Thursday, February 25, 2016

IF Logan gets a hug, THEN he will feel loved

What a great day to learn about debate!

Genevieve took us down the road of debate and showed us exactly what we can do to WIN!!  The key is focusing on fundamental truths!  That's it!  Easy peasey!   Not really, you need to use logic to take you from your proposition to your explanation and representation.  Connect this all to a fundamental truth and you've built a winning argument.

HOMEWORK:  Find and recognize if-then statements that occur in your life.  They are everywhere!  Take notice and write them down to share with us.

Also,  look at the arguments you have started to build for your upcoming debate.  Analyze whether they are supported by induction, deduction or if- then statements.  Write them out in the following format:
Proposition - Argument
Explanation - (because)
Representation - (example)

The debate format will go as follows:
Logan - Affirmative - 5 minutes
Morgan - Negative - 5 minutes
Morgan - Rebuttal - 5 minutes
Logan - Rebuttal - 5 minutes

Remember use your inductive reasons sparingly!!

During our 2nd hour of class, Logan assigned everyone to a committee for his big scholar activity on April 9th.  He even assigned duties to each committee.  Great leading, Logan.
The committees are as follows:
Hat: Trey, Adam
Game: Logan, Morgan, Katie
Food: Jared, Logan

Next, Jared gave us a look into the life of Thomas Jefferson.  He identified his main influencer as George Wythe.  Plus, gave us a lot of amazing accomplishments of this great leader, including his spreading the popularity of macaroni and cheese in America.  This probably comes in second place only to writing the Declaration of Independence. : )

We also got to know our love languages.  As leaders it is SO important to show your appreciation and love to those working with you and for you.  This makes them WANT to work with and for you!  The 2nd level of leadership is building relationships and loving those you serve and serve with.  Thus, today we learned the five ways we can show love and get love.  You each took a little quiz that determined how you prefer to get love. We then discussed what each meant and gave great examples of how we could show love through each language. (Gifts, Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality Time)
Your HOMEWORK is to identify someone's love language and then show them love using that language!  I want a report back.  And this is SO EASY!!! NO EXCUSES!!

And finally, we planned what is going to be an AMAZING spirit month.  I will send out the email announcement tonight.  So start dusting off your "cool hats" for next Thursday!

Katie - your leader presentation is NEXT WEEK!!

Merry, we missed you!

See you next week!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Delicious Motions

What a great couple of hours we spent with you on Thursday!
The first hour of class included a table reading of the utterly ridiculous script of the recent Republican debate.  It's shocking what gets called a debate these days.
Logan and Morgan also chose three presidential issues to research for upcoming debates.
And they are also prepping for their upcoming debate about women supporting women in the election.

The second hour of class started with an intriguing Valentine Exchange debrief.  Who knew the main problem of the activity was that it was a Valentine's event.  I hope for your future loved ones' sake you learn to embrace this season of love.
Next, we listened to some inspiring leadership presentations from Morgan and Trey.  Both presented on leaders who rose from very tough circumstances and are driven by a genuine desire to help people and make the world better.  

And finally, Teacher Genne came prepared to teach us about motions using what seems to be one of our favorite things-food!
I'm still reeling that the entire bag of craisins was added after my motion failed!!
In fact, I think all my motions failed!!  

That brings me to pajama day (another failed motion).  You voted to plan a whole spirit month.  Let's plan it this Thursday.  Come with ideas of what kind of spirit days you want to plan.  And also Logan requested game ideas and team division ideas for the upcoming scholar activity.  Let's not let our favorite Penguin of Madagascar fan down!! Come prepared.

Also, Jared is going to present on a leader of his choice.  Will it be Donald Trump?  Hillary Clinton?  We will see on Thursday.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The chair recognizes....

3rd hour - 
A rousing debate between ice-cream and frozen yogurt.  The traditional ice-cream wins in the end.

HOMEWORK: Prep work for the upcoming debate - "Should women support Hillary Clinton just because she is a woman?"
PRO - Logan
CON - Haley, Morgan

4th hour-
-Quiz over rules, assembly, and forms of voting
-Bylaws for OFACA discussed and set
-Making a Motion

-come up with a motion you would like to make

-Morgan and Trey will be presenting their Leader Deconstruction presentations

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Welcome to OFACA

Let's talk acronyms!  Well at least that is what we are going to do once we get our organization set up.
You each play a vital role in establishing the articles in the constitution of OFACA.  Be ready with your assignment THIS Thursday.  Here are the assignments:  (Hopefully, you took great notes about what your articles need to include.)

Logan - Mission
Adam - Members
Trey - Officers
Katie - Meetings
Jared - Board
Morgan - Committees
Merry - Amendments

Also, don't forget the quiz on forms of assembly, written rules, and forms of voting!

Adam enlightened us with a great presentation on Chamberlain.   He was indeed a exemplary leader.  And he was very popular with the people.

This week, we will hear from Morgan.  

Also, keep those leadership quotes and experiences coming!  I know we ALL love to hear them.  Be ready to share any thoughts you have had about your activities.  Logan is up next with the Scholar Activity.

And finally, Thursday is the big Valentine Exchange.  Please be on hand to help in whatever way you can, even if it means helping the younger kids deliver their cards.  And also YOU will have the task of picking the best of the best when it comes to Valentine boxes.  Katie will bring three great prizes for the winners. Let's try to judge at lunch so it doesn't eat into our class time.  Katie, will you gather everyone and get this accomplished?  Thanks!

See you Thursday!!

1) write your OFACA article
2) Study for your quiz
3) build a rockin' Valentine box
4) write Valentines for all your FILA friends: )
5) gather a leadership quote to share or a leadership experience to share