Today was all about putting your visions to paper. And boy did you succeed! It was great to get inside your heads for a bit as you presented your activity vision boards. Now it is time to MAKE IT HAPPEN. Every week you need to be working on your planning! Your activity will be here before you know it. Sage will hit the ground running with her scholar activity that is happening in THREE weeks! YES, THREE weeks! Remember the leadership class is her support system. As leaders you want to see and buoy people to success. Even if that means being at the church at 8 AM to help set-up. And in that case that IS what it means! So mark your calendars for March 21st!
Also, how fun would it be to make a vision board for your future. Teacher Genne was kind enough to share her visions with us. AND WOW! Her advice to think BIG was spot on! She thought BIG and look what she has accomplished. Now maybe this year she will work on her facial goal. (Not that she needs a facial.) Maybe a personal vision board will be your next homework assignment.....YES, I think it will!!! So start cracking on your personal vision boards : )!!!
Don't forget that Teacher Genne also talked about thinking outside of the box. One of the most important points she made (at least in my opinion) is that growth comes out of mistakes. Using our mistakes to change and develop is a POWERFUL tool!
Next week we will be playing catch-up!
The following presentations should be ready to go:
Also, the following debates should be ready to go:
-David and Paige with the missing children dept. debate
-John and Hannah with the mental health debate
As for homework, today as you completed the mistake diagnosis assignment I counted you as complete for your mistake journal. So good job! John, you are the only one missing that assignment.
Last week you were assigned to come up with a topic for a self debate.
Paige said she would like to debate the immunization bill. (Great topic!)
That means the rest of you still need to come up with something. The sky's the limit!!
Lastly, THIS WEEK'S ASSIGNMENT- create a personal vision board to share with the class!! I can't wait to see these. I see such great things in store for each of you. It will be interesting to see what YOU aspire to.
Great job in class today. I hope your vision board didn't leave you seeing double. I hope you caught the vision of what we see in you. (We missed CNN Student News, so I wanted to leave you with a few bad puns!) Have a wonderful weekend. I hope you spend it working and thinking about your VISION BOARDS!!! : )