Friday, April 29, 2016

Who supports free speech? AND Scholar Retreat Schedule

Logan and Morgan "peeled" themselves away from the Florida beaches!  We are so glad to have them back, and they are ready to tackle their upcoming debate over free speech.  Be ready with valid well supported arguments.  

Nearly everyone presented on their leadership trait.  I was super impressed on the topics you chose.  Your topics truly fit your personalities.   It was superb!  The feedback was lacking, but I must say the delivery has improved twofold!  Great Job!
And dare I say that we have Scholar Retreat practically planned?!  That is mighty impressive.

Next week, Teacher Genne will be taking the reins and working on parliamentary procedure once again.

But the following week, May 12, we will have a working meeting during lunch in the Herried Room.  We will provide lunch.  This is a REQUIRED meeting - don't be late ; ).  
We need to tie up any loose ends as we go into the summer.  We need to get organized for the bake sale (Morgan, what do you need?), as well as field day.  And then plan a couple of summer meetings for more scholar retreat planning, if necessary.  Let's make sure we use every single minute of class time wisely!!

Lastly,  I need you to send me your absolute favorite leadership quote from this last year!  And if you don't have one yet, FIND ONE!!  Send those ASAP!

Jennifer Poyer

Sent from my iPad

Monday, April 25, 2016

Scheduling Galore

We had a great scheduling session on Thursday. Below are the details and your assignments.

FIELD DAY - Adam Blanchard

10 a.m. - Clean church

10:30 a.m. - small group leaves to set up the park for party

11 a.m. - head to the park

11:30 a.m. - Eating commences

12:30 -2:30 games

1) volleyball - Adam
2) Soccer - ????
3) Quidditch rotation - Lisa Miller
4) Hunger Games - Jared, Merry
5) Ultimate Frisbee - Trey

2:30 - 3 p.m. - Clean- up

Tables - Shannon, Jennifer, Genevieve

Canopy - Shannon

Adam: volley balls, soccer ball, cones, swords, frisbee
Jared : swords
Jennifer: volleyball nets, chalk, send group email
Trey: Facebook message
Katie: Food list

SCHOLAR RETREAT - Trey Claridge and Jared Peterson

We will continue working on this schedule this week! Bring in your schedule sheets and calendars, everyone!

ALSO, Morgan, come ready to hand out assignments!! We need to move quickly on your Shakespeare bake sale!

AND DO NOT FORGET YOUR CHARACTER STUDY PRESENTATIONS ARE ALL DUE!! Can you believe that no one has presented?!?! How did that happen? This Thursday, we will hear from ALL of YOU!!!!

Sent from my iPad

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Presidential Debate and What we have is a failure to communicate!

CEO Morgan Miller was up against Governor Turfleburger in their first presidential debate last Thursday.
It was an eye-opener for the voters as they learned the true stances of these very capable candidates.
Miller pledged to put an end to Obamacare, issue a 22% flat tax, put an end to pornography on the Internet, and create new jobs.
Turfleburger wants less government in the lives of citizens.  His plan is to lower government spending, increase taxes, and put the responsibility of welfare back in the hands of the states.  He also proposed a plan allowing immigrants into the United States, but would not allow them to partake in the welfare system for five years.
The candidates put forth a clean battle and both truly demonstrated their presidential platform.
In their next debate, they are set to tackle the issue of free speech.  Preparation begins now, and the debate is scheduled for May 5.

In the leadership portion of class, we started with a debrief of the previous weekend's scholar activity.  Logan did a fantastic job of taking control, gathering attendees, leading the games, etc.  The only complaint was the lack of participants.  We decided we need to work on our communication.  Start talking, texting, posting, emailing, calling, announcing, shouting, etc!  We need to get the word out.

Next, we talked about calendaring!  As leaders, you NEED to keep track of the events you are leading and attending!  The calendar is the best way to do that.  This week fill it up with all your personal activities, upcoming events, etc.  And LOOK at it EVERY SINGLE DAY!  Bring it to class every week.  

We then went over the upcoming activities and what has been accomplished.  Some of you have really been working hard to develop your game plan.  Before you know it, your events will be here!!  This is real life, not a simulation.  Look at your event planning page.  Ask for help!  YOU are in charge!! 

Field Day - 
- Adam contacted Shannon Hayes and Lisa Miller
-Adam - make a list of supplies you have secured with people - make sure they know they are bringing them
-Adam - make a schedule of events for Field Day
-Adam - assign activities to age groups
-Adam - assign jobs to class!!
- Katie - make food sign-up sheet
-Katie and Jennifer - distribute sign-up sheet during lunch next week

Shakespeare Bake Sale-
-Morgan - make and distribute sign-up sheet for food donations
-ask for helpers to man booth
-decoration plan
-food plan (donations and other ideas - water bottles, popcorn)
-price plan
-price list
-money, etc

Scholar Retreat
- Trey came up with a great quote
-Trey - ask your mom about t-shirts
-Adam - T-shirt research
-work on getting dads to attend the event
-Trey and Jared - work on schedule of events
-Katie and Jennifer - food budget and plan
-make assignments for help!!!
-Morgan and Genevieve - ideas for speakers

HOMEWORK - fill out your calendars!!  You are all super busy, put it to paper.
-Work on your activity plan and prep.  Be ready to report progress, make assignments, etc.
-Adam and Merry you have your Character Study to present.  PLEASE BE READY.  If you have forgotten here is the info:

(3-5 minute presentation)
"You express the truth of your character with the choice of your actions."-Steve Maraboli
1) Choose a characteristic you believe every good leader should embody.
2) Find an example of a leader using this characteristic.  Share this example with the class.
3) Research and report to the class on how we can develop and practice this characteristic.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


I hope you are enjoying your week off!

Here is  quick reminder for homework assignments:

-prepare, prepare, prepare for your debate
-come up with a position on the various issues
-research the various issues
-prepare responses to questions regarding the various issues


Character Study class presentation:
    -Morgan, Logan, Merry - BE READY !

    - send email or talk to Shannon Hayes and Lisa Miller regarding     Field Day
    -make and distribute a food sign-up sheet for Field Day

-Jared and Trey - Scholar Retreat
    -come up with a quote for T-shirt
    -work on schedule of events
    -Trey - talk to your mom about her t-shirt connection
    -work on getting dads to attend the event - we need two per night.

-Katie and Jennifer
    -scholar retreat menu
    -food pricing
-Morgan - 
    -make and distribute sign-up sheet for food donations
    -decoration plan
    -ask for helpers to man booth
    -food plan (donations and other ideas (water bottles, popcorn, etc))

We will also be debriefing the Scholar Activity.
Come prepared with new info to report!!!  You can do this!
