 4: Save ME for I have a beautiful smile!

Captain Blanchard had some difficult decisions to make on Thursday and many of her shipmates didn't make it any easier.

As leaders you will face difficult decisions.  You can't avoid them, you can't have someone else make them, and you must live with them.  You probably won't have to choose who is left to fight pirate terrorists on a cruise ship, but you will probably have to decide how much money should be spent on decorations or candy, or even something more serious.  (IF you can imagine something more serious than candy!!)

And on the other side of this, as a leader you must convince others WHY your opinion and ideas should count!  In our activity on Thursday, you were given the opportunity to convince Captain Blanchard why she should choose you.  Considering the circumstances, maybe you should've talked about your strong rowing muscles instead of your great smiles.  Consider the situation.  Applying this back to money and candy, convince us WHY you need $50 for the activity room!

Budgeting is something we need to take seriously as a class because we are accountable to FILA for all the money we spend. The money we spend comes directly from the proceeds of the student store.  We have the RESPONSIBILITY to provide great, fun, and meaningful activities for the benefit of the entire school.

During class we came up with a budget proposal to submit to the student store class.  It designated the following amounts to the respective party responsibilities:
$30 - Decor
$20 - Activity room
$3.00 - Communications
$5.00 - Refreshment table
$8.00-Music games/rewards
$14.00 - Costume contest trophies

We need to spend wisely and keep this budget in mind as we continue to plan and carry out our plans.

We are 3 weeks away from our HALLOWEEN PARTY!!

Keep working on a concrete plan for each of your party responsibilities.  If you want me to make the purchases for you, bring me a LIST of what you need on Thursday.  If you do your own shopping, SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS!

Tillie, please send out an email THIS WEEK regarding the Halloween party.  Your mom can send it to the entire group. : )
Here are the details it should include:
---Thursday, October 26, 2017 - 3-4:30 p.m.

---Dancing, costume contest, dance games, activity room for kids 10 and under, Halloween drinks sold by CCS, refreshments

Spencer, continue your sign up sheet circulating this Thursday!!  Good job!

Paige, Hannah and Taylor, continue your decor plan!  Please figure out the configuration of the Fellowship Hall for the dance.  Make a map : )!  This will make it easier for set-up.  Also, come with a list of supplies you need.  We might be able to contribute before you have to spend money from your budget.  Thank you, ladies!

Noah and Taylor, please come up with a list of categories for the costume contest.  I can make up to 12 trophies.  Also, how will the judging work?

Hannah, please contact Genevieve and come up with a plan for a playlist, games, etc.  Let me know if you need help with this.  

Ethan, Ethan, Ethan and Gabriel, please come up with at least 3 games for the activity room.  Make sure you have a supply list and ideas for prizes.  Also, Tillie, have you looked into purchasing face paint?  Are you going to need a helper for this?

I can't wait to hear and see all your plans for our Halloween Extravaganza!!

Great job thus far!!

I'll see you on Thursday!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

And the winner of the award for best actor in an original play goes to.....

Hannah ushered in our class on Thursday with her Leader in the News.  She educated us on Malala Yousafzai's mission for education for all (especially girls.)
She is an amazing example of courage, endurance, and knowledge.  She IS a good leader and so inspiring.  She has made a difference at such a young age.  Thank you, Hannah!!

Much applause is deserved by you leadership thespians. And Mrs. Schmieder was a little too good at playing two characters, wouldn't you agree?  She jumped from Leo to Jill like it was nothing.  Is there some community theater on her resume that we don't know about?  If I was a queen, I would declare Mrs. Schmieder become Dame Schmieder.

But the winner of the $5 bill goes to Ethan Riggle.  I felt he truly understood his character.  He captured Maria's essence.  He brought out her snottiness through his acting.  Excellent job!  Don't forget to get your payment on Thursday.

We took away so much from those cool kids.  They demonstrated what NOT to do, but also represented the spirit of a club filled with enthusiastic, motivated members with poor communication and execution skills.  Thank you, Cool Kids Club! We pledge never to forget our poor Cheryl and to always have a Plan B.

After shedding our cool kid characters, things got a little spooky as we listened to Halloween job proposals.  Paige turned in an exceptional plan for the Halloween party decor.  Her ideas and plan easily secured her the place of top decorator for the party.  She will be helped by Taylor and Hannah.  
After some minor skirmishes over quidditch, ticket prizes and M.C. duties, this is where the assignments landed.....

Fellowship Hall, dance floor, stage decor:  Paige, Hannah and Taylor

Costume Contest:  Noah, Taylor

Activity Room:  Ethan H., Ethan R., Ethan D, and Gabriel (Tillie will face paint)

Music/DJ assistant/Dance Games : Hannah (Genevieve is the DJ)

Communications: Tillie

Refreshment Table:  Spencer

1)For homework, you are to fill out the activity plan on page 16 of your binder for our Halloween Extravaganza.  It will be held October 26, 2017 after FILA classes are over.  It will be from 3 - 4:30 p.m.  You may not know everything listed on the page, fill in what you can!

2)Also, you need to start developing a solid plan for your portion of the party.  Here are some things you need to get nailed down:

Decor - plan for the the room (tables, chairs, decor, etc), BUDGET NEEDS, items needed (Paige has a great list started!)  Hannah and Taylor be ready to present this plan because Paige will be gone for volleyball during 4th hour.

Costume contest:  Who will judge?  How many judges?  Categories for costumes?  When will the judging take place?  When will the winners be announced?  We were planning to make the skeleton trophies that what you want for prizes?  

Activity Room:  What games will you be providing?  Time length?  Who will run the games?  Building materials for the game?  Budget?  Prizes for games?  Room decor?  etc.

Music/DJ assistant/Dance Games:  Talk with Genevieve about the playlist.  Dance games?  Prizes?  Budget?  Numbers on the dance floor? ETc.

Communications:  How are you going to get the info out?  Posters, email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telephone, Carrier Birds, announcements at lunch, TV commercials?  Budget for poster making?

Refreshment Table: SIGN UP SHEET needs to be made. (We don't want to buy forks or spoons so designate that they need to bring finger foods.)   Circulate the sign-up sheet during lunchtime and during parent meeting.   Do you want water container?  Budget for napkins, plates, cups, etc?   Table set-up---talk to Paige about decorations on the table. I (Mrs. Poyer) will gladly help you with this, Spencer : )!  

If you have questions, Mrs. Schmieder and I have answers (or will get them!)
We LOVE you all SO much!!  This class is a joy.  We want you to succeed and will do everything in our power to help you do so!

This week come prepared to make some HARD CHOICES!!  Because that's what leaders do : )!  And we are going to talk about MONEY!!

Also, turn in those Golden Circles if you have not yet done so.


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