Monday, September 29, 2014

Week 3

What a great class we had!  
 You should feel fully prepared to develop and carry out a debate of any topic to anyone or anywhere!
Hopefully, you have been brainstorming and/or researching the debate topic for this week.
  "Would the world be more peaceful if each religion had its own continent?"  Such a thought provoking subject.  We can't wait to hear what streams forth from your stately mouths.

Have you thought about what "code of ethics or virtues" you want to develop for yourself?  Remember great leaders inspire through their actions and character.  NOW is the time to work on and develop the character YOU strive to have and that will complement your WHY.  And the character others will want to follow.  These lists will be discussed next week during class.  (October 9)  With extra time, we expect great things : ).  Inspire US!!!

Also, for all you members of the acclaimed Red Tie Club, don't forget to read the constitution and fill out your section of the bylaws.  Such an inspiring organization needs a strong and valiant constitution!  Wouldn't you agree?

RECAP - Great discussion and class last Thursday
          -Ready yourselves for the upcoming debate happening THIS Thursday (October 2)
          -Prepare a thought provoking short list of "virtues" you want to develop in your character to further inspire others to follow you (DUE October 9)
          -Read the constitution and fill out your section of the bylaws DUE October 2 (this Thursday)

"Never leave that till to-morrow which you can do to-day." - Benjamin Franklin

See you Thursday!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week 2

Have you been trying to pinpoint your parent's energy?  Are they Type 1 or Type 3?
Hopefully, you have already determined your main energy type and are using your new info to "get along" with others.

What a great bundle of info Teacher Christy shared with us!  We want to put this info to work as we further develop our leadership skills.
A great leader understands their team and how to best utilize their strengths and help with their weaknesses!  Keep this in mind as we begin to
plan, develop and carry out our future projects.

Don't forget to do your homework!  Genevieve has promised an AWESOME reward to those who complete all assignments.  We will be discussing
your answers and thoughts this Thursday. 

Please, try to watch the movie Miracle.  It is GOOD!!!  I promise!

Also,  plan to DEBATE the first hour!!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Great first class.

HOMEWORK:  Fill out your GOLDEN CIRCLE!  Develop your personal WHY!   Why should YOU be on a "student council" that LEADS co-op?  Be prepared to give an informal speech about your WHY, HOWS and WHATS during the next class.

Also, if you get the chance please watch the movie, MiracleMiracle (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It will give you some insight into a future discussion.
Miracle (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Miracle is a 2004 American sports docudrama about the United States men's hockey team, led by head coach Herb Brooks, that won the gold medal in the 1980 Winter...
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and OBSERVE, OBSERVE, OBSERVE leaders around you.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.

If you want to watch the TED talk we "viewed".....