Friday, January 29, 2016

Call this meeting to ORDER

On Thursday, we heralded in a new semester.
This semester welcomes Haley Walk to third hour and switches gears from public speaking to debate.   I predict a lot of heated arguments over tacos, burritos, waffles, pancakes and more!

In fourth hour, Merry Dial officially joined our leadership team. Our class started with some rousing enthusiasm over Trey's hero themed scholar retreat plan.  It was great to hear suggestions, ideas, etc from everyone.  Remember YOU will ALL play a part in making this successful, so keep brainstorming and bringing in your ideas.  Great job, Trey.
Adam also presented his dystopian idea for field day.  Hunger Games will rule the day along with good food and the all important CHAIRS!  Good thinking, Adam!  I especially like how you took into account feedback from past field days.  That's definitely what a leader does.
Our next activity is the Valentines Exchange.  It will be fun, simple, and fantastic.  I know Katie and Merry will do a great job taking the reins.  Next week, we will be manning a Valentine box making booth.  So put those smiles on your faces and be ready to help out at lunch....EVERYBODY!!!    Also, please bring any boxes, paper, stickers, or other fun item that can be used to decorate a Valentine box.  

Lastly, Teacher Genne led us into the exciting world of Parliamentary Procedure.  This is an important procedure to understand as a leader.  It will aid you when you participate and lead a meeting.  I hope you all took notes and slipped those worksheets into your leadership notebooks.  

Next week, Adam will present his leader deconstruction presentation.  And it would be outstanding if Katie continued her book report presentation.  Katie, choose your favorite leadership law and tell us what and why!  Simple : )!

And remember Robert's Rules of Order?  You are supposed to read it! And if you do, not only will you glean valuable insight, you will also be rewarded with something fabulous!!! 

Your first reading assignment is :

And, don't forget to bring in a leadership quote or experience!  I love hearing these.

We'll see you Thursday!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ushering in Debate and Parliamentary Procedure

Hi Leaders,

We made it through the first semester and accomplished great things together!! I have seen such great growth in each of you and I hope you see what I see:)!

This next semester 3rd hour will focus on the art of debate.
And 4th hour will dive into parliamentary procedure. This will teach you how to run a meeting effectively and efficiently.

We will also continue to plan all the great activities for FILA!
Bring in your vision boards! Have committees and assignments in mind for the carrying forth of your activity.
Next up is the Valentine's Exchange.
Katie, be ready to give us assignments! We want to help bring forth your vision:)!

Also, keep working on your leadership deconstruction presentations. Your goal of to figure out what makes or made these leaders tick!

Katie will present TOMORROW!!

See you Thursday!!

PS - BRAVO to Eric, Logan and Morgan! They each delivered an amazing speech at Parent's Night and they each earned their delicious Golden Microphone! Congratulations and good work!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, January 18, 2016

Show us your VISION

Hi Leaders,
I hope you are having a great week, thus far.
We had a thought-provoking class last Thursday and it all started with Logan's stimulating presentation on the erudite leader and Logan's favorite president, John Quincy Adams.
Logan took us through his life step by step.  He was clearly someone that valued learning. He was also very influenced by his father, and was even pushed to follow in his footsteps.
Thank you, Logan!  You put forth a great example by presenting first.
Next week, Eric, YOU are presenting!  Remember, don't make this harder than it is.  It should be easy, interesting, and eye-opening.

Next, Teacher Genne shared her amazing VISION BOARD with us.  I hope this is her year for finding TRUE LOVE.
She gave us some great advice when it comes to making a vision board---THINK BIG!!  Set your sights high when you are planning your activities and completing your own vision boards.  WOW US!!

In regards to last week's homework, I was saddened to hear that not everyone completed these super fun and easy assignments.  But congrats to those who did report their successes!  I hope you enjoyed moving up the leadership ladder. 
For those who forgot, PLEASE complete those assignments THIS WEEK!!  These experiences, even though they may seem small, all contribute to the leader you are and will become.  Greatness lies ahead, so grasp on!

Below are this week's (and last week's) homework assignments.

3rd hour students - FINE TUNE your speeches by A LOT of PRACTICE!!  Give your speech to the mirror, your brother, mother, and anyone else who will listen.  You will be presenting these during Parent's Night (which is THIS THURSDAY!!)

4th hour students -
1)Complete your activity VISION BOARD!  Dazzle us with your plans.  You will present your vision on Thursday.  We want to help you make it happen.

Valentine's Exchange-  Katie (and Morgan)

Scholar Activity- Logan

Shakespeare fundraiser - Morgan (and Katie, Jared)

Field Day- Adam

Scholar Retreat- Trey, Eric, Jared 

2)Here are the assignments from last week:

-Adam - Introduce yourself to 5 people from FILA that you don't know.  Find out their names and something about them.
-Katie - Assist two FILA mentors ( this can also extend to FILAP mentors.)
-Trey - Go help with recess duty.  Initiate a game with a group of kid.
-Eric - Write a thank you letter to a mentor you have had.  Tell them why you appreciate them and what they have taught you.

3)  Study the FILA Constitution (we will be taking Morgan's quiz on Thursday)

4) Bring in a leadership quote

5) Start working on your Leader presentation, unless you are Logan.  Here is the schedule:
Jan 21 - Eric Prestegard
Jan 28 - Katie Dial
February 4 - Adam Blanchard
February 11 - Morgan Miller
February 18 - Trey Claridge
February 25 - Jared Peterson

See you Thursday!


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Leadership Ladder and the Beliebers

It was great to see everyone on Thursday.  And so heartwarming to hear that a few of you worked on or thought about assignments from class.  I hope you all at least have ideas about what you want your activity to LOOK like.
We will spend the next two weeks really NAILING down plans for your event assignments.  You need to choose a date, time, committees, etc.  The more you have planned and decided, the smoother the future planning and implementation will be.  Be a decision maker this week!!!  It's your activity and your VISION.

As for Thursday's class, we discussed the steps of the leadership ladder.
We have all been designated "THE BOSS" simply by signing up for this leadership class.  Now the responsibility to move up the steps is in your hands.  I hope you all identified with the steps in some way, either in your own leadership experience or as a follower of a leader.  Take an inventory of your relationships with the people around you.  Are you a leader to them?  Do you follow them?  How can you improve this relationship?
By the end of the year, I want you to recognize yourself as a leader of FILA, not just as a boss!

For homework, you were each given an assignment that essentially will help you work on your leadership relationships with FILA.  Here are the assignments:
Adam - Introduce yourself to 5 people from FILA that you don't know.  Find out their names and something about them.
Katie - Assist two FILA mentors ( this can also extend to FILAP mentors.)
Morgan - Read the FILA Constitution and develop a quiz to give to your fellow leadership students.
Jared - Talk to 3 FILA students and ask them what their favorite classes have been and why.
Logan - Talk to 3 students about the activity you are planning.  Get their input.
Trey - Go help with recess duty.  Initiate a game with a group of kid.
Eric - Write a thank you letter to a mentor you have had.  Tell them why you appreciate them and what they have taught you.

You are NOT allowed to use your family members for this challenge!!!!! 
You will be reporting your results to class!  I want to hear names and details!!! : )

READ THE FILA CONSTITUTION - You will have to take the quiz Morgan creates.  The highest scorer gets a PRIZE!
Complete the first two columns on your Project/Event Planning Process worksheet.  This is VITAL to this week's class!
For those of you in 3rd hour, FINISH YOUR SPEECHES!!!! (Yes, that is me yelling that assignment.)

And lastly, Morgan, we missed you dreadfully.  Please come back soon. 

Thanks, everyone!  Have a fantastic week.