Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Rabbits galore and event description in ONE sentence

Thursday's class was one of our BEST!!!  I can imagine it would have been 100 times better if EVERYONE had read the book.
We had a great discussion about rabbits and leaders.  I was impressed with your insights of the book and so proud of those of you who read the book.  Thank you!!!!!  If you finish your assignment (reading and approach paper), BRING IT IN THIS WEEK!!!

Don't let a few rabbits get in the way of you earning the great leadership retreat at the end of the school year!
We want all of you to celebrate your hard work whether it be by jumping on trampolines, watching a movie, or kayaking near Pt. Defiance!
Get to work and finish all the requirements!  DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!
Here is the list from the last blog:
-Book Presentation (I am missing a presentation from Katie D. and Dean)--there is still two weeks to complete these!
-Watership Down (read) (Benjamin, Kaleigh, Emma, Dean, Adam (I think))
-Watership Down approach paper (pages filled out to the best of your ability) (Benjamin, Kaleigh, Emma)
-Watership Down discussion  (attend class next week, talk about the book, and you are DONE) (Everyone but Merry was in class for this)
-Written activity debrief (Everyone has turned one in!!)
-Participation in both the Halloween and Christmas party - (YOU ALL DID THIS!)
-Good class participation (I think you have all done a pretty good job of this, as well.)

Speaking of requirements, be sure to complete the requirements that meet the half-way point so you can earn your 1/2 GOLDEN TICKET at parent night:).  PLEASE take this seriously!

Our major activity happening next is Valentine's Day!  Katie B. and Kaleigh are taking the lead.  But please don't shirk the brainstorming you should be doing for your own activity.  During parent night you will each be advertising your activity in 1 complete, information packed sentence.  You will be dangling a carrot for all your attendees!  Make them excited to attend your future event:)!

For example for the Christmas party the sentence could be:
Wear your pajamas and enjoy pancakes stacked with your favorite toppings, while you sit back and let us entertain you with an exciting variety show, games, and prizes!

Come with great ideas and ready to work!!
We have three trait presentations by Noah, Katie B, and Dean. 
The rest of the time needs to be spent VERY WISELY!

Dean, you are signed up for the Leadership Quick Quote.

THANK YOU, everyone!

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