Last Thursday's class was spectacular! Dean started us off just right with a very thought provoking quote. He was followed by Katie Blanchard who gave her trait presentation on transparency. It was marvelous. She was followed by Noah who knocked it out of the park with his presentation on kindness.
The bar for these presentations has been set and it is HIGH! So don't let us down. Keep the excellence coming!
We also took a few moments to discuss our upcoming Parent Night.
This is what our portion will look like:
1)Students line up in the back and come down the middle to the stage area while Hail to the Chief plays over the speakers. (The walking order is as follows: Kaleigh, Adam, Dean, Emma, Merry, Ben, KD, Noah, Trey, Katie B.)
2) Katie Blanchard recites a leadership quote
3) I give a brief description of class
4) Trey shares what he has learned from class. BRIEFLY
5) introduce the activities the students have chosen to plan
6) each planning group gives one sentence description of activity
7) 1/2 golden ticket award winners presented
8)Students walk through middle to the back of the room in the opposite order : )
Did you remember that you will be describing your activity in ONE SENTENCE??? This can be a short funny poem, a riddle, a Shakespearean themed line, etc, etc......BE CREATIVE AND SELL YOUR EVENT!! Make sure this sentence is written BEFORE class on Thursday!!!!
Also, DRESS UP for Parent Night! You are LEADERS! Dress to impress : ).
And finally, Kaleigh and Katie B. are heading up our upcoming Valentine events. This Thursday, Kaleigh and Benjamin will be manning a Valentine gram selling booth during lunch. Hopefully, emails announcing this event will be going out VERY SOON.
Here are the assignments that I remember:
Booth poster - Kaleigh (save receipts)
Booth lights - Kellie and Jennifer
Valentine gram example - Kaleigh
Poster with class pictures - Kellie
Valentine bows - Merry
Am I forgetting anything?
This Thursday, Emma has our quote and Dean, Kaleigh, and KD will be presenting their leadership trait.
PS - Our classroom has changed to the Fireside Room!!! But we will still have our seating assignments:).
PSS - Trey, Adam, and Emma, we missed you!!