Friday, October 9, 2015

Amazing Morgan and Jams with Genne

3rd hour: 
Smile! Have you found your perfect "audience smile?"
Your smile will be the first impression on your audience, so make it a good one.  Keep practicing!
Also, Teacher Genne, went through the first (AND MOST IMPORTANT)  step in writing a persuasive speech - BRAINSTORMING!!  We brainstormed the topic, the future.  For HOMEWORK, choose two to three of the strongest subtopics from our brainstorming session and develop them further.

Morgan did a magnificent job introducing Brenda Haws on Friday.  Even Brenda was blown away by the content and probably the dazzling audience smile!

 4th hour: 
Welcome to class, Katie!!  We are happy to have you on board.

The Halloween bash is quickly coming together.  You each have quite the task ahead of you!  Spend time this week working on your individual assignments.  And if you come up with any other songs for Teacher Genne's playlist, bring them to class.  Below are the current assignments:
Drink Station:
            Jared - brainstorm drink ideas, prepare a note card for Trey's activity announcement during lunch

Carnival Room:
            Logan - brainstorm carnival ideas, make a supply list, discuss  with Trey your ideas  and develop a plan        
             Trey - brainstorm carnival ideas, discuss with Logan, be prepared to announce the activity during lunch on Thursday                          

Dance/Game Room:
            Eric - find games to play, music
            Katie - find games to play, music
            Adam - develop a plan for the costume contest

Scholar recruiter:
            Morgan - recruit scholars to help with the event

And remember, if you fill out the activity planning sheet you will be rewarded!

And finally, Eric will be presenting on the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.  We can't wait!



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