----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jennifer Hawkins Poyer <jenne_hawk@yahoo.com>
To: Jennifer Poyer <jenne_hawk@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 4:00 PM
Subject: The Eyes are the Windows of the Soul/ Seven Habits
From: Jennifer Hawkins Poyer <jenne_hawk@yahoo.com>
To: Jennifer Poyer <jenne_hawk@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 4:00 PM
Subject: The Eyes are the Windows of the Soul/ Seven Habits
All eyes were on Teacher Betty on Thursday, as she took the place of Teacher Genne. She taught us so much about the importance of eye contact. With mirrors in hand you were able to really look into your own eyes and even converse with your gorgeous selves. This week continue to practice looking people in the eye, even if it is just the eyes of your stuffed animals. Like everything else, practicing will make it so much easier.
You also delivered some excellent introductions of each other. I now know who is responsible for the death of Bambi's poor mother.
And finally, you chose a subject for your next speech. We ran out of time, so you will present them next Thursday. Be ready!! Practice them in the mirror, and remember to make eye contact!
In 4th hour, we had our first taste of CNN Student news. Eric led our news discussion. Good job! Remember you have to lead our news discussions as part of our class requirements. We also took turns sharing our leadership quotes. They were inspiring!
Lastly, Teacher Jennifer presented a book report on The Leader in Me, by Stephen Covey. Hopefully, you went home and worked on understanding the themes of children's books. : )
You were all great! As you read your chosen leadership books and prepare your own presentations, focus on an idea from the book you thought was especially true or helpful. Or something that really resonated with you! We really are looking forward to these.
Next week, we have really got to get busy planning our Halloween activity. Your homework is to come up with five ideas for the Halloween bash. Think big!! We can make it happen.
See you Thursday!
- 3rd hour be ready to deliver your speech
-4th hour -
-share a leadership quote/experience
-5 awesome ideas for Halloween bash
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