Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week 10 - Green Movement, Red Tie Simulation, and Candy Kickoff

We are slowly getting through the Green Movement debate.    It is such a great opportunity to receive personal feedback and to learn from the triumphs and mistakes of others.  We will finish it THIS week.  So those who have not presented, come prepared!

Great job on the simulation.  You all contributed in some way.  It was helpful to demonstrate how useful parliamentary procedure can be in getting stuff done!  The formality of it helps to push the meeting onward and hopefully upward.
Did you apply it to your lives?  Did you declare yourself president of your families?  Are you running all family meetings from now on?

THIS week is our big See's Fundraiser Kickoff at lunch.  We need all hands on deck during lunchtime!   Paige and John should be in contact with you this week (if they haven't already) regarding the awesome skit they are preparing.  The performance art class is unable to supply us with actors, so Paige, John, and Josh need YOU!!
Let's do our best to be enthusiastic, exciting, and engaging!  Let's make all the families want to hit the streets with their candy fliers, ready to sell their little hearts out!!
Also, Sage and Haley, be ready to work out the commercial.  We can dedicate a bit of class time to it.

And finally, you signed up for Christmas party committees.  Don't forget your assignment.  Start spreading the word about the party now.  Make it something that we are all dying to attend : ).

To dos:
1) Be ready to finish the Green Movement debate
2) See's Fundraiser kickoff at lunch
3) fundraiser commercial
    -present and discuss during class
4) Christmas party committees

Friday, November 7, 2014

Week 9 - Committees and candy

Any committee is only
 as good as the most knowledgeable,
determined and vigorous person on it.
There must be somebody who provides the flame.
- Lady Bird Johnson

It is very difficult to find a positive quote on committees!  But I know our Leadership Class committees are going to rise above the bad rep that most committees have and shine like a beacon for all other committees to emulate.

A committee is a meeting of the minds that produces the best results for the entity they represent.
A committee considers, investigates and acts.

With that being said, be working WITH your special committees this week.

- Flyer committee - David, Johnathan, Hannah
-Skit committee - Paige, Josh, John
-Commercial committee - Sage, Haley

We can't wait to see the results!!!

Also, next week is the big Red Tie Club meeting simulation.  Please come prepared so this meeting can run efficiently and smoothly.

1) complete your bylaws

2) be ready to present your part of the meeting
-David - President
-Treasurer- Paige
-V-pres - Hannah
-Secretary- John
-Unfinished biz- Johnathan
-New biz-(in form of motion) - Haley
-Standing committee- Sage
-Special committee - Josh

And finally, Teacher Jen will be back (hopefully) and we will proceed with the GREEN MOVEMENT debate.   So don't forget to come full of passion for your side.

Thank YOU!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 8 - Initiatives and Party Debrief

We started class reviewing the gun initiatives found in the WA Voter Pamphlet.  A lot of you were very well versed in the current laws and the initiatives.   It was neat to see your feelings and discussion for both sides. Looking at the pros and cons of the initiatives was a great practice for future debates.  Speaking of debates, make sure you have your Green Movement debate ready if you have yet to present. 
The Halloween carnival was a great success!  Amazing effort and follow through on your part.  The debrief reminded us that we always need more TIME and COMMUNICATION.  Thank goodness we have another shot at this : )!

PLEASE be thinking about our school fundraiser.  We will be embarking on this VERY SOON as a school, so our planning has to happen THIS WEEK.  Think of some great incentives, advertising techniques and other sales ideas that will enhance this fundraiser.  YOU will get to decide how a portion of the money earned is spent for the school!  You will be leaving a legacy : )!!

Finally, think ahead to our Christmas party!  What are you envisioning?  What resources are available to us?  What do we need to accomplish NOW to make it happen?