Friday, September 22, 2017

LEADERSHIP CLASS WEEK 2: Why oh why, Kim Jong Un?

First of all, I want to tell you how impressed I am with all of you that completed your homework!!  (90%)  Great job!  Keep it up!

We started class with Mr. Poyer's Leader in the News.  He told us a little bit about Kim Jong-un and how he runs North Korea.  He surmised that he is not a good leader and rules by fear, while practically starving most of the citizens.  
Good work!  Do you think North Koreans think he is a good leader? His family has been ruling North Korea since 1948.  How have they managed to stay in power for SO LONG?  

Simon Sinek then took over and introduced you to the idea of starting with why.  I LOVE this TED Talk and was especially inspired by his book, Start With Why.  It changed how I looked at the world.  I now want to find the WHY behind everyone and everything.  The WHY matters most.  It is how a leader truly connects with his/her followers.  I appreciated that Ms. Blanchard used Jesus Christ as an example of a person that truly had a phenomenal WHY.  He was able to reach people and change people.  They followed Him and continue to follow Him because HIS WHY becomes their WHY.  Overall, I think we had a great discussion and, hopefully, you each come up with an amazing WHY as you fill out your Golden Circle. (HOMEWORK)
***Ms. Preece and Mr. Hellyer, the TED Talk is posted below so you can watch it. (I hope track and volleyball were fabulous.)

After our discussion we talked a little bit about the scholar meet-up at the ice rink and our upcoming Halloween extravaganza.

Below are the jobs you will lead during the Halloween event.  Decide which one will be a good fit and sell it to us!  What will you do to make that job happen?  What are your plans and ideas?

--Music/DJ/Dance games - Teacher Genne will be our DJ. You will work closely with her.
--Decorations - Decorate the stage, dance floor, and Fellowship Hall.
--Refreshment table - Ask families to volunteer to bring refreshments.  Set-up and decorate the tables that will hold the goodies. (I love helping with this one.)
--Kid's activity room --This is a popular one!!  Come up with games, prizes and decor to keep the LOLers and Core kids busy for about 45 minutes.
--Costume contest - Choose judges, criteria and prizes for the best Halloween costumes.
--Communication--THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB!!  - Get the word out with posters, emails, announcements, texts and Facebook posts!  Without communication, we would have NO PARTY!!

So choose wisely! This is going to be an AWESOME event!!  If you will not be able to attend the Halloween party (October 26 after classes) please do a job you can accomplish beforehand. (Communications is a great possibility!)

1) Fill in your Golden Circle. (page 14 in your binder)  The WHY should answer why you want to be a leader. (your cause and purpose)  The HOW should answer how you plan to do this. (methods, plans  EX: becoming a better speaker by taking Unleashing Your Voice) And the WHAT should describe what the outcome of this will be. (I will be able to lead Scholar Retreat without anyone helping me.  In fact, I will insist that Mrs. Poyer and Mrs. Schmieder don't even come to Scholar Retreat.)  If you are confused, watch the TED Talk posted below.
2) Choose a job for the Halloween party.
3) Bring in your plan to carry out that job at the Halloween party.   If you choose communication, bring in your plan!! (EX:  "I plan to make 4 large posters, send out a huge excited group email, post fun messages to FACEBOOK, dress up as a clown during lunch and announce the party to everyone!!!, etc...")

****We will be choosing who does what based on the plans you propose.
4) Come up with ideas for our next scholar meet-up!!  I heard great ideas on Thursday, let's solidify one for October.  (roller skating, movie night, rock climbing, laser tagging, something in Gig Harbor,  broom ball)

And finally, be ready to summon all your Shakespearean talents next week as we dive into a play all about the "Cool Kids."   It's all about the cool kids!

I'll see you Thursday!

Thank you,
Mrs. Poyer

PS - Ms. Doolin, you have the Leader in the News.  (Thank you!)

Friday, September 15, 2017

LEADERSHIP WEEK 1- Show me the money!!

Welcome to the war room!

We had a great start to the semester yesterday.  I completely LOVE that you recited leadership quotes, listed great leadership traits for our acrostic poem, and were very enthusiastic about your binders!

I can tell we are going to have a superb year.

Here is a brief recap of what we did:
1) Mrs. Schmieder set the bar high with our first Leader in the News.  She highlighted one of the fabulous men who stepped up to help Hurricane Harvey victims by opening up his furniture stores for refuge and much more.

2) We wrote an acrostic poem using the word LEADER.  I was impressed with all the great words you chose.  You really have a handle of what a good leader should be.

3) We reviewed the class's requirements for earning our fabulous leadership class retreat.  This included recording any volunteer hours you have earned since last Thursday.  Make sure you RECORD all your volunteer/service hours in your binder on page 3.
We decided overall that it was going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy.:)

4) You each signed up to present a Leader in the News.  Remember this is what we start each class with and you must be ready to go as soon as the clock strikes 2 pm.  You each need to present 1 by the end of the semester.  Mr. Poyer will present next week.  

5)We took a little tour of our class binders.  Bring them EVERY SINGLE CLASS DAY!!

6) We talked about the importance of calendars and tracking where you must be and what you must do.  You need to know this!:)
In fact, your homework for this week is filling in the calendars at the back of your binders with ALL OF YOUR ACTIVITIES, classes, due dates, etc!!
FILL IT UP!!!!  In this class you will be planning activities, etc.  So we need to know availability.

7) Finally, we started our Scholar Retreat 2017 debrief.  It was great to hear what you liked and disliked about this year's retreat.  I can't wait to see you improve it for next year ;)!
    -Ms. Doolin and Mr. Day received points (in the form of our class currency) because they brought hard copies of their opinions of Scholar Retreat 2017 to class!

8) Lastly, you were made aware of our reward system for class.  It involves paper money with your faces on it!  So get your homework done, respond to emails, give a great presentation, etc, and you will fill those wallets with your friends' faces!  This money will be used to purchase sundry items from our leadership store.  Good luck!  I want to have to print lots and lots of "money" this semester.

Mrs. Schmieder and I look forward to seeing you next week!
Mrs. Poyer

-Fill in your calendar
-Fill up your Scholar Retreat 2017 debrief page
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