On Thursday, we delved into parliamentary procedure. We learned the basic process of running a meeting, how to make a motion, and matched up vocabulary. This Thursday we will have our simulation! You all have a part that requires preparation outside of class. So please come prepared. If you do, you will be rewarded with POM-POMS! The more pom-poms you get the more P items you can purchase!
Thanks, everyone!! If you have questions please email me!
Below are your assignments.
Good luck! I'll see you Thursday.
Teacher Jennifer
PS - Adam and Trey we missed you! But you still have homework: )! See below.
KATIE B. - Leadership Class President –
Prepare a meeting agenda for next week's simulation.
The agenda should include minutes being read, treasurer's report, committee reports (Spring Activity, Field Day, Thomas Jefferson's Birthday, Shakespeare Bake Sale, and Scholar Retreat), an officer report from the Vice-President, new business, and old business, etc. (see sample for ideas)
Please give agenda to Teacher Jennifer before lunch so copies can be made for all class members.
NOAH - Leadership Class Treasurer
Be prepared to give a treasurer's report.
The following is the report:
We currently have $37 in our budget.
This money was made during our Valentine fundraiser.
This money is set to be used on the Spring Scholar Activity.
MERRY - Leadership Class Secretary
Prepare minutes for next week's simulation. These can be completely made up.
Be prepared to read them at next week's simulation during the "Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes."
Record minutes from next week's simulation. (See sample)+
KALEIGH - Leadership Class Vice-President-
Prepare an officer's report to present at next week's simulation.
This should give a status of our class at present.
You can talk about the recent Scholar Meet-up and the future Meet-up for ice-skating.
You can talk about class requirements that need to be fulfilled and the upcoming Leadership Deconstruction presentation.
Be creative!
TREY - Chairman of Field Day –
Be prepared to report what your committee has been up to plus the current plans.
Also, prepare to make a motion to be voted on regarding Field Day.
Ex: I move that everyone be required to dress up as Smurfs during Field Day.
KATIE D. - Chairman of the Shakespeare Bake Sale –
Be prepared to report what your committee has been up to plus the current plans.
Also, prepare to make a motion to be voted on regarding the Shakespeare Bake Sale.
Ex: I move that everyone be required to work for at least 1 hour dressed as a dwarf for Shakespeare Bake Sale.
EMMA - Chairman of the Scholar Retreat
Be prepared to report what your committee has been up to plus the current plans.
Also, prepare to make a motion to be voted on regarding Scholar Retreat.
Ex: I move that the theme of Scholar Retreat should be "Look your Best!"
DEAN - Chairman of the Spring Scholar Activity
Be prepared to report what your committee has been up to plus the current plans.
Also, prepare to make a motion to be voted on regarding the Spring Scholar Activity.
Ex: I move that the Spring Scholar Activity be a potluck with a Star Wars theme.
TEACHER JENNIFER - Chairman of the Thomas Jefferson Birthday Party
Be prepared to report what your committee has been up to plus the current plans.
Also, prepare to make a motion to be voted on regarding the Spring Scholar Activity.
Ex: I move that the Spring Scholar Activity be a potluck with a Star Wars theme.
BENJAMIN - Member with NEW Business
Prepare some new business for our simulation next week.
This can be any idea you come up with for our class.
Be creative! Be prepared to present it during the NEW BUSINESS portion of the agenda.
Prepare to make a motion regarding this new business.
Ex: I move that we only wear the color purple during our next presentation.
ADAM - Member with Old Business
Prepare a quick report on the status of the "scholar lunch tables."
Take a survey as to whether it is working and if the scholars like it. Present your results during our simulation.
Be prepared to make a motion regarding the tables.
Ex: I move that we make scholars stand during lunch and serve the lower core kids first.
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