Saturday, March 25, 2017


On Thursday, we delved into parliamentary procedure.  We learned the basic process of running a meeting, how to make a motion, and matched up vocabulary.  This Thursday we will have our simulation!  You all have a part that requires preparation outside of class.  So please come prepared.  If you do, you will be rewarded with POM-POMS!  The more pom-poms you get the more P items you can purchase!

Thanks, everyone!!  If you have questions please email me!

Below are your assignments.

Good luck!  I'll see you Thursday.

Teacher Jennifer

PS - Adam and Trey we missed you!  But you still have homework: )!  See below.

KATIE B. - Leadership Class President –
Prepare a meeting agenda for next week's simulation.
The agenda should include minutes being read, treasurer's report, committee reports (Spring Activity, Field Day, Thomas Jefferson's Birthday, Shakespeare Bake Sale, and Scholar Retreat), an officer report from the Vice-President, new business, and old business, etc. (see sample for ideas)
Please give agenda to Teacher Jennifer before lunch so copies can be made for all class members.
NOAH - Leadership Class Treasurer
Be prepared to give a treasurer's report.
The following is the report:
We currently have $37 in our budget.
This money was made during our Valentine fundraiser.
This money is set to be used on the Spring Scholar Activity.
MERRY - Leadership Class Secretary
Prepare minutes for next week's simulation. These can be completely made up.
Be prepared to read them at next week's simulation during the "Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes."
Record minutes from next week's simulation.  (See sample)+
KALEIGH - Leadership Class Vice-President-
Prepare an officer's report to present at next week's simulation.
This should give a status of our class at present.
You can talk about the recent Scholar Meet-up and the future Meet-up for ice-skating.
You can talk about class requirements that need to be fulfilled and the upcoming Leadership Deconstruction presentation.
Be creative!
TREY - Chairman of Field Day –
Be prepared to report what your committee has been up to plus the current plans.
Also, prepare to make a motion to be voted on regarding Field Day.
Ex:  I move that everyone be required to dress up as Smurfs during Field Day.
KATIE D. - Chairman of the Shakespeare Bake Sale –
Be prepared to report what your committee has been up to plus the current plans.
Also, prepare to make a motion to be voted on regarding the Shakespeare Bake Sale.
Ex:  I move that everyone be required to work for at least 1 hour dressed as a dwarf for Shakespeare Bake Sale.
EMMA - Chairman of the Scholar Retreat
Be prepared to report what your committee has been up to plus the current plans.
Also, prepare to make a motion to be voted on regarding Scholar Retreat.
Ex:  I move that the theme of Scholar Retreat should be "Look your Best!"
DEAN - Chairman of the Spring Scholar Activity
Be prepared to report what your committee has been up to plus the current plans.
Also, prepare to make a motion to be voted on regarding the Spring Scholar Activity.
Ex:  I move that the Spring Scholar Activity be a potluck with a Star Wars theme.
TEACHER JENNIFER - Chairman of the Thomas Jefferson Birthday Party
Be prepared to report what your committee has been up to plus the current plans.
Also, prepare to make a motion to be voted on regarding the Spring Scholar Activity.
Ex:  I move that the Spring Scholar Activity be a potluck with a Star Wars theme.
BENJAMIN - Member with NEW Business
Prepare some new business for our simulation next week.
This can be any idea you come up with for our class.
Be creative!  Be prepared to present it during the NEW BUSINESS portion of the agenda.
Prepare to make a motion regarding this new business.
Ex:  I move that we only wear the color purple during our next presentation.
ADAM -   Member with Old Business
Prepare a quick report on the status of the "scholar lunch tables."
Take a survey as to whether it is working and if the scholars like it.  Present your results during our simulation.
Be prepared to make a motion regarding the tables.
Ex:  I move that we make scholars stand during lunch and serve the lower core kids first.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


We had such a great time last week sitting at the feet of our beloved Teacher Kellie!
She taught us so much that you will definitely apply to your next presentation.
Here are a few things I jotted down:
1) Believe what you are talking about!!!  (This will be easy seeing that YOU get to choose which leader you will deconstruct.)

2) Posture - POWER POSE   I recommend the "Wonder Woman" pose.  And don't worry if someone discovers you posing in the bathroom.

3)Presence is so important!  Make your presence known!  Use your hands.  Use powerful gestures!

4)Manners---NO GUM! (but that is hopefully a given!!)
    If you want to be taken seriously, you must be mindful at all times.

5)Inflection and Diction- take your time, uses pauses and inflection wisely

6) SHOW - UP - don't look like a fool!
    Dress appropriately  : )!

7) Know your audience!

8) Be interesting, add humor and leave a lasting impact on the listener.

THANK YOU, Teacher Kellie!  We ADORE YOU!!!  
So are you ready for your presentations?  Be sure to sign up this Thursday!!

One more question......

Are you ready for P week?


The more you pay attention and Participate the better off you will be.

See you Thursday!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Time is FLYING!!

We are quickly nearing the end of the semester. We MUST stay on task and on top of all our planning and events.
In order to help with this, I gave you a handout with all of our class dates, activity dates, etc! Do NOT lose it and USE it!!!

Emma, Adam and Benjamin shared their plans of Scholar Retreat in August. I hope you all embrace your committees and tasks. This is going to be such a great event. I can feel it. And it is NEVER too early to start working on your committee action items.

We also came up with a list of attendee requirements for Scholar Retreat. This will help to ensure a drama free event.

AND finally you have one last class presentation! You will each do a Leadership Deconstruction on a leader of your choice. (Unless you have presented on that leader in another presentation.) This is a great opportunity to understand a leader you don't know that much about.
And PLEASE, work on your class requirements!! Teacher Kellie and I really want to celebrate with you!!

And I almost forgot!! This Thursday, our fabulous Teacher Kellie will help you with your public speaking!! She is a REAL PROFESSIONAL! Use this to your advantage! Ask questions! Take notes! Public speaking WILL come up in your life many times : )!!

Thanks, everyone!

And thanks to Katie Dial who taught us all about problem solving!

Emma, you have our quote this week : ).

Sent from my iPad

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Someone HAS to circulate the food sign up sheet...

I really enjoyed class on Thursday because I am really beginning to see the strides you are making as leaders!  I hope you notice your own leadership qualities shining through as you go about your daily lives.
Here are a few awesome examples that I noticed in class:

1) Noah gave a well thought out leadership quote.  He even compiled reasons for why he chose the specific quote.  I love that he sees Christ as the ultimate leader.  He truly is.  I'm glad Noah recognizes this and works to emulate our Savior's example.

2)Dean demonstrated great confidence when he announced the upcoming Spring Scholar Activity.  He formulated a great plan and knew that weather was definitely a factor to consider.  He made good decisions and stuck to his plans instead of being swayed into something he wasn't quite sure about.

3)  Merry jumped at the chance to COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE.  It is always great to get volunteers.

4)Katie B. didn't let the Scholar Ice-Skating meet-up event fall by the wayside!!  Even though we couldn't land on a date the week before, she took the time on Thursday to see a final decision made!  Persistence is an incredible leadership quality that not many have.  We must see things to the end in order to truly be considered a success.

5) Trey kept his plan simple!  This is fantastic!!  You don't need to have cloth table coverings and centerpieces to have a party.  You don't need to turn an event into a burden to have fun.  He and Noah have Field Day under control.  Their plan completely addresses the WHY of the event!  Great job!

6) Benjamin was quick to volunteer for many roles.  He showed much enthusiasm to help.  This attitude CANNOT be downplayed.  Enthusiasm is contagious.  When you are leading, be excited! Your excitement will spread and make for a successful event, etc.

7)First of all Katie D. was not upset (well I hope she wasn't) about my rudeness in forgetting to let her present her Leadership Trait presentation.  But as we noted during the class, she has an innate attitude of service.  She is always willing to lend a helping hand.  We mentioned that last year she helped run the Shakespeare Bake Sale for the entire run of the play, just because she knew help was needed.  Remember as leaders, you lead by example.

8) Kaleigh demonstrated the quality of loyalty through her intense loyalty to her mom.  She is not even willing to serve up some delicious cupcakes instead of spending time with her mom.  Very sweet!  I think we are going to eventually convince her to watch and help during at least one of the Shakespeare performances.

9) Emma developed some incredible committee plans for Scholar Retreat!  I am so impressed with her initiative.  

10)  Adam declared he did not regret taking Leadership Class!  : )  But Adam is also willing to do whatever is asked of him!  Wow!!!!!  I really appreciate the lack of complaining!  He didn't even bat an eye when he and Benjamin were tasked with the job of circulating the food sign-up sheet for Field Day.

I hope you all recognize the great team you have become together.  You have done some amazing things together.  This is the time to practice and build your leadership skills and face your fears.  If you don't like asking people to bring a dessert or don't like talking to people in general---NOW is the time to PRACTICE!  FILA is a loving community of people who want to help you become a successful leader.  They will never laugh at you, mock you or refuse to bring brownies!!
So don't be afraid of anything you are asked to do.  We all believe in you.

So next week, Katie D. will start class off with her presentation.  We will then turn the time over to Adam, Emma, and Benjamin to discuss Scholar Retreat.  I am so excited for all of our upcoming events.  You guys ROCK!!

Also, Adam, you have the leadership quick quote.

Thank you,
Teacher Jennifer

PS - You still have one more class presentation before the end of the semester.  Also, are you accumulating volunteer hours?  And what about Watership Down?  Just read about the rabbits!!!